Randgold Resources Live Discussion

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appamama 23 Sep 2016

Fund discloses a 71.54% short position in Randgold The daily shorts file has a crazy entry today. Some fund is now 71.54% short in Randgold!

Rhigos 22 Sep 2016

SP exactly on 10 year trend SP at yesterdays close was exactly on 120 month trend line which has a gradient of 14% pa. I am quite happy with that sort of return. The SP is well below the 16 year trend line which is currently around £130 a share. Editors articles suggest RRS over valued but in these uncertain times I think there is plenty of room for gold price to rise and SP of RRS above £100 before the end of the year.Whatever happened to share splits? At one time when a FTSE 100 share got above £10 or so they would do a split so you had more new shares but worth less. A 10 new for 1 old RRS share split would seem like a good idea.

II Editor 05 Sep 2016

NEW ARTICLE: Chart of the week: Randgold set for short-term shine "Has Randgold made its high for 2016?This was the headline in my 25 July Chart of the week as gold and its major miners reached for the stars - as the bulls were hoping. Since then, LSE:RRS:Randgold has moved off its £98 high to last week's low of ..."[link]

II Editor 18 Aug 2016

NEW ARTICLE: How long can the hunt for yield continue? "Resigned to the fact we live in the era of low interest rates, equity markets have surged as income investors hunt for yield. But is the latest rally really a consequence of the most recent cut in borrowing costs, or is global economic momentum ..."[link]

II Editor 10 Aug 2016

NEW ARTICLE: Randgold loses its shine "Viewed as a safe haven in recent times of macro volatility, LSE:RRS:Randgold Resources is trading close to all-time highs after its share price more-than-doubled this year, outperforming the market. Investors have been happy to pay the premium ..."[link]

Sambram 04 Aug 2016

Re: TonGonWrong had impressive post-brexit gains tbf, so not a huge loss to investors

Sambram 04 Aug 2016

TonGonWrong Disappointing Q2 results, hopefully H2 will be better. management say it's on track to meet FY forecasts

Eadwig 20 Jul 2016

Re: worth a look [link]

Nige the snake 06 Jul 2016

worth a look [link]

Rhigos 05 Jul 2016

Returning to long term trend From Jan 2000 to now trend line for SP is 26.3% pa, 4,500% in total. The longest time period since 2000 of under performance was between Oct 2012 to Sep 2016. The year trend line is 14.7% pa and SP is now above the 10 year trend.Their costs have come down in dollar terms due to weakness in Rand. Weakness of pound will inflate SP. In these uncertain times gold is regarded as a safe haven. IMO gold will continue to rise making RRS a strong buy.

JR710 30 Jun 2016

The Petition is gaining support Apologies for board hopping; but !The petition is going quite well; ~5600 signatures so far. Although it needs a boost.[link] petition was stalled in parliament since 12th Aug 15; finally green lit on 12th feb 2016.The FCA have finally replied, saying its nothing to do with them as they only deal with market abuse & insider dealing, now is your chance to have your say.If you hate seeing buys reported as sells etc!!!!!!Has already been sent to Martin Lewis, Daily Mail, Moneyweek & Watchdog.My local MP supported this petition by writing to the petitions committee to help un-stall it.There’s 650 MP’s in Westminster, So have you written to your MP? 649 to go!If this petition doesn’t reach 10,000; then imo we might as well have not bothered as it will almost certainly be filed B1N; @ 10,000 the government should respond. ONLY 8 weeks to go !!!So – If you haven’t yet signed or indeed have but haven’t passed it on to others, then now’s the time to do so.

Simbrad 27 Jun 2016

"In light of the UK voting for a Brexit, we expect gold to provide a haven for investors. Coupled with sterling weakness, we see upgrades likely for all gold producers in the near term. We appreciate Randgold retains an almost sacrosanct place in many portfolios and given the outperformance to date, we do not expect that to change in the near term, given the lack of viable liquid alternatives. In light of the anticipated strength in the gold price and inevitable weakness in Sterling..." Panmure published a note this morning from research tree

II Editor 24 Jun 2016

NEW ARTICLE: Share of the week: Love this gold digger "After an extremely tight European referendum campaign, Britain's decision to leave Europe came as a major shock. Sterling crashed, the Prime Minister resigned and investors dumped risk assets. In typical fashion, the unease sent investors rushing ..."[link]

II Editor 01 Apr 2016

NEW ARTICLE: Best and worst FTSE 100 shares in Q1 "The @GB:UKX:FTSE 100's performance really was a tale of two sectors in the first quarter of 2016, with the previously unloved miners storming ahead, while the banks sunk. We have profiled some of the best and worst performers on London's ..."[link]

Ripley94 22 Feb 2016

Re: Broken resistance! 8th May 2012 .betbuck .... 2nd ???

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