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Ripley94 28 Feb 2019

Another 200% up.... SAR… XXXX RNS … Went down well up 15% to 73p early before dropping back to 66p

Ripley94 26 Oct 2018

Another 200% up.... SAR… XXXX RNS placing @ 0.65p …850 K Winnifrith calls it a keep lights on but he has never liked it.

fredd1eboy 17 Dec 2017

Well worth reading [link]

KALAN 16 Nov 2017

Re: Good progress & maiden profits [link] this chart in October - been waiting for 0.75p entry price since then - come much quicker than I expected - bought in at .7475p this morning.Great company prospects and the placing has done what it always does and presented a cheaper buying opportunity. The dilution is about 3.7% but the company has dropped nearly 20% on the news - silly silly market.Thanks HPC for your tip on this share - much appreciated.

Ripley94 15 Nov 2017

Re: Another 200% up.... Cornhill had this for a week .

Ripley94 14 Nov 2017

Re: Another 200% up.... RNS placing @ 7pShare price dropped 14%...... to 7.5p to 8p.British Bulls were correct maybe does show in chart.Again Aim all about placings at a discount.

Ripley94 30 Oct 2017

Re: Another 200% up.... Just looked at some chart fans veiws .. British Bulls call a sell.But sort of positive on ACTA bb.

Ripley94 30 Oct 2017

Re: Another 200% up.... Droid#1Just seen you message, you tell me about your investment skills i have no idea... lol.I notice you only post on FRR recently.I can only see the ones we held in common are ECHO, IRG, AST, CERP , you still got them .I hold many different ones.R

Malbrun 26 Oct 2017

Re: Good progress & maiden profits Good evening Kalan & HPCThis board has been quiet so I don't check in too often.This is the first AIM share I dipped into, even before VOG!I have held since 2009, topped up once and nearly sold once. Fortunately I have a .34 average so am not too unhappy. Kalan, one of the things that really appealed to me was the SKIL platform, I was envisaging a flow of potential drug candidates. The company have, I understand, dropped everything to concentrate on 3 compounds, all with chances of major success.The investors whom seem to have done really well out of this are those who trade the swings successfully. Possibly split a holding in two and trade one half and leave the other to ride.I will be interested to follow your comments.Good luck to you both.

KALAN 20 Oct 2017

Re: Good progress & maiden profits From 'trendfriend' on FRR - the picture says what I tried to say in words I think.[link]

KALAN 20 Oct 2017

Re: Good progress & maiden profits Hi HPC - thanks for your SAR tip - had a quick look this morning and will do some more in depth looking later. Adding it to my watchlist.This looks like an excellent company with good structures, who are doing a lot of good . They could grow into a much larger company since they have proved up their systems for getting drugs through the pipeline to production and appear to be able to do this profitably - all of this is a great achievement and the company deserves great success commensurate with their achievements.The rest of this is now with hindsight and so I may sound clever but I am here after the event which is always easier when analysing. In August the company said that the profit was ahead of where the market expected and the sp jumped 10% in a day. it quickly went from .7p up to .85p and I think that was a correct re-rate for the profit we have just seen. After a drop back I think this share got on the radar of 'investors' and moved way ahead to a point where the profits and good news were all in the price. In fact some would have expected much higher profits as the statement that profits were going to be higher than the market expected would have lead me, personally, to expect somewhere between 1 million and 2 million - the £400,000 then comes as a disappointment.Where next - well the company has lots of work to do to prove up more drugs in the pipeline and the revenues should start to roll from the recent successful drug launch. Where we are with the sp now is in profit taking and it will hit a bargain price at which investors come back and start buying. From a cursory glance I would say that .85p is the correct level and would hope to buy somewhere between .75p and .85p for a bargain price - so that's where I would look to top up if I were you. I can't see a sudden rebound here of any great magnitude unless there is some unexpected news so there is plenty of time IMO - a small bounce may ensue when this drop is over - I would tend to ignore that.Got it on watch now and may join you here at some time in the next 6 months if the price is right - FDI all over again. We seem to like the same investments HPC - never bought into a drugs company before and I think I need to diversify a little from miners and drillers - thanks again for your tip.

HPC Follower 19 Oct 2017

Re: Good progress & maiden profits I can only assume that some people wanted more receipts of cash this year; but the drugs seem to work quite well without side effects and have good patent protection for releases post clinical trials. I may top up again if the share price drifts down much further.The really good thing is that these developments should help a lot of people with serious illnesses and limit the need for more intrusive chemotherapy.

tutut 19 Oct 2017

Re: Good progress & maiden profits I agree so how do you explain the drop in sp ? I don't understand it.

HPC Follower 19 Oct 2017

Good progress & maiden profits The share price should be improving, not dropping....

clockwurktangerine 05 Jun 2017

Dropping back This will not daily climb post latest rns

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