Re: SHG Current live Gold price $1145.88 and still heading North, GLA
SHG SHANTA GOLD THIRD QUARTER OUTPUT HITS RECORD LEVEL(ShareCast News) - East Africa-focused gold producer, developer and explorer Shanta Gold said it produced a record 29,139 ounces of gold in the final quarter of 2015, with full year production beating expectations.The company, which owns the New Luika Gold Mine in Southwest Tanzania said it sold 29,228 ounces of gold in the quarter at an average price of $1,087 an ounce.Shanta said annual guidance for 2016 was production of 82,000 - 87,000 oz at and its plan for 2016-2020) guidance is for five year average production of 84,000 oz at average all in sustainable cost of $695 /oz.Gold sales for 2015 were 80,622oz at an average price of US$1,163 oz, compared to average spot price of US$1,160oz, Shanta reported.Full year gold production for 2015 was 81,873oz, beating guidance of 72,000 - 77,000 and against 2014's output of 84,028oz.All in sustaining cost for the full year were $845oz against guidance of US$850-900 and 2014's $941.The company said it had quarterly cash balance of $19.1m against $11.2m in the previous quarter. Cash generated from operations was $17.3m in the period against $13.2m in the previous quarter and $34.9m for the year.It added that it had arranged forward sales from January to June 2016 of 30,000 oz at an average price of $1,129 /oz."Shanta's Q4 performance has rounded off a year of sustained operational improvement. Production and cost forecasts set in April 2015 have been exceeded, with more ounces being produced at a greater margin," said chief executive Toby Bradbury."As reported in April, 2015 was to be a year of two halves reflecting a fundamental redesign of operations to deliver maximum and optimised value.""New Luika's true value and potential are becoming increasingly clear and we remain confident of delivering a sustainable, strongly cash generative business with real scope to extend its mine life."We continue, as a matter of course, to seek value improvements in our operations while progressing exploration within and surrounding our mining licence. Alongside the New Luika mining operations, development of the underground is the major focus for 2016 and this will provide the foundation for an evolving and increasing mine life."Loadsadough
my sell at under 6p shows as a buy hmmm
Q4 2015 PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONAL UPDATE Shanta Gold Limited19 January 201619 January 2016Shanta Gold Limited("Shanta Gold", "Shanta" or the "Company"Q4 2015 PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONAL UPDATEShanta Gold (AIM: SHG), the East Africa-focused gold producer, developer and explorer, announces its production and operational results for the quarter ended 31 December 2015 (the "Quarter" or the "Period"
for its New Luika Gold Mine ("NLGM"
, in Southwest Tanzania.HighlightsOperational -- Record quarterly gold production of 29,139 ounces ("oz"
(Q3: 24,532 oz); -- Gold production for 2015 of 81,873 oz, beating guidance of 72,000 - 77,000 oz (2014: 84,028 oz);-- Record quarterly gold sales of 29,228 oz at an average price of US$1,087 per oz ("/oz"
, compared to average spot price of US$1,103 /oz;-- Gold sales for 2015 of 80,622 oz at an average price of US$1,163 /oz, compared to average spot price of US$1,160 /oz;-- Cash costs for Q4 of US$401 /oz (Q3: US$453 /oz) and All in Sustaining Cost ("AISC"
of US$595 /oz (Q3: US$608 /oz); -- AISC for 2015 of US$845 /oz against guidance of US$850-900 /oz (2014: US$941 /oz); and -- No lost time injuries for the Quarter. Financial -- Cash balance of US$19.1 million ("m"
