Re: RNS Games. Yes I did think this represented a new position from JPM which I agree should be viewed as positive. Still dont get the whys and wherefores of the split
Re: RNS " Must admit I'm having difficulty understanding exactly what it means."looks like JPM have initiated a position with 5.18% of the shares in Saga.The voting rights seem to be split 1.2% for the shares and 3.98% via financial instruments.Not sure how that last part works, as a financial instrument sort of implies the right to buy like a bought option or sold a put option. Neither of which should qualify for voting rights until the shares are taken.Nonetheless 5% interest, from no previous position I assume, is very significant and JPM seem to believe in it.Games
RNS Any views on this. Must admit I'm having difficulty understanding exactly what it means. The market seem so to like it
Re: Very quiet board... 10K shares or 10K dosh. Either way at 115p your money is well invested if you ask me.
Re: Very quiet board... I agree on all points .
Very quiet board... Compared to other major shares. Im a new holder of 10k @£1.15 as it seemed a decent punt for a medium term recovery of perhaps 50% plus the commitment to the dividend.Welcome others views please.
Proposed appointment of Patrick O'Sullivan The RNS proposing Patrick O'Sullivan as the new C.E.O indicates a serious move towards the insurance side of the business as a growth area. As more people see retirement approaching and longer life expectations, the need for insurance cover for the over-40's, let alone over-50's is becoming so important. The low sp presents a buying opportunity for the big funds and the paying of a dividend is always a factor in their investment decisions. The fly in the ointment will be the cruise ship ventures in a highly competitive market.
Balance sheet needs cleaning up as goodwill exceeds market value by £250m or so. So a substantial chunk of goodwill needs writing off. Divi should be cut by up to two thirds at the same time so that savings can be invested in the business/reduce debt. Such actions now will prevent greater problems down the road.
New Agreement [link] has signed a new reinsurance agreement with NewRe and Hannover Re.Games
Peel Hunt BUY 195p 22 Jan 18 Peel Hunt Buy 111.55 117.80 195.00 195.0019 Dec 17 RBC Capital Markets Sector Performer 111.55 125.40 250.00 135.0019 Dec 17 Peel Hunt Buy 111.55 125.40 240.00 195.0013 Dec 17 JP Morgan Cazenove Neutral 111.55 126.50 190.00 190.0012 Dec 17 Goldman Sachs Neutral 111.55 129.40 - -07 Dec 17 JP Morgan Cazenove Neutral 111.55 142.50 215.00 190.0007 Dec 17 Citigroup Buy 111.55 142.50 - 187.00
Lack of holdings RNS Share price falls near 50% in just 2 months.Just x3 holdings RNS in that time.x2 show an INCREASE in holdings, x1 shows a reduction.From all accounts more shares bought than sold by funds and institutions yet the price not only drops but gets absolutely hammered!Make sense? No and certainly nothing to justify or explain a halving in share price.Highly suspicious and irregular IMO.
Re: IR response/from LSE Reasonable balanced response. I purchased 10,000 @ £1.15 last week as my research indicated that it is somewhat oversold given the known financials. Broker forecasts although reduced look ok. Also we are an ageing population so a renewed marketing strategy expenditure seems sensible to promote what has always been a respected brand. Not expecting £2 this year but somewhere around £1.60 appears reasonable assuming they stick to their stated dividend policy. As always DYOR as all IMHO.
IR response/from LSE Thank you for your email.In 2014, the year we floated on the stock exchange the company reported profit of c. £165m. This year the City is predicting that we will grow profit to c. £190m. This will be a record high level of profit for the company. Cash generation is very strong, and we have paid down a significant proportion of the debt we inherited at IPO. The Group£s dividend has grown strongly throughout the past few years and again, we hope to pay a record high level of dividend to our shareholders this year.We recently announced that in 2018 our profit will be c. 5% lower than in the current year, in part because we want to invest in growing the customer base. The City had expected a 5% increase in profit, and the difference has clearly disappointed our shareholders. This investment is intended to return our insurance and travel customer numbers to growth. We believe this is essential for the future of the business, it will support the dividends we pay in the future and, ultimately, deliver a larger and more profitable business.As a business we remain focused on the execution of our strategy and driving performance within the business, and believe this will be recognised by the marketI wish you all the very best, and I hope that we can rebuild your confidence.
Re: 216p Aug 2017; now 115p! Obviously Santa exists, ask any six year old and they will tell you, they know it is true because their mums told them and you dare not argue against that.
Re: 216p Aug 2017; now 115p! Aye, that's because there's no record of 'Vulganus' anywhere that I'm aware of. Happy to be proved wrong though - same as with Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, etc. I'm a hard one to please.