SolGold Forum

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17:13 21/05/2014

Don't want to sound like a deramper but does SolGold have a target date when they pull up stakes and leave Ecuador? How long can a junior miner keep on drill explore holes without success?

13:52 21/05/2014

Thank you what a price roll on 2017.

11:07 13/05/2014

most boring same drivel.fellas we months away from 10p we are range bound.i for one hold a huge position in solg.2017 is our payday

09:21 13/05/2014

buyers sellers all in a days long term thats payday time....

09:31 10/05/2014

i would advise all long termers to load up.i readup theres some intrest forming regards news regards mining its there in b/w if you research

18:39 07/05/2014

sorry blummin mobile txt.sorry what i mean i want to speak to mr lizzard from solg bb lse i dont do lse too many ill informed morons.anybody pass on my regards too lizard and ask him to come on here for a small chat.thanks..toddy

18:36 07/05/2014

hello any lse dolg arnd to aask ask lizzard chip i wanna talk to that fella lse too many idiots to get into a deep chat cheers

14:04 07/05/2014

SolGold, nor any other junior miner, can keep exploring forever. Does anyone hazard to guess if SolGold has an endgame date in mind? Typically, how long do junior miners keep exploring?

14:55 05/05/2014

Thank you very much Geopec for the explanations and it seems that SOL is handling the drilling in the right way and corrects as more info becomes available; excelente point for buying imo!

12:27 02/05/2014

Solgold has missed an opportunity to keep quiet; these kind of updates do more harm thgan good imo. All the basics are still in place and now we have to wait for assay results.