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alltold9 14 Feb 2017

Re: Dipped my toes with 6179 so here's to the 140p party!!! Thanks for the tip 'disorder'. Have a good day.

Disorder 14 Feb 2017

Through the 26p level and should be clear skies to 40p mark.(Pre-AZ news)

Disorder 13 Feb 2017

Re: Starting to move Wondering when the next RNS holding notification will come.Trade volumes extremely low still.Update has to be due at any time as well.Very exciting times.

high blood pressure1 13 Feb 2017

Starting to move Nice big jump today

Disorder 13 Feb 2017

Re: LOXL2 Update [link] lead optimisation work of the chemistry teamis complete. Pharmaxis is now working with itscollaborator, UK biotechnology companySynairgen plc (LSE: SNG) to progress the drugcandidates into the clinic. One drug has almostfinished 28 day GLP toxicology studies while asecond drug will start in a couple of weeks. Ouraim is to be phase 1 ready with one or morecompounds by mid‐2017.Pharmaxis and Synairgen at JP MorganThe Pharmaxis CEO Gary Phillips and hiscounterpart at our UK collaborator Synairgen plc,Richard Marsden, met with a number of largepharmaceutical companies attending the 2017 JPMorgan Conference held each January in SanFrancisco.The role of LOXL2 in fibrotic diseasessuch as NASH and pulmonary fibrosis continues tobe of significant interest to many large companiesand they were very keen to understand ourscientific progress and timing of plannedpartnering.

Disorder 12 Feb 2017

LOXL2 Update We knew clinical trials were starting 2017, didnt realise that so much progress had actually been made.Kind of slipped under the radar a bit. LOXL2 updatePharmaxis is targeting LOXL2 to reduce fibrosis in diseases such as NASH, pulmonary fibrosis and kidney fibrosis.Together with its U.K. collaborator Synairgen, Pharmaxis has selected two lead compounds which have now commenced preclinical toxicology studies.This means that the discovery phase has been completed and the two candidates have cleared all of the necessary pre‐clinical tests.The toxicology studies started recently are the last step before commencement of human phase 1 clinical studies scheduled for the second half of 2017.Pharmaxis intends to partner these drugs after phase 1 trials and this latest advance was met with great interest by representatives of the many large pharmaceutical companies attending the recent JP Morgan conference in San Francisco.

Disorder 12 Feb 2017

A company does not attract investors of the calibre ofLeonard Licht, Richard Griffiths, for no reason.Added to the declared client holding at Woodford and you are pretty well clsoe to 40% of issued stock immediately being off the table.Then add that to other notable holdings and you are immediately well above the 50% mark.Everything about SNG screams buy.

Disorder 11 Feb 2017

When it Pops, it will POP When Astra announced the halting of trials the sp was around 40p.The targets of £1.37 were still relatively fresh at the time, so thoughts were of a multibagger from 40pIt was announced at a time in the markets of doom, gloom and lower oil prices abound. UK leaving the EU and the aftermath of Osborne's and Cameron's lies about Armageddon.A few small sells and the market walks it down so aggressively that no one can buy more than a few thousand shares.Since the overly aggressive markdown Griffiths has actually acquired more..(If anyone knows a good thing it will be him!!!)Yesterday we witnessed another spurt of share buying.Another holding declaration on the way?Listen to the interview after the trial cessation...It was perceived as bad news, because it suited the market.Good news is abound and the database is the truer value of SNG.[link]

Disorder 10 Feb 2017

Re: GRIFFITHS buying more. Another bout of stock accumulation??????Still a long way off £1.37 broker target.

Disorder 19 Jan 2017

Re: GRIFFITHS buying more. Nice to see a little more interest in the stock, if for no other reason than it stops the market over reacting if someone wishes to sell a few shares.This was so ruthlessly marked down prior to Griffiths adding more.Still a long way off of broker target of £1.37My Opinion = Strong Buy

Disorder 17 Jan 2017

GRIFFITHS buying more. Follow the smart money.Clearly sees massive value.That in itself is a reason to buy.

Disorder 17 Jan 2017

Interest. Still muted interest and total trades still less than 1/2milWalked down over the months much to viciously.A slight market correction underway, but still a long way to go to be anywhere near broker forecasts.My Opinion = Strong Buy

Disorder 16 Jan 2017

Reiterated £1.37 Price Target Synairgen had its “Corporate” rating reiterated by analysts at FinnCap. They now have a GBP 137.00p price target on the stock.The share price of Synairgen (LON:SNG) was down -3.03% during the last session with a day high of 17.00. 382457 shares were traded during the last trading session.The stock’s 50 day moving average is 14.42 and its 200 day moving average is 24.92. The stock’s market capitalization is 15.30M. Synairgen

Disorder 16 Jan 2017

10 Bagger With the broker forecasts still in place, the rise from the recent lows of 13p equate to a very real broker belief that this will 10 bag.If it does then it will provide many an opportunity to improve their wealth.£10k makes £100k I think most people would actually be happy with doubling their cash truth be told.My Opinion = Strong Buy

Oofy Prosser 12 Oct 2016

Re: FWIW -33% seems a massive overreaction to me. Ok it is not good news, but it is not as if they have scrapped the project.I will watch, wait and hold.Best,OP.

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