Vote on Merger Thought I would be receiving a corporate action for the merger vote. Anyone managed to vote on the merger via iii Tha
Today As the deal has been approved by both sets of shareholders SKP will cease to exist by 27th June & our attentions will be centered on Vec.We may receive a final trading update with the AGM on 18th & that will mark the end of what,for me, has been a long & not always happy association but I am hoping that all is well that ends well & that our substantial potential will be realised under the Vec umbrella.
Pacira AllPacira have posted encouraging first quarter results, with Exparel being their main source of income, sales are as below, and this should comfortably see us obtain the next milestone payment as well as increasing revenue from this quarter.'EXPAREL net product revenues were $63.8 million in the first quarter of 2016, compared to $56.0 million in the first quarter of 2015.'GLTAdkok
Re: Voting Hi Raptor I'm not sure how II interactive work as I deal with Barclays. There how ever corporate measures are carried out by them .How ever, if you want to attend an AGM or vote against a motion, then you have to phone them, and request a voting form or request a letter of intent from them to attend an AGM or EGM act .You must also give them at least one weeks notice in writing, or you can send a secure E MAIL and or phone them on the number provided on the web site, under corporate business ,if you don't do that then they will vote on your behalf, and all the other account holders they serve as a yes vote . Maybe they do the same, check it out under corporate business questions just put in skypharme merger and it should tell you what their own procedure is ..Hope this helps BE HAPPYDAVE
Re: Voting Hi RaptorThanks for response. I would have thought that nominee account providers should be legally obliged to provide voting for shareholders, or at least a way that their votes can be collated and returned to he company for corporate actions such as this.Hopefully something will pop onto the account next week in time for the deadline.cheersdkok
Re: Voting My last message was quoted from my nominee account provider, I expect next week there might be more info on how to vote on their website. I am not so sure about this but I do believe it is up to nominee account provider's discretion to put the voting onto individual account holders.
Re: MERGER RaptorI think the SKP shareprice was around 383 or so when the offer was made so it was seen as a premium at that time. The SKP shareprice has moved on since then, so it is unlikely that people would now accept the part cash offer. It is possible that this was engineered to be the case, which is possibly why the premium was only a small one, the VEC board knowing that there was positive news to follow which would move the shareprices of both companies forward to the extent that the cash offer would not be taken up in most cases.dkok
Re: Voting Dear AllStill haven't been able to find out how to register my vote for the merger. I bought the SKP shares through iii and presume they are held via a iii nominee account under CREST. My contract note doesn't give any info regarding any specific CREST number for my holding in SKP. iii still haven't got any corporate actions listed for SKP on the dashboard of my account. We are only now seven or eight days away from the date that votes have to be lodged for the general meeting and subsequent court hearing and till no way of registering my wishes.I have secure messaged iii twice now and yesterday got a lacklustre response to say that iii had not been made aware of any corporate actions for SKP. Given that they put out the RNS's onto the site, how can this be the case? I copy clipped the RNS notifying that the scheme documents had been issued and am still awaiting a response, there is still nothing on my dashboard this morning for corporate actions.Anyone any idea how to get my vote through without a CREST number/reference? or has anyone else bought SKP through iii and have they got corporate action info on their account dashboard?Any assistance greatly appreciated.GLTAdkok
Re: MERGER Proposed Acquisition by Vectura Group PLC.On 16th March 2016, the Boards of Skyepharma and Vectura announced that they had reached an agreement regarding the terms of a Recommended all share Merger to be effected by way of a Scheme of Arrangement (the Scheme) under Part 26 of the Companies Act 2006.The basic terms of the Scheme will provide shareholders with 2.7977 New Vectura shares for eachSkyepharma share held on 27th June 2016, this being the Record Date of the Scheme.Under the terms of the Scheme, Vectura will also be offering to shareholders a Partial Cash Alternative ofGBP4.1015 for each Skyepharma share held on the Record Date in lieu of some or all of the New Vecturashares.The Scheme is subject to approval at a General Meeting and Court Meeting, both to be held on 5th May 2016.The Scheme will be subject to further Court Sanctioning at a Court Hearing to be held on 27th June 2016, and is anticipated to become effective on 28th June 2016.My question is why would anyone except the cash offer when it is far less than the current SKP sp?
Re: Voting Should appear as a Corporate Action.
Voting I trade via iii and my SKP purchase is via this system. I presume the shares are held via a nominee system under Crest but I can't seem to find any info on the iii dashboard of my account, either for any corporate actions on my holdings, or of a way of submitting my vote for the court hearing and general meeting.Any one any ideas?TIAdkok
Re: Nice End to Week! You'll be pleased by the latest RNS then I hope - just half an hour after your posting. All done and dusted by the end of June subject to shareholder voting of course.I was unclear initially but I am now happy that the future looks equally rosy. I will be sad to lose the SKP ticker - it has been exceptionally good for me, though I know now for those longer holders. Onwards and upwards - a FTSE100 listing would be a reasonable target now over several years - given the larger company size.
