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tornadotony 17 Jun 2015

Re: bought some at 4529 Hoping today is the bottom on RRS as it prices in gold at around 1140. I have decided to restrict my RRS to one more buy after a confirmed bottom goes in. Miners often move in advance of gold and should rise before gold bottoms out. Second lowest price of 2015 at I write. My upper target here is 5300 later in the year.

wannabe idiot 16 Jun 2015

bought some at 4529 The price I was waiting for .. bought some here now ... no strong sell target for now.. holdings.could be minutes or weeks (hopefully not months...).

tornadotony 16 Jun 2015

3rd lowest day for year Mid march and first trading day of year were lower. This should be near strong support.

tornadotony 15 Jun 2015

Re: 4578 Second rebuy at 4623. A neutral trade to cover a break as lower buy is now being moved to a core hold.

wannabe idiot 12 Jun 2015

Re: 4578 RRS has just smashed a short-term downtrend resistance ... perhaps a serious intention to bounce? Gold's holding above 1180 for now...

wannabe idiot 12 Jun 2015

Re: 4578 Not a bad entry this TT. I'm waiting for around 4529 ... it was looking a bit ambitious when I saw that jump to 4620 .. but starting to hope again now...

tornadotony 12 Jun 2015

4578 Long rebuy.

tornadotony 11 Jun 2015

Re: 4598 long sold at 4716 Better managed than what I did and I think you peaked it. I managed to do it last time at 4797. I think RRS has run out of steam. The volume has collapsed and USA closed around 4675 level. I am keeping around 250 shares as a core holding longer term. I have 300 off the market for next low if it happens. I have been surprised how RRS turned it around yesterday but like Acacia, I think it retreats. Fresnillo is behaving differently as it is hedged. Tony

wannabe idiot 11 Jun 2015

4598 long sold at 4716 I have been expecting RRS to close the gap to 4739 but sees gold to remain weak'ish in the short term. I'm therefore concerned that it could close the gap without allowing much room for trades from mortals. I have therefore sold at 4716.

tornadotony 10 Jun 2015

Re: RRS getting toasted State side Huge gap with USA close. Still have a position on RRS but should have kept those buys the other day which were add on.

tornadotony 09 Jun 2015

RRS getting toasted State side Currently 4585 and falling.Sold my 4619's and 4609 and 4606 today. (highest was 4654 so not the best of trades) . The reason being the highs are getting lower and the low prices get deeper as well. This last rally faded at 4678 and was a long way off 4800.. We could see 44x soon. Best to sit and wait for the knife on this one to land somewhere. Tony

tornadotony 05 Jun 2015

Gaps to fill We have a gap between 4690 and 4750to fill in the future. A current gap on USA is from 4633 to the current price of 4577. At some stage these gaps need to be back filled.

tornadotony 05 Jun 2015

Re: In at 4598 My last block of trades were sell at 4797.5, 4753 and 4748 and another at 4650. Buy backs at 4619 x 2 and 4609 and 4606. Three of those sell lots were previous buys below 4600. I was hoping to do this on Centamin but the spread is awful and it hardly moves about. Around 70% plus in cash. RRS is my biggest play at the moment and gold has to form new lows to get Randgold lower. The stock is nearly 10% away from any higher broker target. Tony

wannabe idiot 04 Jun 2015

In at 4598 Hey tony seems like I followed you in on this one. I don't actually think this is my smartest move yet .. but like you, I want to have some fun if things don't crumble. For example, I have one eye on the Grexit. If the worst (or the best? depends how you view it) occurs ... I don't want to be completely out of the fun.A good day for those seeking entry at the minute but I believe that to have an edge on the market currently, you'd need to have enough cash for the entries near the bottoms .. perhaps in the next few weeks ...

tornadotony 04 Jun 2015

reload buy At 4619. Just in case gold does not completely collapse in a heap.

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