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Boring Bernie 16 Dec 2016

Re: were off!! So, a 20p recommended offer, which is a fair bit lower than I'd expected, or hoped for.Things are plainly pretty grim at Sepura for them to recommend an offer which values the equity at just £75 mill

paraguay63 15 Dec 2016

Re: were off!! Spiked up yesterday afternoon also. People taking overnight positions in case pre-market opening annoucement.

opulentia 15 Dec 2016

were off!! takeover now imminent, Sp being bought into heavily, GLA weve seen nothing yet!!!,imo

opulentia 01 Dec 2016

The Offer Looks like its going to go through, lots of speculation on the price though from 25-100pand anywhere in between, ill pluck for announcement on the 8th with a 66p Offer, GLA

Boring Bernie 22 Nov 2016

Re: Sepura may face fresh takeover bid Aye, even taking into account the Saudi contract turnover's collapsed so they must be pretty desperate to get the deal done.I suspect if the deal doesn't happen they'll be looking to raise 40 to 50 Million Euros via a combination of sales or equity.Damned shame, there's a good company here but, in retrospect, the previous management ballsed it up when they bought Teltronic. To be fair, from the outside, it looked like a decent deal at the time.

Meanbugger 22 Nov 2016

Re: Sepura may face fresh takeover bid I have to say my speculative comments on 4th November were pretty accurate. Things are worse than expected and Sepura really want the deal with Hytera to happen as there is no quick fix. Almost no mention of the Teltronic acquisition which looks like money down the drain. Turnover has collapsed I suspect due to changes in revenue recognition as well as the slower order intake.The good news is that there is a big buyer in the market at the 20p level who is absorbing the stock being dumped by windy holders like myself.

Ripley94 10 Nov 2016

Re: 11.75p! Hype seems over, falling back to mid Sept levels, despite possible take over ??

Meanbugger 08 Nov 2016

Re: Sepura may face fresh takeover bid I'm a bit surprised by where the share price has settled during the bid discussions. On the one side you have the private punters speculating that the bid could be worth at least 30p and on the other side you have institutions just wanting rid of the embarrassment from their portfolios. There's now a lot of pressure on the new management team to deliver the bid as the alternative would be another financing which the institutions probably have little appetite for.Either way the destruction of value over the last 12 months has been shocking for shareholders.

Blanketstacker 07 Nov 2016

Local rumour... ...suggests a £90m total bid, so probably 40-43p. That seems fair to me.

zombynation 05 Nov 2016

50p open Monday?? Bid approach from the Chinease and all cash offer as well. Can't see the takeover being anything less than 75p

Ripley94 05 Nov 2016

Re: 11.75p! No chance now ... 25% rise yesterday top of the rises .

Boring Bernie 05 Nov 2016

Re: Sepura may face fresh takeover bid I think a lot depends on how temporary the company's problems are judged to be. I'm assuming that, if a sale doesn't take place, that a further fund raising will take place.My gut reaction is that if an offer is made, it'll be in the region of 30 to 40p.Sepura's a great little business, but it's overstretched itself and appears to have cashflow problems, so it's hard to see anyone being willing to pay much more than 40p.

Meanbugger 04 Nov 2016

Re: Sepura may face fresh takeover bid Just a few thoughts on today's offer talks announcement. The RNS announcement was obviously forced out by the Stock Exchange following the rise in the share price. It is also unusual in that Sepura doesn't say that it has received an approach from Hytera - just that it is in offer talks with Hytera. This makes me wonder if perhaps the underlying financial position has got worse due to contract delays and adverse working capital movements and that Sepura has welcomed the talks or even instigated them itself. If that is the case then the price under discussion may be a lot lower than some of the more optimistic expectations of 80p plus.As a holder I would love there to be a bidding battle for Sepura but I'm now a little nervous that the new management team are trying to secure an exit because the underlying problems are too great for a quick fix. It really is an unusual situation as the level of the bid could be at any price between 20p and £1 depending on how things actually are within the company.I get the impression that the management will want a deal sewn up by the interims later this month so we shouldn't have to wait too long to find out what price the bidder has in mind.

Boring Bernie 04 Nov 2016

Re: Sepura may face fresh takeover bid ... and there we have it, a possible offer from Hytera, who, I must admit I've only vaguely heard ofI bought back in here on the rumour this afternoon ( in the 17's ) so I've very much got my fingers crossed that the next few weeks or months brings some good news

Boring Bernie 04 Nov 2016

Re: Sepura may face fresh takeover bid Up nearly 30% today, presumably on whispers of a takeover ?

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