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fredd1eboy 09 Jul 2015

Pity we cannot borrow..... ....The Chinese police to sort out our aim market manupulators..........As the daily drumbeat of official announcements aimed at propping up the sinking equity market continued, state news agency Xinhua said police would investigate "malicious" short-selling of stocks, and the banking regulator said it would allow lenders to roll over loans backed by stocks............If the kind of Chinese penalties were inflicted on malicious short sellers in UK we may end up with a successful high tech/bio medical industry.Just my thoughts for the day.

loper 22 Jun 2015

Re: Placing I doubt it. The patents are owned by THIS company.

Warthog4 22 Jun 2015

Re: Placing Down now to two tenths of 1P.I bring forward date of demise to end 2015. We will all have lost pots of cash whilst the two bods in charge will set up another company with yet more empty promises, raise more cash and continue to live the dream at somebody else's expense.Nice little earner!!

Ripley94 15 Jun 2015

Re: Placing in @ 0.2495

Ripley94 13 Jun 2015

Re: Placing sv 1st June 15

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