I'm also in agreement. Some of the posters simply turn into bully boys if their view is not shared, I pretty much gave up posting on III. Some of the rubbish they spout is just ridiculous.
8p average is tough, peraonally I still think rur has a future, I believe ipsa is doomed if iris win their appeal. rur defo meeds to sell some projects or assets to raise capital though, without cash they are treading water and may lose projects.
Hi AIF, I have been reading with interest the various battles on the board between you and others, i have to say that, given my experiences elsewhere and losses made, I am more inclined to think that you are well informed and versed in the vagaries of the market. i am in here at about 8p which is a bit gutting. I am hesitant about what to do given the relatively positive noises from the board and the reality of the market. Being on this board id a bit like being a voyeur, Posts can't be seen by LSE or BB which will no doubt make it as interesting for you as it is for me.
lol.....how embarrased are these posters going to be.....
interest rate rises in the US to add to the perfect storm.
all well and good posting articles about hydro but rur havent got any dough so wots it got to do with them?
assets are safe? really.....what a fantasy some of the lse mob have created for themselves....
carnage cometh if a sub 3p trade pops up.
how is swooped not already filled with grand embarassment? never before seen a poster be so wrong over and over again and yet stay so arrogant.......
why the lse mob are suprised by this drop is wierd, its been on the cards for months. I personally think it will drop further.
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