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Hardboy 31 Jan 2018

Re: CMA "if we only get 10.75, theres no point hanging on here for 50p now from todays price"With the recent rise, even with the additional dividend we will get, it's getting closer to be true. Now, if the takeover goes through at 1075, and we have to wait 6 months to get out money, the gains from this point are equivalent to just under 5.5% p.a. Given that the takeover is not certain and the wait may be longer, it's getting to the stage of being worth bailing out now. But I'll set myself a slightly higher target.

Baker2005 29 Jan 2018

Re: Brokers Correct. But if the Fox - Sky bid fails, then as I understand it, Disney have stated they do not want to be forced to buy the 61% of Sky that they do not own as part of the Fox take over. Time will tell the truth I suppose.

Hopeful Investor 29 Jan 2018

Re: Brokers Disney wouldn't express anything to Sky. The takeovers currently being considered are that of Fox over Sky then Disney over Fox. If Disney expressed an interest in Sky it would be seen as a separate and rival bid to that of Fox. But, the Disney offer to Fox will take into account the value of Sky as part of that deal.

Baker2005 29 Jan 2018

Re: Brokers because I suppose they figure Sky may find a rival bidder and not go to Disney. Disney has not expressed a strong desire to own 100% of Sky which leaves its future somewhat up in he air..

Hardboy 29 Jan 2018

Brokers Societe generale have set a price target of 1320. How does that fit in with an agreed take over price of 1075?

cimbom 26 Jan 2018

Re: Simple facts Sky's view is to be competitive, sorry, not only competitive but be market leader on all available mediums. The fact that they are planning to lead the field in streaming too does not in any way mean their investment in satellite is going to reduce. Sky is committed to follow technology and lead irrespective where technology takes us.They are market leaders in Europe and likely to remain so through wise investment and innovation.My personal view is that internet/broadband based live football will simply not work for most. Without Sky, Premier League will relegate to second division exactly as Champions League did under BT .

Hopeful Investor 26 Jan 2018

Amazon & PL Rights from Daily Mail today Additional interesting news: Global tech giants Amazon are unlikely to bid for Premier League rights in next month's auction for one good reason - they lack sufficient statistics of their own on TV sports rights.Amazon's approach is based on analytics and having only just started acquiring major sports rights, they may not have enough information at their fingertips to spend heavily on the Premier League in one country.Their cautious attitude is demonstrated by the delayed opening this week of their pioneering checkout-free Amazon Go convenience store in Seattle - they had wanted to ensure the sensor technology which tracks all purchases was fully operational.Another sign of their safety-first strategy is Amazon's decision to gauge viewer reaction to their £10million fly-on-the-wall documentary series inside Manchester City, which will be broadcast at the end of the season, before they sign a similar contract with another PL club.The new Premier League package of midweek simulcast coverage of all matches on the night is seen as the option that interests Amazon most this time around.But serious doubts were expressed at the UEFA Nations League draw in Lausanne this week whether the UK's inconsistent broadband infrastructure could cope with streaming up to eight matches simultaneously across the country.

rogerjc 26 Jan 2018

Re: Simple facts Satellite being dead seems not to be the view of Sky as they are about to launch Sky Q in Austria and Germany having recently launched it in Italy and now having over 2,000,000 U.K. customers. They are covering all bases by looking to launch more streaming services via a “streaming stick” and getting Now on the BT box. BT are up against it financially and have had to go cap in hand to Sky for content. Netflix and Amazon Prime are Sky’s main competition, BT is a small player who only entered the field to up their Broadband sales. Sky has nearly 10 times the number of TV customers that BT has in the U.K. alone without adding in the millions in Germany and Italy. Sky Q alone has more customers than BT TVBT Sport is now a huge financial drain, their viewing numbers for the Ashes series were pathetic! Can they afford another disaster like that?I hold both BT and Sky but are happier with Sky’s performance than BTs.

cimbom 26 Jan 2018

Fact Sky has 12 million satellite tv customers and has no intention at present whatsoever in even reducing investment in satellite broadcasting. Sky Q contains the world's most advanced satellite receiver as well as router design capable of streaming UHD. Sky Q is capable of enhancement and can become even a better steaming medium than most.However like I stated before, majority of households in the UK do not have broadband capable of receiving a single UHD channel forget about downloading streams of four simultaneously as Sky Q does through satellite.Therefore until such time the need for satellite broadcasting ceases, Satellite broadcasting shall remain the main medium for most households.

bt man 26 Jan 2018

Re: Simple facts kryptes read the thread, there was an element of sarcasm in the question... Having delivered a UHD over bb service my view is that satellite has had its time and streaming tv is the way forward but that's not the view of some.

contrarianstyle 26 Jan 2018

Re: CMA just wanted to see what people`s thoughts were and why we should hold, so yes I was wrong and have held the shares

kryptes 26 Jan 2018

Re: Simple facts The answer is in the company's statement -stream online content, provide streaming sticks (like the Firestick/Chrome) etc.

bt man 25 Jan 2018

Re: Simple facts so what are Sky going to do now they plan to ditch satellite?

kryptes 25 Jan 2018

Re: CMA So is that a sideways way of saying you were wrong?

contrarianstyle 25 Jan 2018

Re: CMA good points, thanks everyoneI didn`t realise we`d get 13p interim dividend as well, announced today.Very strong results and still suggestions shareholders(including hedge funds) could push for a higher bid

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