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gamesinvestor 13 Dec 2016

Bid target? [link]

susanne9 28 Oct 2016

renishaw products etc Great, v interesting article on the AGM. Thanks.

II Editor 28 Oct 2016

NEW ARTICLE: Cut big-spending Renishaw some slack "At a recent UK Individual Shareholders Association (ShareSoc) meeting I mentioned I was going to LSE:RSW:Renishaw's Annual General Meeting the following morning.The investor I was talking to laughed, and replied: "They're the ones levelling the ..."[link]

gamesinvestor 09 Oct 2016

nose bleed levels """"I'm still buying it, though. The story that is. But with the share price at nosebleed levels, Renishaw is a tough hold.""""quote from Richard Beddard in this article :-[link]

SundayTrader 07 Oct 2016

Re: There goes �29 Well, the re-rating of sterling is going to be pretty good for their margins. After all, that's why we have been holding it. The shares look pricey historically, but as the currency benefits work through I think the value of the company can go a lot further.

picstloup 07 Oct 2016

Re: There goes £29 Yum yum

II Editor 30 Sep 2016

NEW ARTICLE: When to keep expensive shares "There's a quote in LSE:RSW:Renishaw's annual report arranged between pictures of Sir David McMurtry, the company's chairman, chief executive and co-founder and John Deer, deputy chairman and the other co-founder. They're saying in unison:"We have ..."[link]

picstloup 22 Sep 2016

Re: There goes £27 [link] in favour of increased $ exposure in these uncertain times.

QuelFromage 06 Sep 2016

Re: There goes £26 Good luck !

picstloup 06 Sep 2016

Re: There goes £26 I decided to hang on in for £30.Could be sooner than I expected ...

QuelFromage 06 Sep 2016

Re: There goes £26 Looks like I was premature!

QuelFromage 02 Sep 2016

Re: There goes £26 Sold my RSW today, not because of doubts in the company longer term but the price seems a bit high and I don't think it can be sustained without some big news. And getting a bit nervous about the markets as whole - September is not a good month historically! Have sold a few other stocks too. Also expect a drop in RSW SP when it goes ex-div on 15/9 - so implicit is that I'm betting that a SP drop will be larger than the divi gain ...Will buy back when it seems right ...QF FWIW

picstloup 04 Aug 2016

There goes £26 Definitely taking 10-20% off my stake (c30% up overall) tomorrow.

Gus1065 27 Jul 2016

Re: Started selling A casual (i.e. no empirical evidence to back it up) observation re. price movements ahead of bids. I've noticed in the past that it is unusual on AIM for a bidder to declare their hand by buying in large volume ahead of making their approach. What seems to happen is that those who "know those in the know" make smaller purchases at the margin (maybe due to lack of funds, fear of being found out as insiders etc.) with a view to making a bit of pin money which starts the ball rolling before the speculators and eventually the bidder itself pile in. With so many parties surrounding an approach (target co, bidding co, M&A advisers, lawyers, due diligence accountants, printers, brokers, PR firms, tea boys etc.) it is all but impossible to keep a lid on things.Anyhow, may just be adding 2 plus 2 and getting 7 as usual.Gus.

MrMeerkat 27 Jul 2016

Re: Started selling Like wot other people have said. The results were rather lacklustre this morning, but by no means really bad. I decided to top-slice my holding and had been really pleased to get 2527 just before 110. Now look, 2613 as I write. Something must be up (in addition to the SP). At least my remaining holding will benefit if there is a bid. After ARM last week, it appears to be open season on good companies.MM

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