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cimbom 11 May 2018

Re: 9/12/2016 - Told you so Oh, there was also a "bt man" in the forum who predicted satellite broadcast was dead and just price for Sky shares was sub 700p!What would be the world like without comedians?

El Kel 08 May 2018

The Sun allegations I have a very queezy feeling about these allegations of Rebekah Brooks/The Sunillegally obtaining medical records.If true, the undoubted fubar heading the Murdochs' way will almost certainly affect Sky's sp and associated bids.I have therefore sold all my Sky tranches.Good luck to those staying on board.

Windsor Buffet 25 Apr 2018

Re: COMCAST OFFER Formal bid now received so let's see what happens.One thing I didn't appreciate before was that 21st Century Fox's bid need to be approved by a majority of independent (i.e. non Murdoch) shareholders. I was kind of worried that they'd somehow get over the line with the acceptances of a few tracker funds etc.Let's see what response there is from 21st Century Fox (they have already issued a statement) or even Disney.

cimbom 25 Apr 2018

Re: 9/12/2016 - Told you so Looks like my valuation of £14 was correct.

Investor KT 20 Apr 2018

COMCAST OFFER According to the RNS today, Sky has yet to receive a written offer after Comcast announce a bid towards end of February.I was under the impression that a bidder is required to make a bid or withdraw intention within 28 days, due to Takeover & Mergers Rules. Seems I am obviously wrong. Anyone know whether not following up a bid with a written offer is common? I would hate to think what price Sky would be taken over at should Comcast not bid.Happy investing.

Self made hedge operator 19 Apr 2018

Re: NEW ARTICLE: Why bid target Sky is firin... Business is humming along - plainly £10.75 was a steal.I can see a final price at £15 due to the final coal performance, strategic value of the business (with NowtTv they gain a presence in OTT streaming) and fact two giants are after them.Hopefully will get a sensible decision by the government (not to be taken for granted looking at this last week).

II Editor 19 Apr 2018

NEW ARTICLE: Why bid target Sky is firing on all cylinders "Richard Hunter, Head of Markets at interactive investor, commented "In media terms, LSE:SKY:Sky is currently the belle of the ball, attracting overseas suitors aplenty. This update is another vindication of the interest being shown.Even with its ..."[link]

pyueck 15 Apr 2018

Re: confused Cimbom, you don't talk a lot of hot air mate. You are honestly saying that you think the price of Sky is not impacted by takeover bids from Fox and Comcast and the takeover of Fox assets by Disney? Your answer to the question is a terrible answer.To explain the situation fully is not simple but here is my attempt:- 21cFox, which already owns 39% of Sky, originally bid 10.75 which was accepted by Sky but is still going through regulatory clearance.- During the bidding process Fox agreed to sell some assets including it's stake in Sky to Disney, however they still said that they would but the other 61% of Sky and sell it immediately onto Disney.- Originally it was claimed by Disney that under takeover rules it would not need to bid for the rest of Sky when it buys the 39% stake (was never really sure of their rationale as the rules say you must bid for the whole company when you buy over 30%), but the takeover panel now say they must. - In the interim period Comcast have offered 12.50p a share- Also in interim period Sky renewed their PL rights in the UK at lower costs than they previously were which was seen as a very good result.All in all who knows what will happen now, will Fox bid more if so why are they just want to sell it straight to Disney, will Disney bid on their own, will Comcast bid be accepted or would they bid higher if Fox or Disney bid again. All in all no idea what the end result will be, but to claim that the takeover situation is not driving the price is madness.

Self made hedge operator 12 Apr 2018

Re: confused - Takeover Panel Intervention FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEStatement from 21st Century Fox Regarding The Takeover Panel's Ruling New York, NY, April 12, 2018 - 21st Century Fox ("21CF" notes the announcement today by The Takeover Panel regarding the requirement for The Walt Disney Company (Disney) to make a mandatory offer, at a price of £10.75, to the holders of ordinary shares in Sky PLC (Sky) pursuant to Note 8 on Rule 9.1 of the Takeover Code as a result of Fox's stake of approximately 39% in Sky.Under the ruling, any mandatory offer by Disney would only be required after Disney's acquisition of 21CF is completed, which 21CF currently expects to occur after completion of 21CF's offer for Sky. 21CF also notes that the ruling provides that an offer would not be required if 21CF has previously acquired the entire ordinary share capital of Sky and that the offer would be at a price of £10.75 per Sky share, the same price as 21CF's existing offer.21CF remains committed to its recommended cash offer for Sky announced on 15th December 2016, which is supported by revised remedies recently offered to the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) with whom 21CF has been co-operating in order to bring the UK regulatory process to a swift and satisfactory conclusion.

cimbom 11 Apr 2018

Re: confused You are not the only one. My interpretation is simple but many may not agree.There is no viable takeover bid for SKY from any party at present. Market price is just over £13. Fox bid was luckily delayed by the government and @ £10.75 is already dead and buried. Comcast bid never materialised in an official capacity.Hence we are back to normal. Market price and company performance rule.

Knuckle Rider 11 Apr 2018

confused ok, this has dragged on so long, I don't know what is now going on. Can someone explain in simple terms what the position is and current timeframes.

Hopeful Investor 03 Apr 2018

Re: Sky News No, Sky shareholders own 100% of Sky. You are misunderstanding the fact that the largest shareholderr, Murdoch, owns 39%. As the either Disney owning Sky News and Comcast owning the rest, Comcast haven't made a formal offer and so this proposal by Sky is to smooth out the overall sale to Disney in the long run.

Self made hedge operator 03 Apr 2018

Re: Sky News It helps with the sequencing. If would allow DCMS to permit the Fox/Sky transaction conditional on the sale of Sky News. After the former, Fox would own 100% of the business so the shareholders like ourselves would be irrelevant.The overall good news is that they are in it to win it so a takeover battle is well and truly on from what I can see.

Mr Shortie 03 Apr 2018

Sky News Sky is proposing to sell Sky News to Disney - I wonder if they have the authority to do that as they only own 39% ? It may leave the auction between Fox and Comcast to be more interesting though.I wonder what Disney would do with Sky News if Comcast buys the rest of Sky?

Investor KT 08 Mar 2018

WRITTEN OFFER FROM COMCAST HiI have been waiting to a RNS confirming that written offer by Comcast has been made to SKY. Have I have missed it? The Senior Independent Director had previously said that they are duty bound to consider it and then accept/reject it. If they recommend it, the offer from Murdoch would lapse, unless Murdoch decides to increase the offer previously made. Can anybody throw some light on whether Comcast Offer has been received by Sky? And if so, what is the Independent Directors' recommendation?Many thanks.

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