Solid State Live Discussion

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zulu principle2 09 Jun 2015

results tomorrow Should be good results.Just over 2 months ago it came out with a trading statement.Profit before taxation for the year ended 31 March is expected to be at least in line with market expectations.So it all depends if it can beat forecasts. If it does then hopefully a move upwards

zulu principle2 16 Mar 2015

Bought today at £6.73 Been keeping an eye on this one and cant see a reason for todays drop but bought a few.

zulu principle2 14 Jan 2015

Sold Today SOLID STATEShare has dropped from a peak of £8.60 to £7.35, a drop of 15% and stop loss has been triggered. I should have sold today and could have had a few extra % but only a minor error.I I still come away with a 32% Profit. This I will keep a close eye on for new entry point when it start to go up again.

city watcher 11 Dec 2014

Today's Dip For those who are not aware- Solid State's share price reached 20 times + higher than it was 5 years ago. Now that's an impressive rise but due to today's market gloom it's bound to eventually drop. So buy with caution on big dips but only in small tranches unless you can risk it. Gr8 saying about what goes up etc.

zulu principle2 10 Dec 2014

HARGREAVE HALE increase their holding HARGREAVE HALE increase their holding in Solid State by 399,200 sharesSee what I look for when buying a stock at[link] follow me on Twitter@GrowthStocksUK

zulu principle2 05 Dec 2014

Topped up Topped up this weekBased on 8.252015 EPS Forecast 29.70p EPS Growth 11.7% PER 27.8 PEG 2.38 2016 EPS Forecast 54.50p EPS Growth 83.5% PER 15.1 PEG 0.182015 PER & PEG are high but 2015 year end is March so focus will then be on 2016.For 2016 both PEG & PER look good value with 83% growth forecast

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