news and updates: is what we need .. mind you a bit suprised we aren't trading a bit nearer the 1p mark...
significant: im sure once the market realises the significance here we will soon be well above the 1p mark
cant keep up: one minute I'm up a new ford fiesta the next a second hand mondeo
boom : indeed is this for real --sure hope so
up 25 % on google looks like a delayed trade at 0.997 ?? who knows
dilution : continued sorry ..we have any consulation that the funds would now be used for the right reasons in driving the company forward in the most cost effective way....especially when compared with whats gone on historically
dilution: hi fozzer yes I guess the world dilution goes down like a, well not even worth saying and understandably so... however if and god i hope not there is one would we jave
reknaw: steady boy everyone's entitled to have an opinion : oh sod it yes sod off fishy go and depress some other board.. onwards and upwards
CH: blimey CH you might be right be nice to get to +10% finish
Great idea: albus great idea put me down for a ticket
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