LSE stream not working? Looking over there the usual cockroaches are out in force ... SaltDome, Wehatespammers, mikeboy ... now joined by OMADAWN another loser that has sold at a massive loss and instead of moving on is now a bitter troll like the other bellends mentioned.
So after promising to leave that bell-end called Wehatespammers on the lse board has gone nowhere. Probably got lonely in his sad life without compny of other trolls brikcet and Saltdome
Lewis. No. We actually put our clocks FORWARD an hour.
Would also add I don't put my hard earned in to anything I havn't researched and don't get why some posters bash down a company they claim to have not invested in!
As a result of the new store that is and not traffic jams!
Been in Range since 2012 and watched the ups and downs with hope and despair in equal measure. Not selling anytime soon as I believe this is a company that will succeed long term. Up for a Dorking drink as I am just down the road in Horsham. BTW the new John Lewis has made the traffic situation in town difficult but I understand property prices increased as a result, so happy days.
Don't worry WHS, you're troll bumchums bricket and SaltDome will no doubt carry on where you left off. You sad fckers - not even invested here and flood the message boards with shiite.
Wehatespammers on lse is crying like a little biaatch because the admin won't allow him troll the board. LOL.
Celtic and Lewis. Is the sp rising?
Lewis has gone quiet. Must be in the gym.
Lewis, are you pumping the sp?
Lewis, are you pumping iron?
Lewis, how do you go to gym as you stated a couple of hours ago but make many posts since. I think you are full of it.
lewisycymoedd. Must have been a quick visit to the gym.
1000 BOPD. Apart from a statement that 1000 BOPD is the target there is nothing to suggest that it will be achieved. Two more failed test wells. The sorry story of Range continues.