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searchers-son 09 Mar 2015

info [link] last time we caught up with Tim Lawson, formerly a founding father of Science in Sport, it looked as though he may be leaving the nutrition market behind. Having produced a variety of body care products for cyclists, Lawson’s Strip range was debuted at i-ride’s house show in August last year. But, as he is now ready to reveal to the trade, Strip is simply a line that will sit within the now launched Secret Training portfolio.Lawson explained: “After we sold our old sports nutrition business I went back to University to keep myself busy. Nutrition and Sport Science has been a passion of mine for a long time and selling the business didn’t really change that, it just meant I could spend more time in the library. “Last year, I had some ideas how we might be able to use sticky rice starch to make a better isotonic energy gel, so I decided to link up with my brother-in-law – who I’ve worked with before when we developed the first isotonic energy gel and a few other patents.“Over the summer things started to progress quite quickly, and we managed to develop a new production process and plant.”Article continues belowAdvertisementclass="p2"> The original plan changed somewhat when Lawson was approached by a pro tour team.“We are lucky in that, because we have made some great innovative products in the past, both athletes and suppliers want to work with us. We have had support from the technical departments of some huge companies, especially because rice starch has not been used in energy gels before, despite there being some really interesting research. Tinkoff-Saxo asked us if we could make an improved hydration drink, and this will be ready in February.” Acutely aware of the trouble retailers can face selling nutrition goods, Secret Training will offer the independent bike dealer plenty, explains Lawson.“What really is the focus for us is doing things a little differently than what is currently available. We are more interested in the consumer’s marginal gains and maximising their performance than we are squeezing out the maximum margin in a mass market – that side of the market seems well catered for and extensively discounted in any case.“What we will offer is great products with an honest margin and at the same time try to support the bricks and mortar stores as much as possible.”There’s plenty more in the pipeline too, Lawson added, with recovery and protein products currently being tested. Secret Training products will be available directly to retailers, with sample gels and counter-top dispensers available with buy in packages. [email protected]

gixer 06 Mar 2015

Re: Science in Sport Commercial p.s. It was on Natalie Brook-Reynolds Youtube page.[link]

gixer 06 Mar 2015

Re: Science in Sport Commercial Somebody must have let the cat out the bag to early lol. Its been removed.Looked good though and has Chris Hoy in it.

GCCR 23 Feb 2015

Re: Opinions Yes I grudgingly accept that you're right BB. I s'pose it's our own fault for choosing to swim with the Sharks. To be clear though I do believe we are with one of the better AIM's here. At least our Market is expanding and we have invested a lot in exploiting that market.

Boring Bernie 29 Jan 2015

Re: Opinions GCCRI think "fleecing's" a bit strong, but it is, unfortunately, the way of the world and you just have to take the rough with the smooth. In an ideal world I'd only invest in companies where shareholders and directors rewards are closely aligned, but there aren't that many of them. When you find them, they're generally worth sticking onto thoughAIM exists to raise money, some of which gets eaten into by directors rewarded for pretty much doing what you'd expect of them. The only good part of it is that, most of the time, their bonuses are in shares so don't disrupt cashflow and tend to result in fairly minimal dilution.It's not great, but it is what it is

GCCR 29 Jan 2015

Re: Opinions Eh ?? Anyone disagree??

GCCR 27 Jan 2015

Re: Opinions BB - That strategy of fleecing Investors to line the pockets of greedy BOD's is a trend running through all AIM's. Sickening. And PXS and SiS seem no better than the rest. WHY they cannot be made to relate SP preformance to rewards is a mystery. Luckily I think here we have a business that's doing so well we ought to make a profit despite the BOD's greed.

Jay053 20 Jan 2015

Re: Opinions Thank you both for your replies.Very helpful and gives me some confidence in SISI have somewhat lost confidence with anything related to PXS, Of course im still holding my PXS and am sure it will come good.But after so many years of waiting its hard to be positive.

Boring Bernie 20 Jan 2015

Re: Opinions JayShort-term - still loss making, but now making noises about moving into profitability.Medium to long-term, I like the business plan, there's a certain amount of the business being run to overly reward the management rather than the share-holders, but that's mostly down to how the markets work and if they turn revenue into profitability, then they'll have earned their rewards.Short-term, I reckon fair value sits between 60 and 80p. If you want to shift them into an ISA then I'd suggest you ring your broker and see if they can sort out a Bed and ISA for you which avoids the bid/ask spread. Any decent broker should be able to sort that out for you for a reasonable number of shares

GCCR 20 Jan 2015

Re: Opinions Agreed Dragon. My earlier fears aboutr over-stretching the marketing budget proved unfounded and with most expansion capital spend behind us, at least to serve immediate markets, SiS seem to have struck exactly the right balance between expansion / profitability.

The Dragon Re-born 17 Jan 2015

Re: Opinions There is a brokers note with a target of 83p , I think, might be worth looking if there is any profit taking at that price, for any transfers.I would recommend looking throught the RNS'S as they detail the expansion, and to answer your question accurately I would have to. but we have shimano stockists, and several other growth plans in place, that I cant remember off the top of my head. Growth is around 23 percent and looks set to continue at least for the foreseeable at that rate, although another dilution or 2 is a real possibility. However, unlike PXS dilutions, the sp has in just a few months returned to pre dilution levels.Short term we have the brokers target of 83, and new product Whey ProteinMedium term, European expansion should provide good growth along with the SiS asia pacific sales growth, and new products.longer term, I am sure that, behind the scenes, they are working on expansion to the USA, which could provide very good long term prospects indeed. and new productsDragon, and a future t/o is always a possibility

Jay053 16 Jan 2015

Re: Opinions Sorry also forgot to say.Im considering shifting these into my ISA so would be good if I can time that right

Jay053 16 Jan 2015

Opinions Hi I received these via my PXS, decided to hold and SIS have done well.I dont get the chance to research and follow the BB's so much these days due to work commitments. Whats the future looking like for SIS?Short term and Long term?Anything would be helpful, apart from read the RNS's or DYOR

The Dragon Re-born 12 Jan 2015

Whey-hey Sorry.Dragon, i'll get me coat

GCCR 09 Jan 2015

Re: RNS - Strong Results Never know Dragon, Moon might suprise us all in 2015 and accept a Bonus only remuneration package based on Share Price. !!! What's that flying over there ??

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