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marconiman 15 Oct 2016

Re: Re: [link]

blodon 13 Oct 2016

Re: Re: Yes, purely figurative. Nevertheless I reckon they dropped £86.5m on the day.. Illumina is at the bottom of its yearly trading range,having cost the whole US bio-sector to fall substantially. I recall James telling us at great length what a world beater this company was. I wonder if he still believes this is still the case. The market appears to be saturated with similar products. His track record is second to none and I will stick with him. Unfortunately you cant get them all right!

le vin est par 12 Oct 2016

Re: Most people will be too busy admiring the 30% share price gain in the past few months.Great spot on your part. Trust that is just a figurative sleepless night.

jim b-r 12 Oct 2016

Re: Illumina A 25% fall in the value of an asset that is 7.9% should correspond to a fall of around 2% in the NAV, which is what we are seeing. Sounds about right. And all the on back of Illumina trimming their third quarter revenues by just 3%. [link]

blodon 12 Oct 2016

I agree but the last time I looked Illumina was the second largest holding the company held (7.9%) worth in the region of $350m. Its a lot of money to lose in one day!!Its a great company, run by two fantastic fund managers, but it gave me a sleepless night.

marconiman 12 Oct 2016

Re: The NAV today is 336.7, down from 344.46 (2.25%). It might affect the share price eventually, but that is determined by supply and demand. How many people watch the NAV every day? Probably not many.

blodon 12 Oct 2016

Illumina one of the trusts largest holdings dropped approx 25% in New York last night,yet there is little or no movement in Smorts share price this morning. Have I missed something.

valeite 07 Oct 2016

6% uk /94% rest of world investment trust is a natural hedge against the weak £ .sooner or later though uk assets will come back into vogue because the are compelling value to countries with strong currencies .

II Editor 26 Sep 2016

NEW ARTICLE: A successful income portfolio for higher risk investors "Each month, our sister magazine Money Observer homes in on one of its 12 Model Portfolios, assessing its aims, the type of investor it may suit and how it's performed.This month Marina Gerner looks at Lima: growing income, higher risk.What are ..."[link]

valeite 21 Sep 2016

Re: NEW ARTICLE: I'm a DIY investor in m... top performer in the global sector (only beaten by lindsell train )....over 1/3/5 yrs .interesting portfolio

Charityman 21 Sep 2016

Re: NEW ARTICLE: I'm a DIY investor in m... Correction, it hasn't doubled - looked at wrong figure - whoops.But it has still made a good return.

Charityman 21 Sep 2016

Re: NEW ARTICLE: I'm a DIY investor in my 20... As a small investor I am delighted with my holding.I topped up in May 2015 and the SP has doubled since then.Happy bunny but wish I had bought more!

II Editor 20 Sep 2016

NEW ARTICLE: I'm a DIY investor in my 20s: the mistakes and lessons I have learnt "Three years ago I decided to get some "skin in the game" and open my first stocks and shares Isa account. As an investment journalist I felt it was important to align my interests with those of readers; but along the way I've learnt some lessons ..."[link]

II Editor 20 Sep 2016

NEW ARTICLE: I'm a DIY investor in my 20s: The mistakes and lessons I have learnt "  Three years ago I decided to get some "skin in the game" and open my first stocks and shares ISA account. As an investment journalist I felt it was important to align my interests with those of readers; but along the way I've learnt some ..."[link]

le vin est par 25 Aug 2016

Re: Why the drops It's up 20% in a month and a half and has dropped a tad as the FTSE has fallen the past few days. Unlikely to be significant. But I don't want to jinx it!

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