(Q3: US$11.2 m); -- Cash generated from operations in Q4 of US$17.3 m (Q3: US$13.2 m) and US$34.9 m for FY 2015 (2014: US$39.0 m);-- Capital expenditure of US$6.2 m (Q3: US$7.3 m) excluding an additional US$3.2 m equipment deposits and an additional US$2 m in working capital under a new 60 day delay to Tanzania VAT refunds; -- Gross debt of US$60.2 m (Q3: US$60.3 m) and net debt reduced to US$41.1 m (Q3: US$49.1 m); -- Forward sales from January to June 2016 of 30,000 oz at an average price of US$1,129 /oz; and -- Financing of US$5.0 m being finalised for Underground Project equipment purchases. Development and Exploration -- Underground project - key team members employed and orders placed for long-lead equipment; -- Reserve update work underway for Elizabeth Hill; and -- Drilling program completed for Black Tree Hill exploring underground extensions. Guidance for 2016-- Annual guidance for 2016 of 82,000 - 87,000 oz at AISC of US$750 - US$800 /oz. The Base Case Mine Plan (2016 - 2020) guidance is for five year average production of 84,000 oz at average AISC of US$695 /oz.Note 1: Cash Cost - Back of mine operating and administrative costs excluding royalty.Note 2: AISC - Cash cost plus royalty, stay in business capital expenditure, interest and G&A.Toby Bradbury, Chief Executive Officer, commented:"Shanta's Q4 performance has rounded off a year of sustained operational improvement. Production and cost forecasts set in April 2015 have been exceeded, with more ounces being produced at a greater margin."As reported in April, 2015 was to be a year of two halves reflecting a fundamental redesign of operations to deliver maximum and optimised value. It has been immensely satisfying for the Shanta team to achieve such an outstanding result beating both production and cost guidance. New Luika's true value and potential are becoming increasingly clear and we remain confident of delivering a sustainable, strongly cash generative business with real scope to extend its mine life."We continue, as a matter of course, to seek value improvements in our operations while progressing exploration within and surrounding our mining licence. Alongside the New Luika mining operations, development of the underground is the major focus for 2016 and this will provide the foundation for an evolving and increasing mine life."Analyst conference call and presentationShanta Gold will host an analyst conference call and presentation today, 19 January 2016, at 09
0 GMT. Participants can access the call by dialling one of the following numbers below approximately 10 minutes prior to the start of the call.
Shanta Gold CEO: 'I have never failed and have no intention of doing so now' IG Live: [link]
Proactive TV Interview [link]
excellent quarter
Now at 5.5p Well its up by 35% Since my buy tip in less than a week. I should have listened to my own advice and bought a load more. This is a well funded low cost gold producer with good future prospects and now a major fund is a holder. $200 trillion of global debt will only get worse, wars all over the place, most Co's way over valued largely due to share buy backs with cheap QE money. Gold will have its day again once the Ostriches pull their heads out of the sand.
Re: 32 million bought??? Theres your answer in the rns , odey now own 24% of the co.i sold earlier in the year at around 9.5 so im happy today that ive bought the same amount back t under half price. hopefully a good move
Re: 32 million bought??? I didnt realise that was a thing... thought it was a bit early for halloween references... lol
Re: 32 million bought??? Perhaps you didn't see my post at 18.23 hrs?
Re: Bottom at 4p Two huge buys today at 161 of just under 30 million shares £1.3 million in value and over 90% of all the largest trades today have been buys we really should be seeing some SP increase now. Monday morning maybe. Looks like some institutions are following my buy tip
32 million bought??? How do we have 32 million bought / 5-10% of total shares traded and no movement in share price?Is it one large seller to a large buyer? Look fwd to seeing the change in interest notification / RNS... strange...
Re: Bottom at 4p Just realised it's 'triple witching' day today, so that probably explains the high volume.
Re: Bottom at 4p George - I hope you're right.I see volume today was well above average (32m traded) and the weekly and monthly charts show usual indicators trawling the bottom but where's the signs that this will change?I still hold here (from 18p) but have mentally gone into hibernation about my Gold shares and won't add until I see a ' firm' bottom - in Gold futures + actual bullion and/or capitulation by the bears (short interest unwinding) and a positive sign (e.g. more QE, military strife etc). That sounds awful. I mean, of course, positive for Gold.