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casabanker 30 Mar 2015

Paul Scott effect I hope you are enjoying the PSe! His liking of SAL along with the decent report has fired up the sp. Unfortunately, I missed it again, lol. Casa.

Clarence Beaks 23 Mar 2015

Re: Invest soon for high returns not the best call citywatcher I feel today......

Blanketstacker 23 Mar 2015

Re: ValuableGrowth - soi/blanketstacker I think there has been some selling by recent acquirees disapointed at the OKish reults. Having said that I can see this hitting the 40s again ex-dividend. The reasssuring thing is that this time, disappoint the mildly disappointing results, there was no pre-RNS self off. Perhap they have employed the caulk and plugged the leaky planking in his old ship?

soi 23 Mar 2015

Re: ValuableGrowth - soi/blanketstacker Results disappointing but have added at 54.8ATBsoi

equity_dev 23 Feb 2015

See CEO present If you would like to see Matthew Bending, CEO, present on behalf of SpaceandPeople, with the opportunity to ask him questions please follow the link below. The forum will be held on 25th of March from 5pm, registration is free.[link] presenting are ServicePower Technologies and Vislink.Thanks,The Equity Development Team

city watcher 16 Feb 2015

Invest soon for high returns Besides their impressive trading statement recently announced I reckon their final dividend of 2p will be going ex. div. before Easter , and this is what has caused some buying today. Expect the share to continue rising and reach £1 later in the year so a reasonable investment right now. Their 2 year graph looks like recovery is certain too.[link]

jamesthetrain 04 Feb 2015

Re: ValuableGrowth - soi/blanketstacker Nice one Soi

casabanker 26 Jan 2015

Re: Should have bought Hello zulu,Yes I think it is still worth buying at its current price level. It's just that I loathe buying a share that has risen 30%. I am looking for a doubtful pull back. I am also nervous about a general market correction this year. Although it doesn't apply to AIM, we have otherwise, enjoyed a five year bull market. Greece is now going to try to reverse the austeriy drive which could lead to their Euro exit. That will upset markets in general and it may trigger a chain reaction through the financials. It's also difficult to predict how the UK will react to a much weakened Euro. I guess our exports will reduce further and imports will likely increase. That, in turn, will increase inflation and, providing it doesn't breach the B of E's 2% target (I think), it will be welcomed. If it spikes higher, will the Bank be forced to increase interest rates suddenly? It may issue some more QE. Neither option will be good for the UK, imo. I expect much volatility this year at least but a market crash is very much on the cards.Casa.

city watcher 24 Jan 2015

It made Saturday's Mail & broker bullish Great mention of the prospect's of this company in Saturday's Mail.'' Retail Marketing Specialist SpaceandPeople jumped a third in value, up 15p to 60p, after it said it expects to report full-year profit at the upper end of expectations, boosted by 'robust ' trading in the last four months of the year.'' ''The update prompted broker Cantor Fitzgerald to raise it's rating to a buy .''

zulu principle2 23 Jan 2015

Re: Should have bought Oil burner / casabanker Do you not feel it is still good value in the 60's

The Oil Boiler 23 Jan 2015

Re: Should have bought Me too. A number of stock picking techniques flagged this one up. Still bought as the statement gives added confidence.

casabanker 23 Jan 2015

Should have bought I've been watching SAL for weeks. I should have bought but it would have been a pure punt. If the dividend had been held at its previous level, I would have taken a chance.Ah well, could have, should have, would have.Casa.

zulu principle2 23 Jan 2015

Bought today at 57p What I look for when buying a shareGood track record, 4 years of continual growth which can be a combination of historic & forecast growth – No 1 ForecastLow Forecast PER (<16) & PEG (<0.7) and good EPS Growth (>15%) – No for 2014, Yes for 2015Based on £0.57 on 23rd Jan-20152014 EPS Forecast 4.00 EPS Growth -60.0% PER 14.3 PEG -0.24 2015 EPS Forecast 5.36 EPS Growth 34.0% PER 10.6 PEG 0.31Positive 1 Year Relative Strength - Yes Positive 1 Month Relative Strength – NoWithin 5% of Peak – NoBased on 2013 Figures ROCE of 20% - Yes 125% Profit Margin of over 7.5% - Yes 15.6%Cashflow Per Share greater than EPS – Yes 1.3Low Gearing – Yes -18.8%Director Share holding >10% - Yes 23%Recent Director’s Dealing – Yes Not large volumesSept-14 and Dec-15 Directors bought 58,500 at 47p totalling approx. £27KRecent Institutional Dealing – NoQuick ratio of > 1.0 but preferably > – Yes 1.03Dividend (a nice to have) – YesLastest outlook statement must be positive – Yes from Trading Update 23rd JanTrading during the last four months of the year has been robust with profits for the year expected to be at the upper end of market expectations and higher than expected cash inflows with a net cash balance at 31 December 2014 of £1.5 million (2013: £1.9 million). "Despite it being a difficult year I am pleased to say that the core UK and German businesses had a good return to form in the second half. The Company is making good progress with new higher margin products and we look forward to 2015 with confidence."Conclusion:I’ve bought this as a recovery play after todays upbeat trading statement.Before the profits warnings last year this was a profitable well run company.As a recovery play it does not have the 4 Year EPS Growth or the 1 Year Relative Strength. I think its back on track now. It has good cashflow, low gearing and great ROCE and Marginsor follow me on Twitter@GrowthStocksUKSee why I bought it[link]

lambrini girl 23 Jan 2015

Re: Buying Opportunity? Ha! at last..boom!!..nice bounce off the 40p...machines on fire!

soi 23 Jan 2015

Re: ValuableGrowth - soi/blanketstacker HiI`ve sold half my holding at 54, just above my b/e.Now happy to hold the other half for hopefully a longer term better recovery.All the Bestsoi

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