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10:14 30/05/2014

I dont think that is a problem, Jonathon

09:48 30/05/2014

Look at the going concern note to the audited financial statements - latest

15:41 29/05/2014

Going concern problem

09:30 28/05/2014

Let's hope that the good Doctor Kgogo will build on the positive developments!

06:23 23/05/2014

I don't think kgogo will be able to deal with us, frustrated shareholders!!! Just no experience running a listed company. As Marcus, highlighted the acting CFO just as inexperienced. What a team that caught a truck moving down hill.

08:26 22/05/2014

so the board, with rees not worth their weight in salt. lets see kgogo's worth, where i am standing probably a lot less. no movement in share price at all since his announcement.

06:34 21/05/2014

he definitely has added no value to the company, look at rees and kgogo!!!! No wonder kgogo got the job. Tito being a dictator again. similar trends at other companys where he is chair. We need experienced people that add value.

18:06 20/05/2014

Tito turned down a parliamentry position

16:41 20/05/2014

Absolutely correct. This is the norm. TJ, my vote for Palomino for CEO and get Steve Muller and vusi as executive directors. now we all will have pudding

11:25 20/05/2014

well we cant wait and do nothing. That has been the attitude by vela, rees and now they announce an unexperienced that hasn't even started yet and wont even get out of the blocks. Nothing will come right unless some serious about the sac story starts getting involved, Marcus we need steve and vusi, urgently!!!!!
