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Eadwig 03 Feb 2015

Re: New Highs Remember old Sergei well. was gutted that i missed him at the Barcelona olympics. Can't remember if he was injured or made a hash of qualifying, coming in too late or something. Meanwhile SDP continue to do well and I just collected my divi payment from them. SOI, on the oither hand, I am still waiting to come back enough for me to make 5% per year growth equivalent when I will sell 50% or even 75% of my holding. (See previous post).Both the above part of geographic diversification in my SIPP. Another part, a mexican tracker fund on NYSE arca ( iShares MSCI Mexico Investable Mkt Idx (EWW)) came back as an emerging market play along with the two above but has now been hammered by the oil price. On books about 14% down, though if I sold today because it is in dollars the loss would be much less, though still a substantial loss.still looking for a reasonable fund to track india for the next 5 yearsd or so. open to suggestions, anyone?

Hardboy 03 Feb 2015

New Highs This share price is doing a Sergei Bubka.When he was the top pole vaulter in the world he would aim to break the world record by 1mm at every meeting he went to (as there was financial rewards for world records).SDP in hitting a new high each week, beating the old high by less than 0.25p

Eadwig 22 Nov 2014

Re: new high As you say, it was a long haul, and after the dip a few weeks ago I sold half my holding to free up cash in my SIPP, unsure if the recovery in emerging markets will continue.I also own Schroder Oriental Income (SOI) which were more or less tracking SDP until recently but are now only backl to break even for me. My overall exposure in the two has been too great, and my initial purchases were both ill-timed and ill-managed. Lessons learned for an amateur who suddenly found himself with large sums from a transferred SIPP to invest and bought in tranches too big and too close together.

Hardboy 21 Nov 2014

new high Been a while getting there, but today's is the first close over 280.It's been one the better 2014 shares for me.

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