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onedb1 23 Apr 2018

Copper looking strong I know the mine is not into production but value in the ground is nevertheless tangible and with a good Copper price looking quite bullish to me other copper miners balance sheets will look stronger. Solgold is lagging IMO

Diggin4gold 20 Apr 2018

Recent Presentation [link]

dickie3times 19 Apr 2018

is LSE down...? Anyone know..can't get on LSE

Charlie56 19 Apr 2018

Re: Imminent in my view Well I admit that I don't know everything.....Seems like the main point of this board is to denigrate posts and posters. What I have said is true but really I cant be bothered. Work it out yourselves.

nicname 19 Apr 2018

Re: Imminent in my view Charlie 56 - says'Don't know why/how trades are put through before the market opens, nor what that means. Are they internal crosses? Shares moving from one fund to another within same manager?'But in the previous posts says -'As for my background; commodities, equities, hedge funds, oil & gas and finance. 'Srikes me as a little peculiar that - I would have thought that anyone with a background like Charlie's should know quite a lot about the machinations of the Stock Market and how it works. H'm!!

Charlie56 19 Apr 2018

Re: Imminent in my view No probs, I thought I was going mad......HL only show one trade of 1.7myn shares going through at 0744. Total vol today of 2myn. Don't know why/how trades are put through before the market opens, nor what that means. Are they internal crosses? Shares moving from one fund to another within same manager?

Charlie56 19 Apr 2018

Re: Imminent in my view 200p is just a number, nothing should be read into it, other than its roughly ten times the low (and that is equally meaningless). But everyone who invests in anything should have a plan. So what is achievable and what isn't. My gut feeling is that over a £, it gets really difficult, almost regardless of the asset. The cheque just gets too big for something in the ground, that hasn't been mined let alone brought to market. I would be delighted to be proved wrong.As for my background; commodities, equities, hedge funds, oil & gas and finance. One thing is for certain, you will get your 32p before anyone gets their 100p!!!All imho of course....

Seagull2 19 Apr 2018

Re: Imminent in my view Apologies your correct, 17 million is abot 1%

Charlie56 19 Apr 2018

Re: Imminent in my view Hi Seagull,Maybe there is a problem with the formatting, but with 1.7byn shares o/s, I don't see how this adds up to 3-4%. 3% is 51 million shares.

Seagull2 19 Apr 2018

Question re share price manipulation Can someone please advise if an order is being worked in the background to pick up millions of shares on the cheap and the broker working the order sells a few hundres thousand here and there on the market which suppresses the price , is that classed a share price manipulation and what are the penalties ? My suspicion is that is what may be happening here rightly or wrongly. Any views clarification welcome.Thanks in advanceSeagull

Hub 19 Apr 2018

Re: Imminent in my view Solgold have been going a while now and today's assets/story is at the right time with commodities coming out of a bear market and entering a bull phase.In simple terms, SOLG are moving at a pace and there is an obvious reason for that. It's the old adage of race against time... once they get past Tier 1 status they will become prey to the big boys like BHP, Glencore and others.Glencore could spend 2 billion on SOLG today and make 5 times that amount back over a decade or two.The numbers are compelling and just getting bigger by the day. I think phone will be ringing soon, but do not think SOLG team will pick up the calls until at least Q4 2018.The capital raise last Nov via syndicated banks was drag as mentioned many times before. But that should be sorted by now and any loose stock snapped up.In a commodity friendly market, SOLG should not take long to get back into the 30's from here. A strong updated MRE would certainly provide the catalysts for a move into the 40's and set tongues wagging across the industry...imho.HUB

onedb1 19 Apr 2018

Re: Imminent in my view Hi Charlie Just a quick note as I noticed you referenced 200p a few times . Just for clarity I have never suggested nor posted 200p target here . Just in case there is a misunderstanding . At any rate being critical has kept me alive too. I for sure have no mining background but have a qualified say in Technical Analysis. As that is what am qualified in. So for now achieving 32p is my near term expectation.

Seagull2 19 Apr 2018

Re: Imminent in my view Shows up on trades here this morning 07:45:59 25.55 1,797,507 459,26307:44:47 25.55 1,797,507 459,26307:44:13 25.55 1,797,507 459,26307:16:36 0.2555 444,869 1,137

Charlie56 19 Apr 2018

Re: Imminent in my view Seagull. I calc it as 0.10% was bought before opening. Where are you seeing so much higher volume?

Charlie56 19 Apr 2018

Re: Imminent in my view Many thanks for your response. I agree with you about coal and especially Africa. Ecuador might be good at the moment, but we would rather it was good when they try and sell the stuff and make profits. Our opinions are usually based on experiences so my thoughts are affected by them. Also I rarely post positive things about the stocks I own. I would rather flag up what I see as 'issues' and let others rebut them, so that I learn something! Another issue that I have is that by the time they start mining (assuming they keep the asset that long), there might be 2byn shares in issue. How many discoveries are worth £4byn? I would guess not many, so 200p seems a stretch imo.Does anyone know whether the company do investor meetings in London that we can attend?I have no idea who knows more about mining etc etc, and that is one of the problems about these boards. No quality control!!!
