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charlie51 12 Oct 2016

FWIW View from finn (I have no comment to add): Synairgen has announced this morning that AstraZeneca has decided to stop the Phase IIa trial for AZD9412 due to an unusually low number of subjects developing severe exacerbations in both arms of the trial. This decision is sensible, in our opinion, given that the patient numbers required to chase this primary endpoint would most probably not be cost effective. We note the inadvertent de-risking of AZD9412 in that positive safety and tolerability data was once again demonstrated. AstraZeneca goes on to state that AZD9412 remains an interesting programme and that it is now re-evaluating the study design. We make no changes to our forecasts at this time and reiterate our 137p price target based on the intrinsic value within both AZD9412 and the current LOXL2 early-stage programme with Pharmaxis.

doc-lee 11 Aug 2016

Re: Fincap target 127p price 36p ... and the higher the better!!

coldascheese 11 Aug 2016

Re: Fincap target 127p price 36p Nice to see a move upWould repeat.This is Fincap target price-also to note-Woodford now 22% & Richard griffiths 10%These two holders increased their stakes in November-both are very good stock pickers so they expect this to fly some time this year

coldascheese 25 Apr 2016

Re: Fincap target 127p price 36p Should have put Buy Not Sell in header-pushed wrong button -whoops.

charlie51 25 Apr 2016

Re: Fincap target 127p price 36p Do you really mean Strong Sell? Volumes have been increasing encouragingly since early March - along with SP. The endorsement through his new holding of just over 3% by Leonard Licht will not have hurt sentiment - he is a genuine heavyweight. This share has promised in the past and failed, here's hoping to success this time. It is ludicrously low relative to potential and Q1 2017 is not that far way.

coldascheese 25 Apr 2016

Fincap target 127p price 36p Lots of buying today-looks like stake building by someone.

coldascheese 04 Jan 2016

Woodford now 22% & Richard griffiths 10% Woodford now 22% & Richard griffiths 10%These two holders increased their stakes in November-both are very good stock pickers so they expect this to fly some time this year-have bought a small stake-awaiting news of their Asra Zenneca trials etc

doc-lee 12 Nov 2015

Directors' Buys Them that ought to know something have increased their stakes handsomely.I hope that signifies good news in the pipeline soonish (touch wood)?

Ambiorix1 19 Jun 2015

Re: Griffiths adds Richard Griffiths is by all standards one of the best informed private investors of the UK. He also owns more than 9% in SBS (among severval other holdings). Bottom up investor.Ambiorix.

charlie51 04 Jun 2015

Griffiths adds No idea who he is, but he has a lot more dosh than I am blessed with and has added another 2M or so shares to his holding. Hopefully, a good sign for holders of this rather depressing stock....

Ambiorix1 08 Mar 2015

Up we go...anyway Synairgen‘s stock had its “buy” rating reiterated by analysts at N+1 Singer in a research report issued to clients and investors on Tuesday. They currently have a 49 p target price on the stock. N+1 Singer’s price objective indicates a potential upside of 64.43% from the company’s price on Tuesday.Separately, analysts at FinnCap reiterated an even stronger rating and set a 108 p price target on shares of Synairgen plc in a research note on Tuesday.Richard Griffiths seems particularly convinced.Ambiorix.

doc-lee 06 Mar 2015

Re: Are we now on the up? Oh Dear!!!Now you've done it.... You've sounded optimistic and now the SP will plunge to the very depths of purgatory (or even beyond).

charlie51 05 Mar 2015

Are we now on the up? Maybe, just maybe, we have passed the worst and the sunlit uplands of a rising SP will reward those stoic enough to last a very testing course...

doc-lee 12 Feb 2015

Re: Glimmer of Hope??? Today's RNS must be a vote of confidence in that Neil Woodford's stake in SNG has crossed the 20% mark from his previous holding of 19%.Perhaps he read the Daily Mail article as well (NOT)!

charlie51 12 Feb 2015

Re: Glimmer of Hope??? One can but hope........certainly looks like it is the Synairgen/AZN collaboration. Doesn't unfortunately appear to have done anything for the quite desperate state of the SP.

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