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Ripley94 26 May 2016

One off TW picks He could be ramping under any of these names.As he admitted with orchard Gate.

Blanketstacker 26 May 2016

Re: Continuing price slide I hope we are right here. I topped up today. As you say the business is prone to sudden shifts, but I am hoping the increasing spread of clients, and some longer contracts will smooth out progress. (oh dear, I have just used 'hope' twice! Never a good sign!)LAKE still crops up on my value screening, and looks very nice too. But I have three reservations about it. First, I think there is another warning due. They come in threesallegedly, and I cannot get over the earlier disingenuous comments by the management. That should push it down into the 20s again. Secondly they depend heavily upon local government contracts, and this sector is highly constricted in terms of spending and margin. Finally they have grown by acquisition, and I get the impression this has not always been done too discriminatingly. I know from personal experience that contrators on public works often cut corners and treat the jobs with scant respect (the Scottish schools' PPI fiasco is a good recent example). Something like this can be absorbed easily by the likes of GFRD, but LAKE could be bitten and bitten hard if it should occur to them. All that said I may well go for LAKE yet, if it hits a new low.Have you looked at QP. at all? It seems interesting to me. The recent drop was a result of delays not cancellations, and Mark Slater recently acquired a fair chunk. In the 60s it seems almost a bargain. PER is 10 and results earlier this month showed excelllent increases in EPS and revenue, even if the debt nearly trebled! I think Mark Slater pumped a lot of dosh into APH, and that seems to have come good, so he has a good record in this area. Patience will be the key though.

casabanker 25 May 2016

Re: Continuing price slide Hello Blankerstacker,The sp has dropped over 10% in the last two trading days on low volume and no news. I had a look on this bb yesterday to see if there was any adverse news and was surprised to see a rinse and repeat episode today. In the absence of news, I suggest that investors are fed up waiting for positive advances and contract wins for SAL. I listened to Paul Scott's interview with the CEO. The only adverse comment was about winning and retaining business. One main problem mentioned occurred when a current contractor had a change of management. The new managers decided to take SAL's service back in house, expecting to make savings. The service offered by SAL may be a hard sell and a hard hold too. I will stick with it for now although well under water. Like you say, some new contracts would stop the slide and maybe provide some welcome uplift. Just for info, I have just bought a few LAKE shares today. Casa.

Blanketstacker 25 May 2016

Re: Continuing price slide Still sliding! Able to buy at 54 today, and the slip has come off the back of limited volumes. We now haveER = 11Possible yield = c4%Forecast EPS = 5.2 rising to 6Price to book = 1Negative gearing.I hope we are simply seeing boredom here and not a leak. Next update not due until September.I had hoped to see this in the 90s, and think with a couple of decent contracts that could still happen. Even if we just continue to toe the line, I can still see this hitting 75, so nearly 50% could be had here by the patient.

equity_dev 01 Apr 2016

Webinar recording now available A recording of the recent results webinar presented by Matthew Bending, CEO, and Gregor Dunlay, CFO, is now available to view at: [link] regards,The Equity Development team

mcescher 28 Mar 2016

Good analysis report on SAL I found this website that uses analysts estimates of free cash flow to find intrinsic value. Looks promising for Spaceandpeople: [link]

casabanker 01 Feb 2016

RNS - half year report The half year report looks encouraging. The management have cut down on costs and won some interesting new business. They expect to meet full year targets. Let's hope there are no slip ups.Casa.

boldly going 08 Dec 2015

Re: Continuing price slide er a one year deal? Don't think so, why would Hammersons do that? Although I've gone for a weak sell I think it will bounce along here until either another win (despite what some people think Network Rail isn't that big) or another group decides life would be better direct or with another agency.

Blanketstacker 04 Dec 2015

Re: Continuing price slide I thought the Hammerson deal was a one off for 2013/14 anyway?The price here spiked on the Network Rail contract being awarded, and the drift back down is probably as much a matter of boredom and profit taking by those lucky people who bought in the 40s, as anything. With no news and no dividend due , there is just nothing to support the price. I can see this slipping below 60 at some point, but I am just holding here for the mo. I am hoping to see this in the 90s eventually.Buy now and you could see a 50% gain!!

boldly going 04 Dec 2015

Re: Continuing price slide Hi Casa,Appreciate your thoughts on this matter. I would point out that S&P are not putting kiosks on network rail stations, they are managing the experiential promotions that take place on concourses by large brands.I had also heard that they no longer dealt with the Hammerson group of retail parks/ centres and wondered if this had caused the blip?

casabanker 30 Nov 2015

Re: Continuing price slide Hello boldly going, SAL could be described as a micro-cap and as such, the sp is prone to volatility. A short time ago, SAL won a contract with Network Rail to put kiosks on a number of mainline stations. If you click on "news" above, you will be able to find the details. The sp spiked up on this news but, as with small Companies, daily share dealings are light and consequently, shares of this kind need continuous news flow to keep the sp buoyant. As there is no news flow, the sp is likely to drift down as pi's lose patience and move on. However, no news does not mean bad news and unless there is bad news confirmed, I will hold fast until SAL informs the market on further progress. I bought shares in SAL on the announcement of the contract award and still hold. Another reason for poor sp performance is the fact that in the past, SAL was upbeat about future performance and had to back track which the market treats harshly. Casa.

boldly going 26 Nov 2015

Continuing price slide Is anybody aware as to why the share price keeps heading south? Perhaps some bad news that's not been released as yet? Would be interested in views...

casabanker 19 Oct 2015

Re: Network Rail contract win Now that I'm in, I'm going nowhere. Of course the promise shown by SAL must be realised eventually or I will be off but not for at least twelve months. The second half should show improved figures which will support the sp. At least there is a dividend, although reduced. If the results turn out to be as good as I think they will eventually, the divi will surely rise as well. Here's hoping. Casa.

Blanketstacker 19 Oct 2015

Re: Network Rail contract win One could briefly buy sub70 today. I think the lower 60s beckon. This rose to 140 on a flow of good news, and fell to 40 on a trickle of bad news. No news is seeing drift, and I think the new conservative approach by management will reduce the RNSs to a minimum. This has become a medium term hold for me. Into the 90s would be nice, and we should see that within a year or so. Be patient young sir!

casabanker 19 Oct 2015

Re: Network Rail contract win Good morning,I must say that I am surprised that SAL has fallen about 20% since I bought in. I guess it is short termism and profit taking as there is no news. That should make SAL oversold and a buying opportunity, however, I am out of ammo atm. So much for keeping powder dry, lol.Casa.

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