Scottish Mortgage IT Live Discussion

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cimbom 30 Sep 2015

Re: bought It is unfortunate timing rather than getting it wrong. Following the turbulence in the markets I sold out at the first rally, sitting on 40% cash 30% bonds and 30% mostly UK but also global and property trusts. Now it is a matter of deciding when to get back in! Mid to late October or leave it as late as November! Good luck.

asand 30 Sep 2015

Re: bought Bought a bit later than you so i am down only about 11pc. However, though i cant resist checking the prices on a daily basis, i dont fret too much as i take a minimum 5yr horizon for each holding. Hoping that the price in 2020 will show an improvement providing i can keep out of a pine box by then.

Orchard Gate 29 Sep 2015

Re: bought Well, I certainly got that one wrong. Down nearly 15%.

Orchard Gate 29 May 2015

bought I bought 18,212 shares this morning (~ £50k) so expect the fantastic run this trust has had to come to a grinding halt from today!. One I wished I had bought a long time ago but not being a great believer in actively managed funds I held off but the cost (at 51 bps per year) is actually not much more than many passive funds and lower than some.

billjan 08 May 2015

Divi I think investors should accept that it is a growth/risky stock and dividends are a minor or insignificant part of the reason for investing in this IT. Face it you are taking a punt on the abilities of the investment team to continue to find big winners - they have been brilliant and I hope it continues but dividend versus shift in premium/discount is almost incidental.

cimbom 08 May 2015

Re: Scottish Mortgage needs to dip into ... Share price is on a premium and there has been all those new share issues, this is an investment vehicle on demand. I do however think that they should commit not to cut dividend. Inflation is already a well massaged figure by politicians anyway!

keirfamily 08 May 2015

Re: Scottish Mortgage needs to dip into rese... mildly disappointing, but it's always wise to take your foot off the accelerator when approaching troubles.I invested with SMT so they could make more money in the long term. not necessarily for them to hand it back to me early.

Ben Alligin 08 May 2015

Scottish Mortgage needs to dip into reserves to pay dividend Scottish Mortgage (SMT ), the top performing global investment trust, is proposing to dip into its reserves to pay this year’s final dividend of 1.55p per share.The £3.3 billion flagship fund of Edinburgh-based Baillie Gifford will seek shareholders’ approval at its annual general meeting in June to use 0.7p of the 4p per share of its revenue reserves.In the trust’s preliminary annual results released today chairman John Scott reminded investors that, while there was no immediate threat to the dividend, the fund’s ability to increase shareholder payments could be constrained in future as the reserves decrease.Last year SMT underlined its growth philosophy by removing the requirement for it to grow dividends in real terms above inflation. While the trust remains committed to growing dividends, increases can be below inflation.- See more at: [link]

II Editor 07 Apr 2015

NEW ARTICLE: March's 10 most-bought trusts "Baillie Gifford's LSE:SMT:Scottish Mortgage was the most-bought trust in March for the 14th consecutive month according to data from Interactive Investor.The Money Observer Rated Fund remains popular with retail investors due in part to a strong ..."[link]

Ben Alligin 24 Feb 2015

Profile of Scottish Mortgage There's a profile of Scottish Mortgage at:[link]

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