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EssentialInvestor 17 Nov 2015

Re: The Frustration of holding Smiths I would hope some costs can be taken out.Detection should be a sweat spot in the current climate,JC will be 2017 before any improvement imv.Have decided to buy just a small amount initially in case my longer termview on prospects is misplaced.

gamesinvestor 17 Nov 2015

Re: The Frustration of holding Smiths "Can the new CEO at last unlock the potential?" What do you think is the potential is Essential, and what is holding it back?I guess John Crane is a heavy weight, so that answers one part of the question, but what will suddenly change to make them sell more kit, as this update recorded a decline and numbers were supported by pension movements, which unfortunately like currencies they can easily swing back in the opposite direction.The border security does seem like a sensible possible up tick in the future business, is there anything else in there that isn't selling, that could or should be? Games

EssentialInvestor 17 Nov 2015

The Frustration of holding Smiths Is that many of us can see the value here and quality.Can the new CEO at last unlock the potential?, hopefully to a degree at least.

EssentialInvestor 17 Nov 2015

Re: : TJ I was tempted to add yesterday LK, usually happy going against consensus asthat is often where value is to be found, however have to admit that looking atthe recent SP I was just not brave enough to click buy.

Uncle Doug 17 Nov 2015

Good trading update Good trading update - I'm staying in here for the long term. SP currently at 1020 - where will it end the day?Post Paris, Beirut, Egypt etc., it looks like governments are going to be spending more on improving airport security. Also I expect Schengen is dead in the water and that Europe will be re-introducing border controls and many countries will be increasing their security at borders and ports. All points to more future orders for Smiths Detection, one of the leaders in this technology. I recommend having a look at their corporate website - one of the best in my opinion.

Ivorjay 17 Nov 2015

ARS ....................Seems to be an e missing'I believe there is clear potential to further improve our operational performance across the business'Well what do you think you are being paid for !It's not the talented people you need to consider, it's all the dead wood that has been allowed to fester over the past 20 years.Don't you think it says something about the Company when the highlight of the trading update is Pension related.Come on ARS lets do something dynamic.

LK Hyman 17 Nov 2015

Re: : TJ Essential,Fascinating that the new GKN bloke chose to announce the pension fund restructuring at the same time as the results. Many observers have said that the pension fund deficit (which has now been much reduced) was one of the main reasons why Bowman failed to do what he was hired to do.It's a long time since we had any good news from Smiths, but today is defo one of good news.LKH on the flybridge Halma done good today as well

EssentialInvestor 17 Nov 2015

Re: : TJ Market appears to like the update

EssentialInvestor 16 Nov 2015

Re: : TJ Drip drip down atm, update dude soon?.

Ivorjay 21 Oct 2015

Re: : TJ The answer is simple in the short term ...............................................Float off the Medical Group !( I just hope Mr Smith reads this )I'm not sure at this stage we need another raft of new senior executives, although it's obvious who have short comings, even to me !

trader jack 21 Oct 2015

Upgrade ?? Citigroup (NYSE: C - news) upgrades Smiths Group (Other OTC: SMGKF - news) to a "buy" rating as it believes its new boss can offer a fresh perspectiveA rating upgrade helped Smiths Group climb towards the top of the FTSE 100 this afternoon.Citigroup issued a bullish note on the engineering firm, lifting the stock’s rating to “buy”, as it believes the appointment of Andrew Reynolds Smith as the group’s chief executive in July will provide a “fresh perspective” to address the company’s corporate strategy.Shares (Berlin: DI6.BE - news) rose by as much as 3.3pc after Andrew Simms, of Citigroup, said a new chief executive would offer "the opportunity to perform a complete strategic review, analysing the group’s position in the new low growth environment and assess the portfolio and corporate strategy”.The bank believes Mr Reynolds Smith’s strength lies in his previous experience from his time at GKN (LSE: GKN.L - news) , where he lead the automotive business as it staged a sharp recovery from the financial crisis in 2009.Given his background, Citigroup said he had “the potential for a greater focus on operational excellence” to drive improvements at the FTSE 100 company.They reckon his predecessor, Philip Bowman, who joined Smiths in 2007, was unable to restructure the portfolio - as markets had expected him to do - because of the company's pension deficit.Citigroup says Mr Reynolds Smith will most likely focus on tackling the deficit, acquisitions or divestments, as well as the high turnover of senior management in certain divisions.The engineering background of the new boss also makes an immediate financial transaction or break-up of the group unlikely, according to Citigroup.An improved pension position and stability in its medical and detection divisions were also cited as reasons for the amended rating. * Smiths Group profits falter as it faces tough markets and falling oil price In recent times, the British company’s share price has been rocked by a slew of bearish broker notes.Only last week, Exane BNP Paribas said it was a case of “new inheritance; old legacy” when it came to the British company.They said Mr Bowman had inherited “a jumble of assets and legacy liabilities” when he joined in 2007. Although the market hoped he could release some “hidden value” by resolving legacy issues, eight years on when Mr Reynolds Smith took over, they argue that those issues remained unsolved.Exane BNP Paribas also said Smiths' two largest and most cash generative assets had worsened.Shares were 2.8pc higher at £10.19.

gamesinvestor 15 Oct 2015

Downgrade Oohps!![link]

II Editor 08 Oct 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Best industrial shares to buy now "Business has been worse than expected for global industrial firms. Spending cuts in the oil industry and less demand from the Chinese means fewer orders placed with suppliers of high-tech seals, pumps, gears, switches and other specialist parts. ..."[link]

Ivorjay 24 Sep 2015

PB Joined Smiths 10/12/2007 Share Price £10.70Left Smiths 24/09/2015 Share Price £ 9.70Well I don't think we'll be seeing him at the Chelsea Flower Show any time soon.Always promised Share holder value enhancement, achieved 'bl_lugger all'8 Years wasted, countless re-orgs, catchy slogan exercises, stupid corporate videos, wasteful company junkets, falling turnover etc etc, Now that's what I call a Legarsey.How much did we allow this joker to earn ! (earn that's probably the wrong word)

Ivorjay 24 Sep 2015

Re: : LKH and getting smaller.......................Thanks PB & good night !I just hope we're not liable for expenses incurred in going to the various garden centers !

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