Sareum Holdings Live Discussion

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velocipede 22 Nov 2016

Re: Another 200% up.... Tom Winnifrith eh? There's a man whose t1ps cost me a pretty penny in days gone by.

Ripley94 21 Nov 2016

Re: Another 200% up.... Just noticed this was on Tom Winnifrith death list .. June 2015.

edik 10 Oct 2016

14A BOOM! LOL What happened?

edik 09 Oct 2016

Re: boom tomorrow Based on nothing at all.... OK then I'll buy because your argument left no stone unturned

one4all 09 Oct 2016

boom tomorrow buy

geldman 29 Sep 2016

Earnings per share and pricing Before we all get too excited let's remember that there are 1,941,000,000 shares in issue. EPS will need to be very substantial over time to allow for dividends, although substantial royalties might well be in prospect. I haven't looked at the current balance sheet but all the b/f losses would have to be eliminated before divis are allowed to be paid. That is not to say that a share consolidation of say, 1 share for 1000, would not be out of the question. There is the distinct possibility that the 28.75% stake in the future cash flows could attract the attention of managed funds who will pay a DCF calculated amount up front for future long term cash flows. That exit would/could represent a decent exit

barno99 29 Sep 2016

Reotential plus royalties on top. Under Sareum’s agreements with Cancer Research Technology and the CRT Pioneer Fund, Sareum is entitled to 27.5% of these payments – around $90.4m.Plus royalties ongoing..IMO What could this be? Well it will be in the millions also surely.Market cap of the whole company right now £33.73. Clearly a correction upwards will come..

sun_gam 28 Sep 2016


clockwurktangerine 28 Sep 2016

Sar SP Is falling back thanks to usual ramping and outlandish futute sp!But rampsters dont get Lse banned the so called deramping buy actually realistic posters do!

Frankers70 28 Sep 2016

Analysts update I believe this is Thursday pm. Perhaps the analysts will then understand the full potential here and mark up accordingly. In the meantime, yeah usual spike and then drift lower...GLA that are holding. I've got a million shares so a fairly sizeable holding...suddenly!!!

IB Investor 28 Sep 2016

Re: In since 16.3.16 as per my recommendatio... wish i had only been waiting 5 years rather than 10 - will this be the one that actually delivers?

Sir Singh 28 Sep 2016

In since 16.3.16 as per my recommendation Although I recall afew of you laughing at this choice. Advised to watch the spike from 0.2p Mustn't get to greedy. After 2011. Same share, one mega spike and bust. Playing safe and not selling a single this year. This sector is prime for a bang after 5 years of waiting.

IB Investor 28 Sep 2016

Re: Further rise tomorrow wrong I'm afraid - usual pattern - big rise on news then fall back

barno99 28 Sep 2016

Re: Further rise tomorrow Just the mm gettingbtheir fill of stop losses and lemmings bailing out of the gold mine.Big payments to come so I'm very happy to stay at present up to 3-4p.

IB Investor 28 Sep 2016

Re: Further rise tomorrow wrong i'm afraid - usual pattern here - big jump on news and then a fall back

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