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clockwurktangerine 09 May 2017

2017 No more spikes.No more deals...

clockwurktangerine 31 Mar 2017

Expectation Moved sp 0.2 to about 0.8US deal and payments up to 1.2 but it has not held....Deal on spikes...

Ripley94 01 Mar 2017

Re: Another 200% up.... Up 8% today.@ 1.03p

techno foxx 20 Feb 2017

Checkpoint Kinase 1 (Chk1) Techno fox I am an investor in both oxford biomedica and Sareum, although i have no scientific background in the science behind this drug, i believe if the drug trials does what it says on the tin, its future could be massive, i came up on this drug and Saraum whilst researching immunotherapy or immuno-oncology therapies, these new wonder such as CTL019 are in deed wonder drugs that have re-engineered a patient's own blood cells to turbo charge the bodies own immune system to seek out and kill tiny cancer cells in the blood and once injected they can carry on working for decades, however this treatment has only one achilles heel and the is solid tumors if caught early enough before a tumor has formed it can wipe out any and all traces of cancer, however once a tumor has formed and mutated into a solid lump it becomes very difficult for these newly engineered and introduced blood to attack these solid tumors, so i started looking to see if there existed another way of overcoming this problem to create the perfect cancer bomb, so i started looking for drugs and therapies that directly targeted cancer tumors, it was whilst researching this whole area that i stumbled on sareum and their jointly developed oral drug with cancer research UK Checkpoint Kinase 1 (Chk1), I just want to stress again i am no expert, but what i am good at is joining up the dots and seeing things other people might have missed, whilst all the talk on the use of this drug is in combination with chemotherapy, i believe it’s real promise might well be alongside the latest and most exciting immuno-oncology therapies, targeting the hard to reach solid tumors, as it works by preventing the solid tumors from mutating, dividing or growing i was just wondering if it was possible to take this oral drug for the long term because if it effectively puts the solid tumors growth into a long term sleep or hibernation mode from which it never wake up from when used in combination with any or all immuno-oncology therapies.Extract from today’s RNSCheckpoint Kinase 1 (Chk1)Targeting lung, pancreatic and other cancers, licensed to Sierra OncologyThis programme was successfully licensed to Sierra Oncology (NASDAQ:SRRA) in September 2016. The handover of the running of the two ongoing clinical trials was completed in January 2017, resulting in a $2 million milestone payment by Sierra, of which Sareum will receive approximately £450k.Additional payments in the aggregate amount of up to US$319.5 million become payable upon achievement of certain development, regulatory and commercial milestones. Sierra Oncology will also owe high single to low double digit royalties on the net sales of any product successfully developed. Sareum would be entitled to 27.5% of any such payments.The Phase I clinical trials in cancer patients initially opened at the Royal Marsden Hospital, London in May 2016 and, since then, two other centres have started to recruit patients; the Velindre Cancer Centre, Cardiff and the Freeman Hospital, Newcastle.Sierra Oncology has recently announced that it expects to issue an update on these trials towards the end of 2017. It also notes that it is considering further trials of SRA737 in combination with targeted and immuno-oncology therapies, and expects to report preclinical data on these combination studies during the second half of 2017.

geldman 16 Feb 2017

Long way to go At present I am playing with the bookies money. My last sale was on 9 Feb 2011 at 4.45p, which means that my current holding stands me in at 0p!! I have no recollection as to what drove the price 5 years ago but one can only hope the madness occurs again.

blue leader 16 Feb 2017

Re: Rising! Why? In my case, minimise my losses!!

Frankers70 15 Feb 2017

Re: Rising! Why? It is probably expectation from the market Blue, but usually the news bring an about turn in the shares fortunes. If you're in, Friday would probably be a good time to take some profit IMHO...

blue leader 15 Feb 2017

Rising! Why? Does the 11% rise we are seeing so far today mean that somebody is expecting good news on Monday?

clockwurktangerine 09 Jan 2017

Sp Droppin bak as per usual....

clockwurktangerine 09 Jan 2017

Re: RNS Excuse ignor but what is happening to the trial?It got lost over deal with us company???Thanks

Frankers70 09 Jan 2017

Re: RNS It's nice to finally get some cash from all the hard work involved in getting this far and needless to say hopefully all of the lives that can be extended by the treatments in the future. The company will need another such payment to break even for the year this year based on last financial years' £1.2m loss so there is a way to go yet and 1p values the company at £21m which seems fair value at this stage I'd suggest. There are many hoops to go through to realise the £319m future payments so as ever, GLA that are holding...

alltold9 09 Jan 2017

RNS Looking good. Financial stability and much more to come. Like the $319.5million possible further payments.

clockwurktangerine 04 Jan 2017

Last years clinical trial Excuse ignor but what is happening to the trial?It got lost over deal with us company???Thanks

IB Investor 06 Dec 2016

directors bonus I would like to propose a bonus of £50,000 to every shareholder, not in anticipation of anything, but to reward them for sticking with a company which has been loosing value hand over fist for at least 9 years - nice earner for the directors - if they want this company to be private why dont they buy us out. If it is going to earns tons of dosh why is the share price continuing to fall. Surely the directors could put their money into the shares and benefit (suffer) from all this money. No let them award themselves £50000One of the worst investments I have ever made.Don't suppose there is anything we can do to stop this?

Droid#1 22 Nov 2016

Re: Another 200% up.... Hey I seem to invest in most the BB's where you've said the same R94! Does this mean I've terrible investment skills!!!? Hang in there LTH & good luck.

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