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gamesinvestor 15 Feb 2016

Re: R&D "pretty underwhelmed by that lot"moi aussi, mon ami!!I'm intenting to wait to see what the GKN waller has to say when he's figured out what Smiths means to his future career and paypacket, before piling more moular into it.Games -- sticking resolutely with just a mere 0.6% of his bung in the old dog!!

LK Hyman 11 Feb 2016

Re: R&D Games,"The CFO has just joined in September and ideas from bean counters are not generally a good match apart from stopping someone wasting money on a project that will never take off perhaps?"Worryingly I see that the abacus rattler has a beard though, on the plus side, he used to work for Shell though, back on the negative side, only for a few years so perhaps Shell threw him out on his ear."Bruno the frenchy is ex Astra Zeneca"Sounds like a macaroni to me ... Angelici - is that frenchy? Whatever!"At least Tanya whatsit has an engineering degree"Sounds a bit of a lightweight to me, m8. This is what she spends the rest of her time on:Non-executive director and member of the Audit Committee of Advanced Drainage Systems.Advanced Drainage Systems? What on earth ....?Then there's Pete Seeger (another ex GKN Johnny) and some remaindered Blighty civil servant feller.[link] on the flybridge pretty underwhelmed by that lot

Ivorjay 11 Feb 2016

Re: : Games Unfortunately off loading JC for a decent price now is far too late (then there's the asbestos claims/provisions to be taken into account).However the same does not apply to Detection & they could easily float the Medical Division off as a stand alone entity.As for R & D spend once again too little too late and often in the wrong areas at the wrong time,but % of revenue is irrelevant as a measure, especially when revenues are falling..

gamesinvestor 11 Feb 2016

R&D Looking through the Smiths numbers again - I must have been bored during that period.I noticed that Smiths isn't a big believer in R&D --- only 3.8% of it's revenue is invested back into R&D and 4% the year before -- It's going in the wrong direction. You need to get serious!!Now that 3.8% might be well targeted, but I'm not sure given the flat revenue's over 5 years. I can only assume there is a dearth of ideas amongst management, and looking at the board, they do look like a bunch of pay day lenders with a Frenchy on the board.George Buckley surprises me though, as he worked for 3M and they cracked innovation by pooling the employees ideas to come up with great products -- I wonder why it's not working at Smith's.It's a bit too early to judge the new CEO as he's only just become a CEO after his divisional work at GKN - jury is out.The CFO has just joined in September and ideas from bean counters are not generally a good match apart from stopping someone wasting money on a project that will never take off perhaps?Bruno the frenchy is ex Astra Zeneca, and he was responsible for most of it according to his brief. He obviously made a right horlick's of Astra and had to leave -- I'm soo glad to be out of Astra -- hang on what's his Astra experience got to do with advanced engineering anyhow -- why waste money on this guy?At least Tanya whatsit has an engineering degree - and worked at GE -- but she's a non-exec so maybe she can't be arxed to offer up ideas because she's only picking up £50K a year or summat.Anne Quinn is deep down under in NZ but has oily and forestry experience -- maybe she'll go when Smiths offloads John Crane (gross assumption on my part).There are two other non-execs but I'm running out of time.Games -- Maybe we should all think of some ideas and offer them up to Reynolds-Smith in return for a few free shares -- any takers on that?

Ivorjay 14 Jan 2016

Re: : LKH However, I don't think Ted 'The last of the Hill Billies' is the answer !Surely there's somebody else more suited within the ranks. More news to come before the quarter is out !

LK Hyman 14 Jan 2016

Farewell, Duncan! So, Duncan, the big bonobo at John Crane, departs "by mutual consent".Yeah, right!Andy should change his name to Macbeth in case anyone fails to get the analogy.Mr Market seems pleased anyhoo.LKH at the LK Wash & Valet

Ivorjay 11 Jan 2016

Re: : Games I'm not sure you are correct, but if you are I hope he's not so frivolous with the Company Even the rich hate losing money

gamesinvestor 10 Jan 2016

Re: : Games Ivor, " His own £1 million investment in SMIN not looking that good at present"It wasn't was it, but then again £1M is probably peanuts to this guy, and he probably needed to make that commitment to be a member of the club and the board were expecting it.Different league I suppose.Games

Ivorjay 08 Jan 2016

Re: : Games Provided the Footsie remains above 5,400 SMIN will not be allowed to fall to anything like £7Sum of all the parts and all that etc etcDon't forget we have the new man in charge and he sees potential, it's just a pity he is short sighted ............................... His own £1 million investment in SMIN not looking that good at present, I hope somebody is checking his expenses. But then again some corporate action is on the way, there's bargains to be had, after all it is the January sales !

FRTEB 08 Jan 2016

Re: : Games " If that happens, SMIN is heading toward 700p? --- grrrr " Well, I didn't like to say anything before, but my target is 770 - since 20/11/15 when I looked at this. I'd be happy to buy in at 700 instead...

gamesinvestor 08 Jan 2016

Re: : Games Ivor, good point, so you are working on the basis that they will not achieve anything like 76p, which would offer a 1.9X cover and that they will cut the divi of 41p to say 30p?If that happens, SMIN is heading toward 700p? --- grrrrGames -- all speculation of course.

Ivorjay 08 Jan 2016

Re: : Games PB(owman) - has no say anymore.The last final divi should have been cut under the guidelines set out by the company.

LK Hyman 07 Jan 2016

Re: DoIdetect Games,"Thank F I''m still 35% in cash"2% mesen LOL.LKH at the LK Wash & Valet actually it's prob'ly a bit more than 2% after today [gurns horribly]

gamesinvestor 07 Jan 2016

Re: : Games Ivor, Why would PB fill his boots prior to cutting the dividend?Surely he is likely to do so after the event, no?Projected EPS is 76p for this year to end July, which is down on 2015 at 86p but still pretty decent compared to a 41p payout?Games

Ivorjay 07 Jan 2016

Re: : Games You can rest assured now that PB has filled his boots, the divi will be cut this year ! as the profits will not allow it to be maintained.

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