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Ripley94 04 Jun 2019

SDX – M&A activity SDX… XXXX Dropped back but not as far as last Thursday .

wizard47 04 Jun 2019

Lost! Had them in as SDX inc originally and as they got quoted in sterling didn’t realise they were the Canadian stock! All sorted now.

theprior 03 Jun 2019

Lost! My holdings in trading account and ISA are accurately displayed. Sorry, can’t help. TP

wizard47 03 Jun 2019

Lost! Anyone else lost the value of this share from their portfolio? Since the closure of the Candadian quote my portfolio shows them but with no value. I sent a message about it to ii but no response!

Small_Holding 03 Jun 2019

SDX Energy tipped for significant upside Proactiveinvestors UK SDX Energy tipped for significant upside as production growth and M&A looms SDX Energy Inc (CVE:SDX) - Stockbroker Peel Hunt set a 38p price target and gave the North Africa focussed firm a 'buy' recommendation.

Small_Holding 03 Jun 2019

SDX - Whilst we are waiting for South Disouq With drilling in Morocco put back to Q4 2019 and South Disouq dilling now 2020, it may be quiet on the news front. However, from the 17th May 2019 AGM Presentation, there are two low risk development wells being drilled imminently in Rabul and Meseda Screenshot_2019-06-03 PowerPoint Presentation - 190517-AGM-Presentation-May-2019-v3-Final-Master pdf.png698x722 52.5 KB Rabul -7 should be drilled soon followed back to back by Meseda - 17. The presentation says “Similar, recently drilled wells added 1,000 bopd.” I am assuming that is the total if both are successful but it would add more additional revenue if they can be quickly connected.

Small_Holding 31 May 2019

SDX - How low can we go? Just when you think that the share price must have bottomed and that nobody is going to sell at these ridiculous prices, down we go again. The de list from TSX has now gone through, the updated significant shareholder list has been updated with no surprises but still the share price falls on a daily basis. Across the board AIM shares are suffering but surely the fundamentals here should give some support. Just how low does the share price have to fall before SDX is seen as a potential takeover target?

Ripley94 30 May 2019

SDX – M&A activity SDX… XXXX RNS …SDX gave up Canada listing Tuesday two days ago . Topped up in ( Wi ) on Tuesday live 22.86p , after ( D ) limit not lifting on fall to 23p and no dealing available on ( S )

Small_Holding 30 May 2019

SDX - Significant Shareholders The SDX website has now been updated and the list of significant shareholders at 30th April 2019 is shown Comparing that with the previous list of January 21st 2019 it clearly shows that the largest shareholders have either kept their holding or in some cases increased it. The only new entry is Interactive Investors which is obviously a total of all the retail investor accounts. That would seem to confirm that most of the recent selling has been retail investors or institutional investors who held below the 3% threshold.

Small_Holding 29 May 2019

SDX - South Disouq Predicted Timetable South Disouq Predicted Timeframe Completed Export Pipeline & Flowlines SD-1X, SD-3X and SD-4X Monday 3rd June 2019 12” Gas Export Pipeline Tuesday 4th June 2019 Ibn Yunus-1X Monday 15th July 2019 Central Processing Facility Factory acceptance test Wednesday 26th June to 2nd July 2019 Shipping from Abu Dhabi to site Tuesday 16th July to 13th August 2019 Hook up & Installation Wed 14th August to 11th September 2019 Testing & Commissioning Friday 23rd August to 13th Sept 2019 Site acceptance test Saturday 14th Sept to 21st Sept 2019 Contingency 8 weeks Sat 14th Sept to 9th November 2019 First Gas 1 week Sunday 10th Nov to 17th Nov 2019 In the highly unlikely scenario that all the above timelines are met, first gas could be w/c Sunday 22nd September 2019. I would hope that when significant points are achieved, such as the Factory Acceptance Test, SDX would notify the market by means of an update or presentation, I will certainly be asking for that.

Small_Holding 28 May 2019

SDX SPV Ltd completes move from TSX to AIM SDX SPV Limited announces disposal of shares in SDX Energy Inc. and... LONDON, May 27, 2019 /CNW/ - SDX SPV Limited announces disposal of common shares in capital of SDX Energy Inc. ("SDX Canada") and the concurrent acquisition by ... "SDX SPV Limited does not have any present plans or intentions that relate to or would result in a future increase or decrease in its ownership, control or direction over the SDX UK Shares."

holland44 25 May 2019

SDX - Josef Schachter clearly not impressed with TSX de list e.g. “stupidest thing they could have done” . . . “disenfranchised the Canadian shareholder”, which is true, especially for the PIs who are the audience for this TV programme. But he’s clearly over-egging it when he attributes $C80 million fall in share price to the decision to delist (with the SD delay and PW departure only mentioned near the end), and makes no mention of the oscillations in the oil price and the general environment for small O&G firms over the last 2 years. The SP decline has been relentless for a much longer period than the TSX decision, and he was still recommending the stock for all that time. The “potential” he saw is still there, just delayed, and with a drilling campaign - which has never been a source of complaint - due to start too.

Small_Holding 25 May 2019

SDX - Josef Schachter clearly not impressed with TSX de list BNN – 24 May 19 Josef Schachter discusses SDX Energy Josef Schachter, president at Schachter Energy Research Services Inc., discusses SDX Energy. At least the downward pressure from Canada has finished now with trading on TSX ending yesterday

Small_Holding 23 May 2019

SDX - Director buys David Mitchell buys 97,500 shares, many have asked for Directors to buy and they are putting their own cash in.

Small_Holding 23 May 2019

SDX - Q1 Financials I couldn’t agree more with your last paragraph. The current SDX strategy of building a company with a value in excess of US$1bn (LOL), not paying dividends and then selling the company, does not seem to be very attractive to investors. I also wondered if a new CEO might change the strategy by reducing expenditure and payng a small dividend once South Disouq is fully operational. They could potentially pay a dividend at the end of 2020 if they wish to do so. That would certainly gain more interest from investors. A good thing about SDX and one that is often overlooked is that they only have 204,723,041 shares in issue. Paying a 2p dividend would only cost £4m and with South Disouq they will be generating around US$100m revenue, hardly a crippling financial burden.

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