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doc-lee 11 Feb 2015

Glimmer of Hope??? I presume (?hope?) that this relates to Synairgen!!Daily Mail, 10th February[start]WATCH THIS SPACEAnti-viral drug for asthma, flu and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), available for patients on a clinical trial this year.Doctors have developed a drug they claim will help reduce the number of people hospitalised with asthma and COPD, and reduce the number of deaths from flu.Viral infections are triggers of asthma and worsen symptoms of COPD, an umbrella term for conditions such as chronic bronchitis and wmphysema.The drug, taken in an inhaler, contains a synthetic version of interferon-beta.This anti-viral substance is produced by the cells that line the lungs to ward off infections. In people with asthma, these cells produce only a third of the amount as in healthy people. "The drug has the potential to be one of the biggest breakthroughs in asthma treatment in the past 20 years", says Leanne Metcalf of Asthma UK. "It could reduce hopsital admissions and deaths." [end]

littleowl1981 27 Jan 2015

Re: Kiss of Death Red Hot Penny Shares, it's a tip sheet. As good a place to start as any if you are looking for something to research.

hengeo007 27 Jan 2015

Re: Kiss of Death Sorry, what is RHPS?

LEA SERP 12 Jan 2015

Kiss of Death I see SNG recommended in latest RHPS...............................................

doc-lee 29 Dec 2014

Re: Woeful To me the science sounds right and this feeling is supported by the trials carried out so far. Of course, it has to run a whole gamut of further clinical testing before it is given the green light and, as Willow says, that might take several (?how many?) years. Accordingly, don't look to this share for a slow and steady growth in SP, rather look for a somewhat infrequent series of ups-&-downs as good news is followed by no news.I hope I live long enough to see it come into general use as it is (as far as I know) the only medication of its kind and there is a large population out there who would benefit from it if it proves the success that I think it will be (crosses fingers and touches wood).PS Just because I mention my own mortality, don't think that I think the timescale is in decades... it's just that I'm already past the sell-by date.

Willow67 29 Dec 2014

Re: Woeful I guess this is the relevant line from their results annouced at the end of Sept: "In 2015 AstraZeneca will commence a Phase II trial in asthma, focussed on the type of patient who benefited most from inhaled IFN-beta in Synairgen's Phase II trial". It feels to me the commercialisation of IF-beta is some way off still and by no means guaranteed. Holders are going to need to be very patient here and the SP is clearly going to hinge on signs that AZN are taking the drug forward. I am cleansing my portfolio of some blue sky stocks so this has to go as part of that exercise. Good luck all.

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