Seneca Global Income & Growth Trust Live Discussion

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Medway Man 29 Dec 2017

Re: problems dealing SIGT I use Equiniti Selftrade........have used them for some time (back to before Equiniti took Selftrade over).I have just top sliced a couple of my wife's Investment Trust holdings (I am 3rd party on her a/c) also with them and bought a new Investment Trust, and no KIID confirmation required.I must admit I stick with them as they have not let me down (yet), their charges are fair......but for me, one of the major plus points is that the settle dividends usually on day due and for REIT dividends with a PID element, they settle in full and bear the loss of the tax portion themselves until it is received a few weeks later as they currently feel that their clients should not be penalised.Back to your original KIID question of yesterday; I do know from friends comments that some brokers have been trying out their systems on a few deals to ensure that all the required info/forms etc in readiness for Jan 3rd, work.

PIE-EATER 29 Dec 2017

Re: problems dealing SIGT Thanks.Jarvis claiming start date Jan 3rd.Would you mind saying which platform/ broker?PE

Medway Man 28 Dec 2017

Re: problems dealing SIGT All I can say is, I sold one Investment Trust holding today and split the funds between two others I own, and I was not required to confirm seeing KIID............although I use a different online firm to the one you used.However, yesterday I was looking at a potential holding in an Investment Fund, and I was asked to confirm I had read its KIID

PIE-EATER 28 Dec 2017

problems dealing SIGT Just a query to see if anyone else has had problems trying to deal in Investment Trusts due to the forthcoming MiFID 2 regs?Jarvis X-O say I need to confirm having seen the KIID (but there isn't one at the minute)AJ Bell and HL both say IT's are unaffected by MiFID 2 as they are listed investmentsSurely some clarity and consistency is required?Thanks in advance PE

Simbr 15 Jun 2016

increased dividends "Since the investment mandate change in January 2012, SIGT’s NAV total return has significantly outperformed its benchmark three-month Libor +3% and its NAV has exhibited much lower volatility than the FTSE All-Share index. Dividends have increased each year since FY13; in the last two financial years the dividend was increased by 4.6% per year. SIGT’s prospective dividend yield is 4.2%. The board has announced its intention to introduce a discount control mechanism, which will commence on 1 August 2016."Edison note out this morning, scraped from research tree
