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casabanker 30 Jul 2015

Re: The Greek malaise other global iss... It's pretty well an economic and political fact that interest rates will have to rise quite soon. How else can the US and UK governments tackle the debt mountain if there is no inflation? There is some evidence that wages have started to rise as demonstrated by the US increasing the minimum wage in stages for the next five years. If indeed wages generally and interest rates do rise, the side effects could be noticeable. One of the first investments that will be affected adversely will be government and corporate bonds. Bonds are expensive and have little or no yield - in some cases negative. Any sudden big interest rate rises will see a panic sell off of bonds. It will also adversely affect equities. Of course gold is likely to benefit because of its safe haven characteristics. Consequently I have been looking to invest in a gold mining Company as a form of insurance against a sudden nasty correction. A correction has been forecast ad nauseum for a number of years and it may well be some more lengthy time before it happens. Nobody knows what will trigger it as there are so many likely candidates. I hold a small amount of a gold and a silver ETF but I prefer an equity play but it is more risky. The price correlation between a gold miner share and the price of gold quite often disconnects. I have looked at RRS on a number of occasions but never bought the shares until today. I was really lucky to catch an entry position at 3756 which I believe is the second lowest price in the last five years. It's not a big holding but it contribures to a target of between 5 and 10% of my total portfolio value. Insurance has just become cheaper.Casa.[

weblogic 28 Jul 2015

Re: The Greek malaise other global issues Looks like China has had another sharp `correction`....out of the blue, so it seems.I`m not sure but thought I`d seen something about earnings being disappointing for one major corp yesterday..Maybe things will settle now the Gov has intervened again...Funny old game... a bit like our markets where `manipulation` in various guises seems to be the order of the day.As for gold...I guess the markets are trying to digest recent drops...some `experts` think its near its `low`, but the DT paper were casting there doubts last w/e.. So many issues being played out... I still rate US debt as a potential hazard, but maybe they hope that the deal with Iran will keep oil down and help them...economy. It looks like another sticking plaster job to me, but I`m sure the markets will be watching trade figures closely over coming months.particularly if rates rise, as expected. Should the dollar strengthen further, it must put pressure on the US economy..and trade deficit.Maybe the FED `manipulators` will figure some tricks to make things look ok..

weblogic 24 Jul 2015

The Greek malaise + other global issues I believe that various leading analysts currently rate RRS and a number of other Miners as pretty sound, and well run businesses...As regards Greece and other global issues... the sticking plaster is being applied..The IMF has already expressed its concerns on Greek matters.. Many view the current EU model as deeply flawed...China festers in the background....It will be interesting to see how these and other global issues play out over coming months..... and beyond.

tornadotony 23 Jul 2015

Re: Heading to 3000 Losing 120p for every $10. So around 3360.

Dingledangle 23 Jul 2015

Re: Heading to 3000 what would it hit if gold falls to 1050?Strong support point.

tornadotony 23 Jul 2015

Heading to 3000 Should hit 3000 in the coming weeks if gold falls to 1020 mark.

fishoutof 16 Jul 2015

Re: USA debt approaching 105% GDP The world has gone mad ... I think many late buyers to the Chinese market will be wishing they.d had a more balanced portfolio. Commodities in general not doing well ... need to look at commodity stock levels ...do they need replenishing ... cyclical beast. Some people will have forgotten about the evils of inflation. In the olden days, inflation eroded the debt levels ...no chance of this happening today. RRS maybe to go down towards 3800..3700... i.ll add more at these levels. Waiting. Tech ...20/50/200 ema all down ... tk care. Fish

tornadotony 16 Jul 2015

USA debt approaching 105% GDP It is laughable that USA is considering a rate increase against a declining GDP rate and rapidly rising government, corporate and individual debt. The UK has 89%, Germany around 63% and France on 95%. Greece is currently 160% from 120% in 2010.

tornadotony 15 Jul 2015

Short to long ratio Now over 9 to 1 on gold and rapidly moving 19 to 1. Looks like everybody is on one side of the trade for gold and gold miners to collapse. Bear sentiment off the top end of the scale. Hardly anything in the long camp.

fishoutof 10 Jul 2015

Re: Short Disclosure I reckon the low gold price will be hitting randgold profits. Luckily, we have cash and we.ll still actually make a profit albeit reduced i guess. Limited downside here ...10% ...upside 10-30%. Worth a trade. Tk care. Fish

tornadotony 10 Jul 2015

Re: Short Disclosure [link] to prove it. Very interesting.

fishoutof 10 Jul 2015

Short Disclosure 0.79% on 7/7/15 ... just in case this has been missed.fish

tornadotony 08 Jul 2015

HUI Arca on new 52 week low So difficult to know where on earth this is all going. Bracing myself for sub 4000 bottom out price. RRS has a habit of finding 3800 area for a day or so.

fishoutof 08 Jul 2015

Re: Sold off 4205 buys May be wise ... I.m watching and waiting ... low gold price will be dinting rrs.s profits. Need gold price to rise more than it has. Tk carefish

tornadotony 07 Jul 2015

Sold off 4205 buys Decided not to average down. Staying with rules " if in a hole stop digging".

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