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II Editor 08 Feb 2016

NEW ARTICLE: Fresh surge at Randgold Resources "Mining shares have just had one of the best weeks in living memory. A poor market in general, coupled with predictable profit-taking, means most of the heavyweights are in the red Monday. But not LSE:RRS:Randgold Resources, the blue-chip gold ..."[link]

II Editor 20 Jan 2016

NEW ARTICLE: Fragile FTSE 100 continues to crumble "Under pressure from collapsing oil prices, global markets continued to crumble Wednesday, with the @GB:UKX:FTSE 100 crashing as much as 188 points, or 3.2%, to 5,688, its lowest point since November 2012. The outlook isn't great, with oil prices ..."[link]

II Editor 11 Jan 2016

NEW ARTICLE: Chart of the week: A gutsy forecast for FTSE 100 "With one of the biggest New Year losses on record, I will update my take on the @GB:UKX:FTSE 100 index. Many investors are invested in this index in a tracker fund and it is the most widely-quoted stock index. Incidentally, I also trade it in ..."[link]

tornadotony 08 Jan 2016

Re: long 4259 Closed 4448

tornadotony 06 Jan 2016

long 4259 New long initiated.

tornadotony 04 Jan 2016

Re: Took a punt Closed long at 4315.

tornadotony 31 Dec 2015

Took a punt At 4140. Proving more resilient despite earlier support at 4161 giving way.

tornadotony 30 Dec 2015

As usual The sell note suggested right at the bottom of today's price. It has managed to hold support line somehow.

tornadotony 30 Dec 2015

In trouble Support line is breached and bear channel now open. This could retreat down 200 points rather fast.

tornadotony 30 Dec 2015

Support line at 4161 Now under threat. If this breaks the key support line is at 3926.

tornadotony 30 Nov 2015

Randgold hanging on [link] day to go before quarterly review and it looks like Morrison's need a very good day tomorrow and Randgold to have a poor one if they are to overtake. Certainly no improvement after today.TT

tornadotony 23 Nov 2015

2 December Relegation deadline FTSE review is 2nd December.FTSE 100 Relegation zoneSmith Group 4013 (Probably now safe)RRS 3681---------- ---------- --------Morrisons 3598G4S 3387 (needs a 9% rally very soon)Meggitt ( Relegation).3 FTSE 250 Companies are well set for automatic promotion. TT

tornadotony 16 Nov 2015

Current position on FTSE 100 [link] or below is automatic relegation. G4S and Morrison's below Randgold.TT

swallowsflysouth 12 Nov 2015

Re: Gold and silver will be resurgent [link] find no reference to gold being sold by China only boughtsfs

RichardLY 08 Nov 2015

Re: Gold and silver will be resurgent In July China dumped a massive 5 tonnes in one go, dropping the market (i.e. they certainly weren't buying at that time) - what has it been doing since is the big question to me e.g. selling smaller amounts covertly, nothing, or buying back?That was the Chinese authorities though. At the same time the Chinese stock market came down sharply and many PI's (and probably some II's) who were massively overinvested or over leveraged, had to sell gold to avoid wipeout. Has that stabilised, and are they starting to buy back substantially, or not?What views do RRS investors, or potential investors, have on the above (the former seems factual the latter logical, I'm not 100% sure how factual?)?

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