lol wtf are these lot on about with manners...arent they the ones that railroad people off hahaha the irony! deluded numtpies lol!
am i spacey? errrr nope lol! what a bunch of numpties they are on lse lol
gfd with the disney fairytale calculator
gfd just has no idea what rur is all about.
no rns on ipsa saying turbocare paid so have to assume no draw down tbh.
Looks like some capital gains/losses trades going on. bumper year for many traders so makes sense to limit cgt by booking any rur losses.
a full year since arb result. no deals.....where are the deals.....
on the argentina question rur did state that some of the radix loan will be invested in this could be an issue, if the holdouts and greisa get wind of money coming into argentina to fund a state owned refresh then that could be quite bad. perhaps the reason why there was an issue with documentation?
key date tomorrow/monday. iris berhad quartely where we should get an update on the court case with ipsa.
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