Nice End to Week! Well, it was a good end to the week with the VEC news having a positive impact on the SKP shareprice, though it would seem the MM's are still discounting SKP compared to VEC. Looking at the VEC closing price, this should place a figure of £4.88 on SKP given the 2.7977 VEC/SKP share conversion.Things are looking very good for the SKP+VEC merger, with VEC having a good potential stream of products at early stages of roll out, much as SKP does. It is looking increasingly like an inspired move, just wish this process could be streamlined to move the whole thing along in terms of the deal.Onward & Upwarddkok
Buy the deal Shares mag courtesy of Allaince trustVectura breathes easyMerger set to create British respiratory drug and device giantMark DunneRespiratory-focused drug developer Vecturas (VEC) merger (16 Mar) with Skyepharma (SKP) will create a business with significant scale and a bulging pipeline of new treatments in the respiratory medicine market. The agreement with the inhalation device and related medicine-maker will create a pharmaceutical and device business with a market cap of more than £1 billion targeting conditions such as asthma. Skyepharma is being valued at £441.3 million, a modest 4.2% premium to its closing market value the night before the deal was announced. Its shareholders will own 41.7% of the merged business on completion. Assuming the deal goes through, Vectura will be able to access 60% of the $35 billion respiratory market. The combined entity will enjoy a portfolio of metered dose and dry powder inhalers as well as nebulisers, which convert liquid into aerosol droplets. Numis analysts set a 264p 12-month target price after describing the merger as a strategically and financially logical step-up for Vectura. The deal will lift Vecturas pre-tax profit by 90% to £58.5 million in 2017, according to Numis, and by 174% to £73.6 million a year later. The proposed combinations royalty payments are set to improve on Vecturas by 42% to £56 million in 2017 and by 52% to £83.2 million in 2018. Earnings per share (EPS) is forecast to rise by 24% to 9.2p in 2017, the first full year post merger. Numis ups its growth expectations for 2018 by 60% to 10.3p from the 6.4p estimate before the deal was announced. The enlarged group will be led by Vecturas chief executive James Ward-Lilley and Skyepharmas finance boss Andrew Derodra, who expect to chop some £10 million from costs by 2018. Shares says: "The deal creates a major respiratory drug and device developer and improves on the already bullish investment case for Vectura. Buy at 166.3p."
New VEC board It appears things are moving forward with the new business format .BE HAPPYDAVE Vectura Group plc Director disclosures Chippenham, UK - 23 March 2016: As announced on 16 March 2016 (RNS Number: 2679S) (the "Announcement", conditional on completion of the merger described in the Announcement, Vectura Group plc ("Vectura"
intends that:.Andrew Derodra will be appointed as Chief Financial Officer of Vectura; .Frank Condella will be appointed as Vice Chairman of Vectura; . Thomas Werner will be appointed as a non-executive director of Vectura.Further to the Announcement, Vectura confirms the following information in respect of the proposed future Board members pursuant to paragraph 9.6.13(1) of the Listing Rules of the UK Listing Authority: Current and past directorships;Andrew Derodra .Skyepharma plc (current) Tate & Lyle International Finance plc (past);Frank Condella Skyepharma plc (current); Juniper Pharmaceuticals Inc. (current);Thomas Werner Skyepharma plc (current); Basilea Pharmaceutica Ltd (current); Medigene AG (past) 4SC AG (past) No further information is required to be disclosed in respect of Andrew Derodra, Frank Condella or Thomas Werner under paragraph 9.6.13 of the Listing Rules of the UK Listing Authority.-Ends- Enquiries Vectura Group plc +44 (0)1249 667700Karl Keegan, Chief Corporate Development Officer Citigate Dewe Rogerson +44 (0)20 7638 9571David Dible / Mark Swallow About VecturaVectura is a leading independent inhaled device, formulation, development and specialist commercial business focusing on the development of pharmaceutical therapies for the treatment of airways diseases. Vectura has eight products marketed by partners with growing global royalty streams and a portfolio of drugs in clinical development, a number of which have been licensed to major pharmaceutical companies. Vectura currently has disclosed development collaborations and licence agreements with several global pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, including Roxane Laboratories, Inc., Novartis, Sandoz, Baxter, GlaxoSmithKline, UCB, Ablynx, Grifols, Janssen Biotech and Tianjin KingYork Group Company. Vectura develops products for airways diseases helping airways disease patients to improve their lives through uniquely applied insight and excellence in inhaled device engineering, formulation technology, product development and specialist commercialisation. For further information, please visit Vectura's website at Forward-looking statements This press release contains forward-looking statements, including statements about the discovery, development and commercialisation of products. Various risks may cause Vectura's actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements, including: adverse results in clinical development programmes; failure to obtain patent protection for inventions; commercial limitations imposed by patents owned or controlled by third parties; dependence upon strategic alliance partners to develop and commercialise products and services; difficulties or delays in obtaining regulatory approvals to market products and services resulting from development efforts; the requirement for substantial funding to conduct research and development and to expand commercialisation activities; and product initiatives by competitors. As a result of these factors, prospective investors are cautioned not to rely on any forward-looking statements. We disclaim any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.This information is provided by RNSThe company news service from the London Stock Exchange END RDNEAKDAALEKEFF