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takeiteasytoo 12 Oct 2017

Re: AGM Prospective EPS of 68p and we shareholders will be lucky if we get the promised 10p due to the bid delay. Dreadful. The sooner this bid either gets sorted or kicked into touch the better.

Hardboy 12 Oct 2017

Re: AGM Pyuek,You're right of course. I totally agree with EBITDA; but it is all they have given us.Don't get too upset by this. It is only a quarterly update. The real numbers come at Interims and finals. This is just a quick update. And we should be grateful for any kind of numbers as many companies don't bother to update their shareholders quarterly at all. As for your calculations on customer numbers - it is the best estimate you can do, but as they have not given churn figures for the quarter we have no idea if it's accurate.

pyueck 12 Oct 2017

Re: AGM Another cryptic and frankly ridiculous set of Sky results made to bamboozle with carefully selected numbers. They say added 160k customers, sounds great right, but with a annual churn of 10% on around 20m customers I work out that they approx lost 340k customers. But as they omit these numbers who knows. Ebitda in my opinion is a meaningless metric and shouldn't be thought of as 'profit' especially when they omit the cost of the new business. Where are the arpu numbers, excluded wonder why. Impressive if they have been able to genuinely grow profits in Germany with extra bunderliga costs, doesn't seem to add up to me though the extra rights costs are way more than £30m a quarter, maybe they only included costs from start of season which is about half the period. These results need careful interrogation.

cimbom 12 Oct 2017

Re: AGM An extract from Jeremy Darroch's messageRevenue growth is up by 5% and profit growth in our established businesses is up 15%. Over 160,000 customers joined us last quarter which is up 51% on this time last year. We now have 22.6 million customers across Europe and they are choosing to take even more from us: we added 800,000 subscription product sales in our base, passing the 60 million mark. On screen we’ve had an excellent quarter. Viewing to our pay channels is up by 10%.

Hardboy 12 Oct 2017

Re: AGM Methiman,I for one will be very grateful for any feedback you give from the AGM.Just read the Q1 trading update. Looks good - Like for like sales up 5% & profits up 11% with flat operating costs is good. Plus plenty of new growth & new growth potential. That indicates a prospective EPS of 68+, which makes a share price of £10 perfectly valid without the take over.

methilman 11 Oct 2017

AGM Off to the AGM tomorrow.No doubt the BOD won't rock the boat with KB. Possibly too early to see how the new charging structure for Sky Sports is impacting matters.Hope there are some nice nibbles.Mm.

II Editor 06 Oct 2017

NEW ARTICLE: The week ahead: Sky in focus "Here are the big company events happening over the next week that investors need to know about.Monday 9 OctoberTrading StatementsXP Power, ICG Enterprise Trust, Centamin, YouGov, Plant Impact, CAP-XX, City of London Investment Group, Trinity ..."[link]

Hardboy 29 Sep 2017

Question Time I watched Question Time last night Mrs Bradley was one of 2 MPs on the panel. The other was the Labour Chairman.I wish we could swap our MPs for the pundits!

II Editor 20 Sep 2017

NEW ARTICLE: Trends and Targets for 21/09/2017 " SKY & QINETIQ (LSE:SKY & LSE:QQ) Our last outpouring of misery about SKY postulated, once again, the probability of 919p making an appearance. It not only was finally achieved but unfortunately, the share managed drop signal, very briefly, ..."[link]

LK Hyman 14 Sep 2017

Re: Culture Secretary confirms merger to... Hardboy," ... should have been done & dusted way before the announcement of the General Election"Absolutely right, m8! Why couldn't the Bradley raver have referred it about ... say .... five minutes after the initial move instead of sitting on the thing like a rabbit in the headlights for God knows how long.I mean, jaysus, just how incompetent and useless can these Tories get, eh?And another thing ... the Ejjercation Secretary should of chust reduced the interest rate payable by students on their debt funding. Over 6% ... geddahdaheeah! That's just daft. It piles Pelion upon Ossa which any first year Greats varsity undergrad will tell you is not a good thing.LKH on the flybridge no position in SKY either w

Hardboy 14 Sep 2017

Re: Culture Secretary confirms merger to be ... If there were concerns about "media plurality and genuine commitment to broadcasting standards" relating to the bid, why were they not investigated soon after the bid was made? It is so long ago I've forgotten when it actually was, but I'm convinced any Government Interference into the bid should have been done & dusted way before the announcement of the General Election.

Mark Y38 14 Sep 2017

Culture Secretary confirms merger to be referred to Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) Karen Bradley:Mr Speaker, on Tuesday I set out that I was minded-to refer the proposed merger of 21st Century Fox and Sky on the genuine commitment to broadcasting standards as well as media plurality grounds.Yesterday I received letters on behalf of both parties to the merger confirming that while they disagree with my minded-to decision, they would not be making substantive representations in relation to it.As a result, I can confirm my final decision is to refer the merger to the CMA for a Phase 2 investigation on media plurality and genuine commitment to broadcasting standards grounds. I will issue and publish my formal referral decision in the coming days. I will also publish the substantive representations I have received during this process shortly.From the point of referral, the CMA has 24 weeks - around six months - in which to investigate the merger and provide me with advice. I must then come to a final decision on whether or not the merger can proceed, including any conditions that will apply in order to do so.

Mark Y38 13 Sep 2017

Re: More delays Well she comes back with an announcement to think about making a decision. So a sort of decision I suppose. And so it goes on.....

Hardboy 13 Sep 2017

Re: More delays Mark: "Karen Bradley comes back with "I am still minded to block it"?"You mean she will actually make a decision? Seems highly unlikely on past performance.

Hydrogen Economy 13 Sep 2017

That's enough for me. I gave up and sold my final tranche yesterday after many years of holding BSB and SKY, the ongoing delay with uncertain timing and risk of a negative was too much. Fortunately I sold most earlier in the process at a better price.The basis for referral looks a purely political one. The question of suitability is just smoke, as if the Murdoch;s haven't controlled SKY since day one. Who knows what damage the delay is doing to a valuable UK business as uncertainty impinges on future plans at a time when Netflix and others are making inroads.Good luck to those who persevere. H2

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