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gamesinvestor 21 Jul 2017

Re: ₤40 by fyr? and it's poked it back up again - I have it on my screen at £40Phenomenal price -- there must be something afoot here or the market is just insane.Games

nettle124 21 Jul 2017

Re: ₤40 by fyr? It poked its head above the £40 parapet for just a moment earlier.

tomhawbuck 20 Jul 2017

Re: ₤40 by fyr? Totally agree - that seems the best strategy at the moment.

SundayTrader 20 Jul 2017

Re: ₤40 by fyr? My concern is that quality is starting to have a rarity value. If I sold RSW, where would I put the money? I have already sold down one quality holding to pay off the mortgage with. All the best companies keep getting bought up. I agree, the price is vertiginous, for whatever reason, but I still think the principle should be sell the rubbish and keep the quality.

tomhawbuck 18 Jul 2017

Re: ₤40 by fyr? I totally agree, I think many high quality second tier companies such as Renishaw and Cranswick are defying gravity. If I were braver, I would sell the lot, but where could I put my money then? These are dangerous times what with Brexit, Chinese debt etc. Sadly we all suffer from confirmation bias - we believe the good news and ignore ominous signs.

In the dark yet again 15 Jul 2017

Re: ₤40 by fyr? picsloup,"Somebody thinks they're going to be good"They are going to have to be to support this. I've a huge fan but am beginning to think this is getting crazy, gravity has been (temporarily?) suspended. I'm starting to than that, possibly because of 'weak' GBP, maybe it is in someones sights but with the old boys controlling 53% of the shares between the two of them nothing can happen unless they want it to.... they are getting on a bit so maybe they might want to hang up their spurs; they have certainly earned it.Regards,ITDYA, p.s. what is ₤40? I'm assuming £40.

picstloup 14 Jul 2017

₤40 by fyr? Some decent recent rises have taken us to a nudge under ₤40 with almost a fortnight before the full year results. Somebody thinks they're going to be good, around 50% up ytd.Roll on the 27th.

SundayTrader 11 May 2017

Re: iPhone8 and Renishaw? As ever, selling at the right time is so hard to do. I am getting vertigo looking at the market now, not just Renishaw. But my feeling is that the RSW management is doing things right, and a forward P/E of around 30 is not totally bananas, especially when they keep coming in better than forecast. I shall always be grateful to LKH for having originally suggested I look at this stock.It is some of my holdings with much lower P/Es that I am starting to worry about.

picstloup 10 May 2017

Pre-tax profit back over £100m Q3 results show profits so far up 38% on last year, and they now expect full year profits to be between £99m and £108m, up a bit from the half year estimate.Bit of profit-taking today, but I'm hoping for £40 when the full year results come in.

gamesinvestor 02 May 2017

Re: iPhone8 and Renishaw? "Boy, did I get THAT wrong! I sold out at just over £20."LK - we all do it m8 -- whilst I sensibly held on to Renishaw, and will do until Apple buys it out of a couple of weeks interest on the $250Bn of cash it sits on, I did an equally stupid fing and sold out of Treatt ---- aaaggghh!!!!At least I kept Treatt for my daughter, because I overlooked it lol!!That overlook - has earned her 148% return.Games -- You win some an you fxck some up!!

Bertie Biddle 01 May 2017

Re: iPhone8 and Renishaw? "Trouble with the machine tool business is that it is very lumpy"But Renishaw is not reliant on machine tools any more. Although metrology products are 93% of revenue (the rest is from healthcare products) machine tool probes are only a part of that although I do not know what percentage.Their product range include fixtures, software, vacuum casting machines, additive manufacturing and laser survey systems to name but a few and none of these are dependent on sales of machine tools.With robotics becoming increasingly important across all types of manufacturing then accurate gauging, optical and laser technology will see massive growth in the future and Renishaw has the know how to capitalise.IMHO if you are invested in such companies it is like printing money long term and the likes of LKH should seek to get back in on the next occasion the profit takers decide to sell.

picstloup 29 Apr 2017

Re: iPhone8 and Renishaw? Trouble with the machine tool business is that it is very lumpy, so Renishaw might sell a lot of probes this year to help tool up for the iPhone 8 or whatever, and their shares will go up, but then they might have a couple of lean years (sinceiPhones come out every two years) and the short term guys who run the investing game will punish them. - says tomhawbuck__________ __________ ______Very true, especially for Renishaw, whose "exceptional" profit of 2 years ago was apparently largely down to selling Apple some thingies. But an "exceptional" that happens every 2 years seems pretty decent to me, and if necessary I may buy extra on the retreat when, in the lean year, the headlines say "Renishaw profits plunge" rather than looking at the underlying.In the meantime, the interims will make interesting reading.

tomhawbuck 29 Apr 2017

Re: iPhone8 and Renishaw? Trouble with the machine tool business is that it is very lumpy, so Renishaw might sell a lot of probes this year to help tool up for the iPhone 8 or whatever, and their shares will go up, but then they might have a couple of lean years (sinceiPhones come out every two years) and the short term guys who run the investing game will punish them. Twas ever thus.Tom

LK Hyman 29 Apr 2017

Re: iPhone8 and Renishaw? Picstloup/Games,I looked back at what I said when I sold my entire holding immediately after the Brexit referendum:"following our national collective brainfart on Thursday night I got frit with having 20%+ of my entire shrunken wad dependent on RSW's widgets, so I decided to generate a lump of cash por si acaso."Boy, did I get THAT wrong! I sold out at just over £20.If it wouldn't be so depressing I'd calculate how much more wedge I'd have now if I'd followed my normal instincts which is just to sit on my hands and keep holding any share which is clearly a "good" one, as RSW indubitably is.Hey ho, never mind.LKH on the flybridge in reflective mood

gamesinvestor 28 Apr 2017

Re: iPhone8 and Renishaw? ""Glad I held on in here""Well so am I, it looks very interesting.Games
