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botmzup 17 Feb 2017

Disorder-last post First of all apologies to those on here who have had enough, this is my last post.You couldn`t make it up, here`s a liberty taking serial ramper who doesn`t give a rats arris about where he/she spouts his/her message, to the point of the extreme audacity of posting replies in this exchange over on the very same discussion that he/she first incited this row when he/she gatecrashed it with his/her rambling blog about his/her own reasons for buying a completely different company!!Wait, there`s more, he/she posts a reply over on the GRPH site yesterday and finishes it by saying this....`Can we take this to another forum, as it really is very selfish of us both to clutter what was otherwise a decent bb. I will meet you on GRPH instead`. This just goes to prove what a narcissistic bore this person is, to think that they can control this situation to the point of dictating where we continue it!!! But not only that, we continue it away from any site that he/she considers worthy of not boring its participants to death and instead take it back over to the site he/she gatecrashed in the first place... and where he/she has no financial interest!!! Unbelievable!!I bet this clown could visit any busy pub in Guildford and be the most irritating narcissist at any one of them. I`ve had a gut full of this self deluded clown, I`ve made my point, shown him/her for what they are, and the best way to deal with a narcissist is to ignore them, so that's what I`m going to do.YOU ARE ON IGNORE!!!

high blood pressure1 16 Feb 2017

Re: Interest. The fact is the share price has risen 10p or more in this time so what's the beef chief?

Prezza 16 Feb 2017

Re: Interest. Botmzup Oh Oh yawn

botmzup 16 Feb 2017

Re: Interest. Botmzup Me me me me me!Ooh I detect she`s got her knickers in a twist, splendid.Thanks for letting the world know how tremendous you are, you should run for `President and legend in your own mind`!You got me curious too, about my `one` wrong site ramp, and even though I still can`t find it, or the date of it, I`m thinking it must have been well back in 2015 when the price was being held back with the overhang. So that would have made my `one` offsite ramp share price more like 6-7p.So the profit now moves up to ~200%!!Wow, I didn`t realise I was so good!Kisses!

Disorder 16 Feb 2017

Re: Interest. Botmzup Congratulations botmzup.It was a game i knew you would win.Yes indeed, the O/T ramping post was indeed made by yourself.And, yes the "no news must mean an offer is coming" was also made by you.Do i detect a hint of hostility? There there...Not a savvy investor who mocks others and "trades" so effectively and efficiently as yourself.Hanging those teabags on the wall...Now, put your time to better use and go clean your bedroom, or maybe open up web pages and research a stock.I dont crow about my winnings, as its likely i have a loser for everyone i win on.I do however have a portfolio where half of my holdings are effectively free.13p to 25p for Sng in 2 weeks.33p to 55p for vog in 2 weeksWhat for MWG?? 6p to what in 2 weeksHolding loads of others, some like nipt, gkp, ash at massive loss.Others like blvn as a newish holder at small profit.Tend to buy and hold rather than rampity ramp and trade like yourself.What you researching tonight?My suggestion is MWG...See you over there you little keyboard warrior you.

botmzup 16 Feb 2017

Re: Interest. Well, just got back and loving the rambling tantrums, excellent.Here`s a cocky clown who thinks he can talk his way into or out of anything, typical cockney shyster possibly?Wow I`m flattered that you bothered to trawl all the way through my posting history to find one example of me `briefly` mentioning another company on a different discussion...and bingo, he found one, I bet you were dancing around your mirror almost ejaculating at that one, so let me put it in context for you.Lets play....`who`s the biggest ramper` shall we? Yeeaaahhh!This is my 824th post, and I can`t ever remember doing one `wrong site ramp`. But, you must have been there for an hour or so trawling and yippee you actually found one, well done you!Now let me so how long it would take me to find one from you...hhmmm, yes, actually I can find 7/8/9 I lost count the last week! VOG on SNG, SNG on SOLO, SNG on GRPH, BLVN on VOG, MWG on GRPH, MWG on SNG etc etc and you`ve got a total post count just past 200, so judging by your exceptional performance this week I would say that somewhere close to a third of all of your posts probably mention another companySo I think you win again, yippee! You are this website`s worst `wrong site ramper`. Now for the have won...............a virtual custard pie, right in your smug cocky mush!ps I made that one recommendation many months ago when OBT were probably (I cant even find it) 9p ish? Since then they have more than doubled with a high of 22p! ha ha ha, 100%+ profit, 100% success rate for wrong site ramping!!!!!YOU MUG!

