Sareum Holdings

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Elena Saratov 07 Sep 2015

Re: low Very much a share for the braver investor.Good time to buy here.Moving up from the low.This share moves very quickly when it moves so make sure you get in beforehand.If you need safety then buy something else.

IB Investor 24 Aug 2015

Re: low Thanks Warthog for the response - I was pretty sceptical at first but you are right - my remaining holding was worth even less in Jan 2009, although by April it was above the current price. Still sitting on a near 90% loss though

Warthog4 23 Aug 2015

Re: low No-they hit 0.06 in Feb 2009- I have no doubt it will sink to that price again fairly soon-these guys have been at it for 10 years and whilst we all know that new drugs take a long time to come to market, this company still does not have a "big name" link up to boost its fortunes.

IB Investor 17 Aug 2015

low I think today is new low?

Warthog4 24 Jul 2015

Re: Good write up...... Unfortunately ICR and CRT get the lion's share of the comment and Sareum is mentioned almost an afterthought AND no mention of the fact it is a publicly quoted company.

fredd1eboy 23 Jul 2015

Good write up...... [link]

Ripley94 23 Jul 2015

8 % Gain on news Slightly above placing price .

emptybee 23 Jul 2015

Re: Excellent news offering hope for the... I think is now on the up and up, with some big buys going through this morning. I'm holding and hoping for some more news over the coming months. This was lacking interest before so anything that get's Sareum's name out there is good for the shareprice. There will be a few sells come through from those bought at the recent lows but I see this back up to pre placing levels within the next few weeks.

kowi 23 Jul 2015

Re: Excellent news offering hope for the... Hmm hope... imho this is only another article published to keep us share holders beliving. They can publish simillar article elsewhere, it can be sponsored or not. And again manipulation and rise before nothing changing rns. We need facts and news about trial and progress. Hope im and my feeling is not right.Progress, progress and deal where are u?

fredd1eboy 23 Jul 2015

Re: Excellent news offering hope for the fu... Well done Sareum. Nice to see the entire article reported by your peers and therefore unbiased. Excellent progress. A major step closer to a pharma deal to enable taking the drug to further trials.The potential for an effective treatment for pancreatic and lung cancer will bring hope one step closer for the poor unfortunates contracting these devastating diseases.

fredd1eboy 23 Jul 2015

Excellent news offering hope for the future [link]

IB Investor 22 Jul 2015

Re: Topped up Just a word of warning having lost 90% of money invested here. There have been several announcements of imminent deals with big pharmas - none of them ever came to fruition, and the announcements stopped appearing several years ag

emptybee 21 Jul 2015

Re: Topped up Totally different companies. Angel was a poorly run manufacturer and supplier of biomaterials and Sareum is an R&D company working to develop cancer drugs to be licensed out. No one was ever going to buy out Angel for huge sums of money but if SAR gets a big pharma interested (and they are all looking to increase their portfolios after the last 5 years of little growth) then who know where this could be. Their CHK-1 compound is valued around low to mid hundred million pounds if they can get it through the trials.

kowi 21 Jul 2015

Re: Topped up At the moment SAR is falling like an ANGEL. Who stop me feeling and believing it wont be next ANGEL?

emptybee 21 Jul 2015

Topped up Still only a small part of my portfolio but I bought another tranche of shares yesterday for 0.22p bringing my total to over 1.2Mil shares in SAR. I think the share has been performing incredibly poorly given the stage we're at and the next 6 months will be very interesting. There is potentially huge upside to this and I'm happy to wait a little longer. I see a share consolidation similar to Valirx taking place before a big pharma steps in to either buy the company or licence one of our compounds to get it to market sooner than we could on our own. The recent placing was a bit of a pain but I think we will see the fruits of this before further funding is required.emptybee - feeling optimistic!