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The Duckie of Cornwall 16 Feb 2017

Re: Interest. Curios logic; sound trading involves locking in profits by selling some at certain stages as any share and I do mean any share even a top FTSE company can drop. If you want to have a go at someone, and it's not really a nice thing to do, then use a sound argument and sorry if I am now having a go at you.SWALK

botmzup 16 Feb 2017

Re: Interest. Ha ha ha, there you go, you`ve been found out so you`re quickly taking some profits, ha ha ha!What did I say folks, this guy is playing people like a fiddle....fiddle being the operative word!So you sold 50k shares, so what happened to the clear skies to 40p, what happened to... `A company does not attract investors of the calibre ofLeonard Licht, Richard Griffiths, for no reason.`?What happened to....Everything about SNG screams buy? What happened to the £1.37 broker target?What happened to the 10 bagger?What happened to `My opinion, Strong buy`?So why would you sell???????He`s a ramping trader guys, do your own research on him/her before taking his/her advice, afterall he/she`s not taking that same advice!!

high blood pressure1 16 Feb 2017

Re: Interest. No it's not ok as you've tanked the share price!Buy them back immediately!!!

The Duckie of Cornwall 16 Feb 2017

Re: Interest. No it's not OK with me; you'll give the market the wrong impression! Stop deramping!Enjoy Guildford (if that's possible).

Disorder 16 Feb 2017

Interest. Clearly attracted a couple of folk who claim i am a ramper, so in order of transparency i just top sliced 50000 shares.Still hold 250k.Decided to lock a bit of profit.Hope that is ok by you?

Disorder 16 Feb 2017

Re: Beware of Disorder...fake! Brilliant....You couldnt make it up...I am a fake.I push SNGI push VOGI dont tend to push GKP because i am actually down about 80%on that, holding circa £287k shares (cost to me)SNG... hmmmmmm. I pop into the Style on an occaisional Friday afternoon.You know the style... on the corner of burgess road on the uni campus.If you had something to say abot SNG that didnt make it the screaming buy it is, then i would maybe give your warning some credibility.Maybe Richard Griffiths who recently increased his stake in SNG to 11% was taken in by me? LolMaybe the buy recs for VOG have also been in vain, and amongst other things the analysts putting a £1.70 target were also taken in by me?Then my latest... "MWG" MODERN WATER...... i promote that from this week as a very strong buy.Guess what? I am driving up to Guildford at 10amI take my investing very seriously.Maybe you could do the same instead of looking for conspiracy theories.Maybe you could even buy some MWG??? But then again, maybe not.

botmzup 15 Feb 2017

Re: Beware of Disorder...fake! garyob, yeah I did wonder that when I read that alltold9 had `taken his advice` over on the GRPH board. They also pair up on other discussions, look at their history.Duckie, believe it or not there are some dumb enough to fall for this ramping malarky and it has been known to have a significant effect. Why do you think Disorder`s first post on here was two weeks ago, just when the price started moving, with `10 x Bagger`?They must trawl oversold shares for their targets and feed on the greed of a quick buck, lets see how long he/she/they keep on posting on SNG!

The Duckie of Cornwall 15 Feb 2017

Re: Beware of Disorder...fake! Hi Guys,I bought some of these shares a while back so happy for someone to ramp if it pushes the price up; however I really doubt anyone will buy based on the back of a few posts by someone they do not know nor will the price be affected by the occasional bullish post.Do your own thing but I appreciate the concern.Cheers

garyob 15 Feb 2017

Re: Beware of Disorder...fake! He's in cahoots with alltold9. I have already given the heads up on the VOG board.

botmzup 15 Feb 2017

Beware of Disorder...fake! A raging ramper who`s just started posting on here in the last two weeks with claims of `10 x bagger`, and then posting relentlessly, they`re not difficult to spot.He/she has also been over on the GRPH board trying to over ramp SNG to get people to sell over there and buy here claiming to have been in SNG for `an age`! So why has he/she only just started posting on SNG? Its because of the recent spike from the all time low/long term support and as soon as its over they will be long gone.Beware of fake rampers.Disorder, there`s a message for you over on the GRPH discussion.

The Duckie of Cornwall 15 Feb 2017

Re: Volume Hi Disorder - I don't mind OT if either informative or funny; hate bickering slagging off peoples posts for the sake of it and people can make their own mind up about whether someone is pumping something or not.Thanks for your views and I will research in due course but not looking to over invest in AIM, heavily invested in the US following Brexit and increase since Trump elected as I might not like the guy but the market does; however am keeping a close watch for downward correction.

Disorder 15 Feb 2017

Re: Volume Some people hate off topic posts.I however quite like them if they are substantianted and stocks i can verify relatively easilly.MWG is I believe such a stock.I have recently bought some MWGModern water.Having fulfilled some extensive research into the company I have formed the opinion that it is extremely well placed to start benefitting from some (if not all) of its offerings.That, along with zero debt and costs under control it offers an excellent opportunity to benefit from some very decent rises.A bit like VOG and certainly like SNG (Which by the way has now passed 30p from the 13p level I originallty said it was worth investigating.Of course if others do research MWG and decide to get in then expect the sp to rise.If they then decide to top slice profit expect it to retrace a little.Some will consider this pumping, some will consider it a nudge in the right deirection with the ultimate decision on whether to buy or not there own choice.I have acquired 500,000 MWG at prices ranging £0.0585 to £0.622

The Duckie of Cornwall 15 Feb 2017

Re: Volume That'll be my purchases!

markednmbr1 15 Feb 2017

Volume I've not been watching this share long, but the Volume going through over the last few days is easily 5 x the normal. Where is all this interest coming from?Was the share massively oversold or is there some news on the way?There hasn't been any holdings rns recently so if someone is building a position they are still actively buying it up. They must be confident!

Disorder 15 Feb 2017

Update Each day passing is a day closer to LOXL2 updates.Further holding notification?Further commisions?Increased daily volume will soon have the sp climbing to above pre AZ news.As with many small caps, it was aggresively walked down.The folk walking it down dont know or understand the markets stock operate in, they merely trade numbers...

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