Disorder 16 Feb 2017

Re: Interest. Give peas a ChanceIt was the damned chinese shop i asked for the translation....

The Duckie of Cornwall 16 Feb 2017

Re: Interest. sorry about typo ' not responsible' and not 'noteresponsible' - and it's true I am far from responsible.

The Duckie of Cornwall 16 Feb 2017

Re: Interest. Just got back in and seen the posts - hope I'm noteresponsible for this mini storm.Have a good day in Guildford.Give peas

Disorder 16 Feb 2017

Re: Interest. Oops.....Bad me.... conferance call 2pm now... look what you guys made me do... yes "MADE" me do, the exact same way i MAKE people buy...My game... lets add another dimension to it and ask...Who would be unscrupulous enough to suggest that on a rising share price, if the company does not release an rns regards said rise it must mean good news is on the way ?????Clue... same person who posts off topic tips...Here.....Its now coming up to 12:30 and they`ve said nothing!!That suggests that there is something in it.My guess is that there has been an approach but the BOD think that the company is worth more, along with plenty of other people including myself.So we wait for an update, they will have seen the massive volume over yesterday and today so will probably be meeting to decide how to respond.Interesting times for this company."Now, that is bad. Lol.... whatever way you try to dress that up, its naughty.... lol..No news must mean an offer for the company has been made...No prizes..... just for fun..... who was it?

Disorder 16 Feb 2017

Re: posting Quick ps: its a "HE" and from avatar clearly likes Joy Division..AE

Disorder 16 Feb 2017

Re: posting MWG...You in susanne?If you are not, then maybe do some research..Hey, it may fill your time better than being a keyboard warrior.Have a go on my game in the previous post...Got to go... i am late..Guildford.... thats the clue..Now, go buy some MWG... you know it makes sense.

Disorder 16 Feb 2017

Re: Interest. Wow.I have attraced my very own keyboard warrior.Did you get the significance of my mention of a meeting in guildford?I will assume not.I understand from your posts you dislike ot posts promoting other stocks?Particularly mine.Here is a quick game...(It will be quick, as i have a call scheduled for1pm about my meeting in Guildford)The game is... " who wrote this"?"If anyone is interested, there is a nice situation going on with Obtala Resources today, a long term big seller has finally gone, see RNS this morning.They are in Africa, an agricultural, farming fruit and veg, timber company with their own retail outlets and had some very promising developements recently.The price hasn`t really reacted to the end of overhang so might be a good one to have a look at, very strong expectations for this one.Appologies to those who don`t like off topics."Any ideas? Who could be posting off topic RAMPS?????Have a guess, and i will be back later with the answer.

susanne9 16 Feb 2017

posting He/she is over on MWG doing the same now.

botmzup 16 Feb 2017

Re: Interest. Not at all, you`re welcome to your opinion, but if you look at the amount of shouting from the rooftops this poster has been doing in the last couple of weeks then goes and sells, doesn`t it make you wonder why?I don`t believe anything `he` is saying, he was ramping the rise to the overbought resistance level purely to take a profit...nothing wrong with trading, I`m a trader myself, but I don`t scream buy trying to give others a false hope of multi baggers just to take them for mugs!No doubt in about a week he will be saying that he just bought 50k share again when the price is oversold down to the low 20p`s...rinse and repeat!DYOR

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