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gamesinvestor 07 Jan 2016

Re: DoIdetect ""Do I detect some action sooner rather than later !"In the stock price, yes it's now below 9 and pushing a 5% divi, although everything else is looking just as sick today, not just Smiths.Are we in a bear market since last May -- as some are stating?My small entry here at 1000 went against my gut feel and I'm going to think very seriously about the state of my guts before taking any more rash decisions.FTSE at 5500 seems a possibility now - ouch!!Games - - Thank F I''m still 35% in cash - decisions decisions

LK Hyman 06 Jan 2016

Re: DoIdetect Ivorjay,"Do I detect some action sooner rather than later !"Erm .... no. There's no sign of action that I've seen. What have you detected? Summat to do with Detection?LKH at the LK Wash & Valet

Ivorjay 06 Jan 2016

DoIdetect Do I detect some action sooner rather than later !

LK Hyman 23 Nov 2015

Re: : Ess Ivorjay,"these wretched American ValueAct fellers"I see that the GKN feller has obviously told Jeffrey and the two birds to sling their hook. They've sold their stake in SMIN in order to concentrate on Rolls Royce.Obviously not all women are capable of multitasking.LKH on the flybridge happy to see the back of ValueAct

LK Hyman 20 Nov 2015

Re: : Ess Ivorjay,"Purchase price & timing remains a mystery though !"It's perfectly obvious. He couldn't buy until after the results were out. When they came out he was then permitted to deal and went in with his million spondoolies and got the shares at a perfectly reasonable price on the day.It couldn't be simpler.I just hope these wretched American ValueAct fellers don't distract him from doing whatever he needs to do to get these puppies flying again. I had a look at ValueAct apropos of their stake in Rolls Royce (as well as in SMIN) and was pretty underwhelmed, though the two birds in the team have each got a spectacular set of choppers and very nice hair. The men look pretty typical locusts to me. One of 'em's called Spivy ffs.LKH on the flybridge

Ivorjay 20 Nov 2015

Re: : Ess Purchase price & timing remains a mystery though !

Ivorjay 20 Nov 2015

Re: : Ess Proceeds from GKN share sale no doubt, may explain huge one off purchase.

EssentialInvestor 20 Nov 2015

Re: : Ess My own guess and it is just a guess is that around Q2 2016 may present attractive longer term entry prices to the sector.Some very nice opportunities next year is what I am hoping for.Off topic - nice day for TET.

gamesinvestor 20 Nov 2015

Re: : Ess "But £1 million is close to real money."And those were the days when a million pounds was a lorra lorra money!!Games -- hides spare million under carpet to avoid embarrassment of looking too poor!!

LK Hyman 20 Nov 2015

Re: : Ess Essential,"It's a 1 Million and 200k Buy, whether it's great timing I have no idea"And Sir Buckley chipped in for another £50k's worth, doubling his stake. You'd think that a big bonobo like him could of ponied up a bit more but, hey, every little helps.The GKN feller has stepped up to the plate nicely, though. One can often discount anything less than £50k as being just chump change that is reluctantly forked out when the CEO or Chairman tells the lads to play the white man and do their bit to reassure the punters. But £1 million is close to real money.LKH on the flybridge

EssentialInvestor 20 Nov 2015

Re: : Ess Well it does not matter whether he has got a golden hello or a golden anything else,he has put 1 Million in to the company.He did not need to do that, he could have made a token purchase.The pension news was surely material information, so I cannot see how directors couldhave dealt without the market being aware of that fact.It's a 1 Million and 200k Buy, whether it's great timing I have no idea,but in my book the CEO now has skin in the game, good for concentrating the mind IMV.

Ivorjay 20 Nov 2015

Re: : Ess That's what I saidHalf year period end 31 Jan (or there about), results published End of MarchFull Year period end 31 July (or there about), results published End of Sept. I think if I had £1 million to spend on SMIN, I would have purchased at a more advantageousprice, and probably not all in one go !Perhaps he got a Golden Hello !Baring in Mind this years profits are more skewed to the second half than before, the share price is likely to come under pressure within the next 3 to 4 months.Perhaps he's already got the rabbit in the hat !

EssentialInvestor 20 Nov 2015

Re: CEO puts his money where his month i... It was not just the CEO buying btw, another director purchased 20,000 shares at justunder 10,00 a share.

EssentialInvestor 20 Nov 2015

Re: : Ess No that is incorrect.On half year results the close period is from the relevant period end up to publication.

Ivorjay 20 Nov 2015

Re: : Ess I think you'll find the closed periods are Feb to Mar & Aug to Sept !& not Nov ?.

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