Sagentia Group Live Discussion

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II Editor 22 May 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Sagentia AGM: When too much cash is a problem "The HQ impresses, and so does the chairman. But despite having more cash than it knows what to do with, Sagentia just cannot excite the City.Sitting in Sagentia’s foyer yesterday waiting to be escorted to the AGM and catching up on email, ..."[link]

richard599 21 May 2015

Re: ex-divi Doh! Just 4p today. Haven't had my cuppa yet.

richard599 21 May 2015

Re: ex-divi Actually two divis today. The regular one is 1.1p and a special of 4p.

richard599 21 May 2015

ex-divi Ex divi today. Divi 4p but no change in sp. Is that down to minnow size or just nobody cares? R

II Editor 20 May 2015

NEW ARTICLE: In search of the special one "Companies often say they are unique. It’s the investor’s job to find out if they truly are.Consider these bullet points, taken from the ‘Investment Case’ page of the Empresaria website: Management equity philosophy is a unique ..."[link]

II Editor 07 Apr 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Sagentia: The company no one wants to sell "When Sagentia asked institutional investors if it could buy back their shares, they said no. Perhaps it’s because the company’s undervalued.In full-year results for the year to December 2014 published last week Sagentia achieved a 7% ..."[link]

II Editor 27 Feb 2015

NEW ARTICLE: "The Magnificent Seven" for your ISA "Like many professional and private investors I keep tabs on a large number of shares, shares that have particular qualities that should make them good investments. Our success as investors depends on the criteria we use to select the shares, and ..."[link]

II Editor 03 Dec 2014

NEW ARTICLE: Bullish Sage repeats 2015 targets "After a cautious third-quarter update split opinion back in July, LSE:SAG:Sage Group has won the City over again with full-year profit that just beat forecasts. The blue chip accountancy software company also looks well set for 2015, according to ..."[link]

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