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II Editor 04 Jun 2018

NEW ARTICLE: Chart of the week: Scene set for 'mammoth' rally phase at this blue chip "Is Randgold ready to shine?The shares of this major gold miner swing mainly with the gold price - but not always. In common with all miners whose cost of production lies well under the gold price, a small increase in the latter can translate ..."[link]

tornadotony 15 May 2018

Needs to retest 5674 area. Gold getting weaker short term. An opportunity to sort out the RRS chart below leaving large gaps above get backfilled on future strength.

tornadotony 11 May 2018

Following a similar pattern in Apr/May 2017 Gaps created above and below got filled within 6 trading sessions at this time in 2017. The gap below is not entirely clear but appears to be around 5674 area to 5747. 73 pence is a lot higher than the 20p gaps that get ignored. RRS is a offering a lot of volatility to trade on. Gap above is to 6100.

tornadotony 11 May 2018

Chart in a mess Large gap behind us at 5748-5694 to get back filled. We have the gap above as well. Randgold usually fills gaps in both directions.

tornadotony 10 May 2018

Massive gap in charts above Between 5946 to 6100. This is a whopper of a gap. This is an absolute screamer of a strong buy. Guidance for year is maintained and we are near half way through second quarter.Tony

tornadotony 10 May 2018

Got 5572 Sold most yesterday at 6088. Got it back.

tikky 03 May 2018

looking better chart looks better nowimho

tikky 05 Apr 2018

short sellers/chart i got this wrong !!! hope there wil be bid interest political situation not good. looking at chart crossed down 200dma but close to prev low 5500 will hold on

tornadotony 04 Apr 2018

short interest has arrived here The shorting began on 19th March according to more recent declarations. A strike affecting one mine is suggesting annual production could fall below forecast. Q1 does not look promising. Hopefully things will get back on track and fitting a new mill was useful in the longer term. I still hold a little Randgold. I might be stuck with it all year. Tony

tikky 29 Mar 2018

gap thankx for your information i am no chartist but i hold RRS @6000 hope your prediction come true will hold cheers

tornadotony 06 Mar 2018

Reported by bloomberg [link]

tornadotony 01 Mar 2018

5780 = old 3850 price When adjusting EPS with 2015 prices, gold prices and USD value and company costs ,trading 5780 is like 3850 three years ago.

Rhigos 05 Feb 2018

Congo’s new mining code “draconian” Thanks to Telegraph link posted by Thomas Tallis I found this link that expands on Telegraph one:[link] would appear that there will be no immediate impact and may not be implemented. Certainly cause for concern though and I think it does explain, at least in part, today's fall. Global equity markets down on inflation fears in US but gold price up a little today and excellent results from RRS did not stop its SP from falling a lot more than general market fall.

Thomas Tallis 05 Feb 2018

Div doubled, sp falls - the reason My fears that I expressed in my post on 23 Jan are coming true -This explains why the SP fell in spite of a doubling of the dividend - the DRC is doing what Tanzania did - "Randgold will lift its shareholder payout by 100pc to $2 a share, after a year of record production and soaring profits.But the FTSE 100 company’s chief executive and co-founder, Mark Bristow, warned that a new mining charter in the Democratic Republic of Congo would have “serious consequences”.The law has passed both houses of parliament in the central African country and is on President Joseph Kabila’s desk waiting for him to sign. Mr Bristow, who has travelled to DRC personally to lobby the president, said the “draconian” new code undermined the previous charter, struck in 2002, which was the basis for Randgold investing in the Kibali mine.Although it would have little financial impact in the short term, “the worry is the threat to stability”, Mr Bistow said. “You can’t expect us to continue to invest in a country that doesn’t respect its own laws.”Randgold, along with Glencore, is one of the few western companies to invest in the country. Mr Bristow insisted the miner was committed to supporting DRC’s development, but described the new code as an “over-enthusiastic attempt to harvest the taxes without thinking of the importance of longer-term investment”. The company could seek international arbitration if the code is put into effect." from -[link] face the serious threat of government greed. When the gold price goes up, in my opinion, they will impose huge taxes on gold miners and possibly even confiscate the mines.It doesn't matter how much charity (let's call corporate social responsibility what it really is) you give to the locals, it won't stop politicians from raiding companies. The greed of politicians knows no limits. There was a wise man in Victorian times, Samuel Smiles, who wrote a book called "Thrift" and he said that when you give to much as charity, people start to expect it as a right, demand it as a right. Good old Victorian truth, honesty and wisdom.

Thomas Tallis 05 Feb 2018

Dividend DOUBLED! [link]

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