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theprior 14 Apr 2016

Re: Open offer..oversubscribed a whopping 244%Good result, also they have doubler the shares available to partly assuage the appetite for more shares.Looking forward to getting my allocated shares to add to my existing holding.AND......Still only 90m shares in issue after the dust settles.Luck all, TP.

theprior 03 Apr 2016

Open offer Just got my order in for my entitlement and a few more from the excess pot. Hope there's no scale back and I get my order In full.Luck all those taking part. We need the dosh for the new factory for the extra orders from McLaren et al !Regards, TP

gretel 01 Apr 2016

Re: finncap initiation I note they have a 25p initial target, so fairly conservative for now compared to Cantor's 40p per share valuation. Leaves room for increases later on I suppose.

theprior 29 Mar 2016

Re: McLaren Had a look at the McLaren website. Carbon ceramic brakes are standard fit.Doesn't say whether they're Brembo or ST but I think it's safe to assume they are.TP

theprior 29 Mar 2016

McLaren Saw a brief feature on BBC World News yesterday about Mclaren. Apparently they are ramping up production of their road cars exponentially, from single figures to double digits per (not sure if they said week or day).When I get a few moments I'll look at their site in order to clarify.But, McLaren use ST rotors I think, again, not sure if they're fitted as standard, but even if they're only aftermarket, there'll be a lot more cars on the road/track to use ST's products.TP

theprior 24 Mar 2016

New Corporate Action (iii) The 1 for 17.00? Share offer is now active and requires action by holders of iii (nom) by 07 April.I'm in !!TP

gretel 23 Mar 2016

40p target price Cantor Fitzgerald have retained their Buy and 40p target price post-placing:[link]

theprior 18 Mar 2016

Re: Excellent - £4.5m placing at 1... First time I've seen the sp rise when a placing is announced. They usually head South towards he placing price. Not so here.......nice work SCE.TP

theprior 18 Mar 2016

Re: Excellent - £4.5m placing at 16p Great news indeed.we always knew they'd need more cash to enable the company to grow.I'm in for my full allowance when the time comes. And for a few of the excess shares if I can get some. The divisor for qualifying shares 1:17.0000..... seems strange. Why not 1/20 or 1/15 ?I'll have to get my calculator out !TP

gretel 18 Mar 2016

Excellent - £4.5m placing at 16p This is terrific news. SCE have put everything in place in one fell swoop to become THE alternative to Brembo and really become a globally market-leading company in this space.Apparently the placing was over-subscribed too (one placee only got 58% of his application), so the aftermarket should be good. And at least as a gesture shareholders get a chance to add at these levels too with the £0.5m open offer.

theprior 07 Mar 2016

Re: Good news from Koenigsegg Good news and well found, Gretel, what a pity their cars only have 4 wheels ! )TP

gretel 07 Mar 2016

Good news from Koenigsegg ....their new model will have a production run of 80 (with 30 "claimed already":[link] will retail for around $1.9m each! So hopefully lots of cash splashing SCE's way.More in this news item dated 3rd March (nice videos too):[link] announce two new models, CCST discs fitted as standardAt the Geneva Motor Show, Koenigsegg Automotive have announced the Agera Final (pronounced fin-ahl for the Swedish) - the final model of the Agera range, with a production run of only 3, each to be heavily customised by the buyer. See pictures of this fantastic looking car in the Agera Final Gallery and have made a video of the first of the Koenigsegg Agera Final (the One of 1):Following the display of the prototype at the Geneva Motor Show last year, Koenigsegg also unveiled the new model - the first of the Regera range. Christian von Koenigsegg says that the Regera has been "meeting and exceeding performance expectations and emotional expectations [during testing]". The Regera will have a production run of 80 (with 30 having been claimed already). We hope to provide some pictures of this stunning new model soon, but in the meantime, you can see more of the Koenigsegg Regera in the presentation by Koenigsegg at the Geneva Motor have also made a video of the Koenigsegg Agera RS:HOW IS SURFACE TRANSFORMS INVOLVED?Surface Transforms supply carbon ceramic brake discs that are fitted as standard on all Koenigsegg vehicles.More information on the Koenigsegg Regera specifications can be found on the Koenigsegg website."

gretel 29 Feb 2016

Increased 40p target price Good news - Cantor have just issued a new Buy note for SCE with an increased target price of 40p (up from 25p).

theprior 24 Feb 2016

Re: RNS Grant and new factory Welcome back Gretel. I was getting worried that our resident news finder had deserted.The sp is suffering a bit due, I think, to general market conditions. However, our product is proven so we should see continued growth in the sp in line with growth in the company.Good luck, TP

gretel 23 Feb 2016

Re: RNS Grant and new factory Indeed. Great to come back from hols to such excellent news last week. Things are really happening now for this still only £9.9m m/cap company.On the back of further details of OEM customers etc there should be quite a queue of investors ready to provide the remaining funds for expansion.In addition, there's a new article highlighted by SCE on their Facebook page - BAC Mono are not only planning to more than double production of their existing model, but there's a second model in the pipeline too. A second car is some way off obviously, but this all adds to SCE's brand and reputation - and eventually revenues:[link]

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