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Ripley94 24 Mar 2016

Re: Placing RNS AIM.. It is good for brokers.when they see a big rise they approach the company to raise money. AIM company's always looking for it.

Gazzleberry 24 Mar 2016

Re: Placing RNS Hi Si dermanNo, just peanuts. A toe dipped in the water.It was a hysteria led ramp that's for sure. But, if it does work then there is a future for the company.Gary

si derman 24 Mar 2016

Placing RNS Missed that. All I can say is, typical, of this company. Par for the course. Probably what all the hype was engineered for. Lunch over, going back to work. Glad you didn't go all-in.

Gazzleberry 24 Mar 2016

Re: MHRA Hi Si dermanIt is only a relatively small amount. Nothing I will lose sleep over.Gary

si derman 24 Mar 2016

Re: MHRA Jeeze, just while I was typing that it's nearly down to fill gap 2.Feel for you, dude.

si derman 24 Mar 2016

Re: MHRA Here's a graph of my "fuzzy logic" and I'm not a TA expert in any way whatsoever. Sentiment of those not wanting to be out over week might put pay to my cunning plan.[link] I've seen all this before in SAR, so being careful.Hope it picks back up for you.Regards, Si.

Gazzleberry 24 Mar 2016

Re: MHRA The only gripe I have is that the price chosen was the morning price and not the evening price so I am 20% down before I even start. But it is a volatile share so will rise and fall on the hour anyway.Gary

si derman 24 Mar 2016

Re: MHRA No what you mean. I do feel that some do not have a clue, hey ho, their money, their choices.There may a rise into the end of the day for those expecting news Tues, so good luck and welcome aboard. Si ( i'll be on the roof, keeping a watchful eye on the phone as I work)

Gazzleberry 24 Mar 2016

Re: MHRA Hi Si dermanI cancelled my buy order yesterday but due to a misunderstanding it was reinstated in error so it looks like I am in. It should be an interesting ride but I think I will stay away from that other BB, they are a very strange lot - zombies on speed.Gary

si derman 24 Mar 2016

MHRA Although the MHRA must provide a response within 60 days of receipt of the original applicationRegulations that govern medicines for human use (Clinical Trials) allows for an extended time frame for certain medicinal products. A list of granted licences are usually posted on the MHRA website a week or so later. Whether the company is informed before this list is posted I can't recall. I do remember watching for an update, daily, when ABH were waiting for such an approval. But even when the approval is granted it is not automatic take over by some huge phama for mega money. That is when the hard work proving up he ethicacy of the drug/treatment starts.Ages go by without news, people who bought in on hype are stuck on a spike while the sp slowly drifts. Might get one more spike on news of licence approval or .....WDIK So, i will bide my time and keep my powder dry. Think I might have to re-think my .76p re-entry. Looks like I may get a better one. Who knows? Certainly not me.I see a lot of peeps over on LSE totally sold on the rampings of certain individuals and blind to anything other than 5p tomorrow, or maybe Tuesday... It's a lesson we all have to endure. I know, been there...GL, just be careful out there. Si ( last post till I'm back in)

Gazzleberry 23 Mar 2016

Re: O/T foa Garry Hi Si dermanThanks for the information. As I posted on the other site, I am not going into SAR at least not at the moment and not with the hysteria that is going on there. I have only just started to look at that forum and I just got the impression that these are clones of the early 1980s, the 2016 version of "loads a money hooray Henrys". I will carry on with the research and get together a mini portfolio.Gary

si derman 23 Mar 2016

O/T foa Garry Don't post on the other site, too much noise. If your looking to getting into phama's, take a look at RENE. DYOR and all that jazz.Regards Si.Guess I called it right this morning, but still waiting for a decent re-entry, somewhere around .76 would be my guess. BWTFDIK, hey.

si derman 23 Mar 2016

Re: Back out. Forgot to say why. The price dropped below the trend I had been following so didn't want to take the chance of loosing all my profit.[link] called it wrong again. lol S

si derman 23 Mar 2016

Back out. Cashed in. Not recovered everything from previous years, but a fair chunk. Money I had put down as lost. So happy with that. If it falls enough I will re-enter for a go at the rest.GL, Si.

si derman 23 Mar 2016

Re: BUY BUY BUY!!! Scary indeed, Gary. Some with no actual idea of what the company does or it's history are now experts. lolWill it end in tears?Hope I don't leave it to late this time, before the inevitable drop when the news fails to come.Si.

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