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marconiman 18 Mar 2017

Re: This is ridiculous ........ The FTSE is not a good indicator of the state of the UK economy for several reasons, some of which have been mentioned. Since Brexit the FTSE has risen considerably despite widespread fear of its effects on the economy. I don't think many people expected that, which shows what a hopeless task it is to predict the stock market. The world is far too complicated to predict.

investorprotestor 18 Mar 2017

Re: This is ridiculous ........ I bought their (SM) product in the UK.Also also Shell and BP make an insignificant part of their profits from UK retail sales through gas stations.

sage in the hills 18 Mar 2017

Re: This is ridiculous ........ From that point of view holland44, i agree entirely with you.......The point i make is that Shell and BP, or whoever, distribute and sell products at forecourts actually in the UK as well as other places across the world......Scottish Mortgage do not sell any products at any forecourts , pcs's, or smart phones, or stores in the UK or elsewhere........Amazon, Google, Apple all do .... but their profits are centralised in the USA almost exclusively.We, as Scottish Mortgage stock holders, merely pick up a share of what profit is left over........with no benefit to the UK or its economy.( We do spend our own money to buy their products....but that is a separate issue )SAGE

holland44 14 Mar 2017

Re: This is ridiculous ........ Sage - surely the same could be said about a large number of companies in the FTSE100? Shell and BP are global oil and gas and increasingly renewables companies. Glencore has almost nothing to do with the UK economy. They just have chosen to list themselves in London - and a good thing too. The FTSE100 now has little relevance if you are seeking to track the UK or Europe incl UK economies, and SMT being in it is just testimony to the success and size of the trust as an investment vehicle for mostly UK based savers.

sage in the hills 14 Mar 2017

This is ridiculous ........ ....... how does it make any sense that a wrapper containing USA and Chinese stocks ......... forms a major playing place in our UK FTSE100 ??? .....SAGE

II Editor 13 Mar 2017

NEW ARTICLE: Five 'high conviction' funds that bet against the crowd "Fund managers with the flexibility to go off-piste and run high-conviction portfolios stand to prosper in times like these.Investments in 'unconstrained' funds - those that pay no regard whatsoever to a benchmark when it comes to stock selection ..."[link]

II Editor 13 Feb 2017

NEW ARTICLE: Guru stock picks for your Isa: Templeton, Slater and Lynch "Kyle Caldwell sizes up the investment strategies of some of the greatest professional investors, and asks what we can learn from them.In the February issue of Money Observer, we ran through the investment philosophies of four of the greatest ..."[link]

Bowman 10 Feb 2017

Re: FTSE 100? xT,Currently there are two stocks (INTU, CPI) below the automatic exit level. This would mean that BAB and SMT should be the automatic replacements. However there is over a month to go before the change date so a lot can happen yet.The current sp trend is encouraging.

xTitanic 09 Feb 2017

Re: FTSE 100? +1

fletch2002 02 Feb 2017

Re: FTSE 100? Talk about the gift that keeps on giving ................ (I hope)

Ben Alligin 02 Feb 2017

FTSE 100? Is Scottish Mortgage heading for the FTSE 100? On an unofficial list from 31 January at [link] SMT was in 92nd place and was forecast to be promoted to the FTSE 100. Meanwhile, SMT continue to issue new shares, so the market cap is increasing even without any share price rise.An entry to the FTSE 100 would mean that tracker funds would have to buy SMT (if they aren't doing it already).

II Editor 11 Jan 2017

NEW ARTICLE: December's 10 most-bought trusts "LSE:SMT:Scottish Mortgage, one of our sister magazine Money Observer's prestigious Rated Funds, has made it 20 successive months as the most popular investment trust with clients of Interactive Investor.Investors made three times as many ..."[link]

red rose wizz 03 Dec 2016

Why drop? Seems to be dropping more than the footsie is it due to a strengthening pound does anyone have any idea

II Editor 01 Nov 2016

NEW ARTICLE: Why stockmarket crashes don't matter "I believe financial affairs can be arranged so that no matter whether there is a massive crash or stockmarkets power ahead, the ability to meet longer-run financial goals will be largely unaffected.How is this possible? The answer comes in three ..."[link]

valeite 16 Oct 2016

Re: Re: i'm concerned that SMT is trading at a small premium and can't afford a slip up in performance .....similar trusts are trading at a 10% discount .SMT's stable mate MONKS has a very good manager , charles plowden,and trades at a significant discount and i have moved some dosh from SMT to MNKS .it's all about spreading risk .i'm happier with 10 x 2k investments than 2 x10 k investments

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