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spankaroo 14 Sep 2016

Re: Strange Suppose it could sell the Spanish c*ap it bought last year to pay off the bank debt and wind the clock back. Looks like the CEO thought he could walk on water taking on so much debt and won't be surprised if he never comes back (big boot from those poor suckers who coughed up £65m 10 wks ago). FD may also have to go l. Fresh start and sell off the Spanish waste of time, even if it only get half what it paid for it. Inst are mighty p**sed off

Fitzy_007 14 Sep 2016

Strange With such a huge drop in this share today it really is strange that there is no discussion taking place here?

Fitzy_007 14 Sep 2016

Cash Position? Can anybody confirm a as to what the current cash position is - with today's fall this may now very well be in play!

Fitzy_007 14 Sep 2016

Re: 11.75p! You could be right here all told this drop seems very much overdone - this could in fact be a very nice opportunity particularly if a TO is on the cards?

alltold9 14 Sep 2016

11.75p! Bottom fishing. High risk, high gain!

si2000si 31 Jul 2016

Re: RNS Relating to the recent RNS from 28th July:---------- ---Further to the recent share price movement, Sepura confirms that it had received a very preliminary approach from a third party which has since confirmed that it does not intend to submit any proposal.---------- --With the orders they have and now massive funding in place to service the debt, this is moving quicker than I thought. It only takes one interested party to start the interests so exciting time ahead. In addition, thanks to the guys at LSE posting a link from the times that Sepu has drafted in City support after becoming the subject of takeover interest....[link] all.

si2000si 16 Jul 2016

For what is worth my analysis I have been looking at Sepu for a while and have invested previously and sold but recently bought back in because of now the massive £65m of additional funding.I saw a few discussions relating to the additional shares being issued next week and not sure people are aware but before Apr 2016, Sepu was trading at ~190p with ~184m share in issue.This was a market cap of ~£350m.Now back then the NY transit was not even a done deal and so with the acquisition of Teltronic the debt position was ~ 120m Euro ~ £99m using today's conversion.Now as most have already read the RNS because of the delayed orders to reflect on the earnings, as from the Apr 27th RNS:---------- ---------- --Company is subject to short term cash constraints which the board expects will require an extension of its banking facilities and a waiver of a possible covenant breach at 30 June 2016.---------- ---------- -Now that caused the sp to drop to ~75p.Since then what the BOD has done is to raise £65m in share placing which will result in ~ double the existing shares in circulation. So with the admission of new shares the total next week should be ~368m shares in circulation.Now take into account of the current sp of ~48p, with 368m in circulation, the Mcap start from next week will be £176m. Now this is still ~ half compared to back in March BUT with the NY transit a done deal and also £65m additional funding to service the debt, this has put the company in a lot better position then ~5 months ago.So I am anticipating a sp going back up to ~70p in short term and this will give a Mcap of ~260m and this is still ~£100m lower compared to back in March with £65m additional funding and also NY transit deal + we are still winning orders in the background.So for what is worth, this time I am holding till minimum of 70p and for some reason this remind me of Pace back in the old days when they had some financial trouble and the sp was <£1 and then look at them back 6 months ago got taken over at much higher sp.GL all

Ripley94 15 Jul 2016

Re: RNS Couldn't get it at limit set all this week ( just missed ) .... jumped up 32 % today .. News 34 M contract win ... New York transit.

Nige the snake 15 Jul 2016

RNS RESULTS OF GENERAL MEETING The Board of Sepura announces that at the General Meeting held today to approve the Firm Placing and Placing and Open Offer to raise £65 million of gross proceeds (the "Capital Raising", all resolutions put before the meeting were duly passed. As required by the Listing Rules, a copy of all the resolutions passed will be submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at A summary of the proxy votes lodged in advance of the General Meeting is shown below: ResolutionsForAgainstIssued Share Capital VotedVote WithheldNumber%Number%%Number1Ordinary Resolution:To authorise the Directors to allot relevant securities (s.551 Companies Act 2006) pursuant to the Capital Raising, and for such allotment to be at an offer price discounted by more than 10% from the unmoved price.108,859,77899.68%352,2040.32%59.33%167,1502Ordinary Resolution:To approve the issue of 38,683,682 New Ordinary Shares to Henderson Global Investors Limited.89,233,63899.61%352,2040.39%59.33%19,793,2903Ordinary Resolution:To approve the issue of 15,781,093 New Ordinary Shares to Schroders Investment Management Limited.108,859,77899.68%352,2040.32%59.33%167,1504Special Resolution:To disapply pre-emption rights (s.561 Companies Act 2006) pursuant to the Capital Raising.108,859,77899.68%352,2040.32%59.33%167,150 The Capital Raising remains conditional, inter alia, upon: · Admission occurring on or before 8.00 a.m. on 18 July 2016 (or such later date as the Company and Liberum may agree, being not later than 25 July 2016); and · the Underwriting Agreement becoming or being declared unconditional in all respects and not having been terminated in accordance with its terms prior to Admission. Admission is expected to take place at 8.00 a.m. on 18 July 2016. Upon Admission, the number of Ordinary Shares that the Company has in issue will be 370,898,177. The total number of voting rights of the Company will therefore be 370,082,470 (taking into account the 815,707 Ordinary Shares which are currently held in treasury) and this figure may be used by Sepura Shareholders as the denominator for the calculations by which they will determine if they are required to notify their interest in, or a change to, their interest in the Company under the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the FCA.

Nige the snake 15 Jul 2016

Re: Recovery play If it drifts down misty I will certainly be a buyer

Misty Creamybib 15 Jul 2016

Re: Recovery play I would sell this spike and buy back in a couple of weeks with the price drifts off.It is one great deal but my experience of this types of shares is a spike and drift down.

Nige the snake 15 Jul 2016

Recovery play must go north after recent news surely

Ripley94 11 Jul 2016

Below fund raise. Droped to 33.5

eamann555 06 May 2016

Re: Liberum note - Research Tree I've been watching this for the past few weeks. I like to use stop losses when buying shares and I don't think my broker allows to buy and sell on same day.So this is a but too volatile at the minute. More suited to day trading.

once a week 28 Apr 2016

Re: Liberum note - Research Tree I was a bit shocked at the reaction to the announcement and thought the fall was overdone. I hold shares which I'm now 40% down on but did a spreadbet yesterday. I don't normally bet on shares that fall but I just couldn't see the justification for such a valuation adjustment, given the fairly positive trading position. There will undoubtedly be some volatility until the capital raising is complete but I think we will see a recovery at that point.

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