ReNeuron Group

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omg 04 Jan 2019

News but is there any interest? ReNeuron signs exosome collaboration ReNeuron Group plc (AIM: RENE), a UK-based global leader in the development of cell-based therapeutics, today announces that it has signed a collaboration agreement with a US-based biopharmaceutical company to explore the use of the Company’s exosome technology platform as a potential delivery vehicle for synthetic oligonucleotides used in gene therapy. In the collaboration, ReNeuron will use its proprietary exosomes as well as sequence-based know-how and the US-based biopharmaceutical company will provide its expertise in the field of synthetic oligonucleotides to optimise their loading into exosomes. If the initial feasibility stage of the collaboration is successful, candidates with suitable pharmaceutical properties will be taken into the next part of the collaboration which will evaluate pre-clinical safety and potential efficacy. During the initial feasibility stage there are no cash payments between the parties. On successful completion of the feasibility stage, it is anticipated that a product cross-licensing agreement will be signed by the parties ahead of the pre-clinical and clinical development of the therapeutic candidates. Commenting on the agreement, Olav Hellebø, Chief Executive Officer of ReNeuron, said: “Exosomes are biological nanoparticles ideally suited to the delivery of nucleic acid-based therapeutics due to their natural occurrence and abundance, their ability to protect their cargo from degradation and their potential for favourable bio-distribution. We are delighted to be collaborating with a biopharmaceutical company that has considerable experience in the development of novel oligonucleotide-based therapeutics.” omg

mol42 19 Dec 2018

Nearly 3 years since now that our company, at last, seems to have a commercial outlook (about time - though raising funds at this level perhaps concentrated minds?) would have thought that gaining same (licence) would be high on their list of objectives esp re exosomes and change of direction from pushing through clinical trials ( gliabastoma link below - again 2016) to now trying to commercialise - pretty sure i advanced said argument several years ago! mind i’m not on exec BOD! [link] never mind we are where we are mol

mol42 19 Dec 2018

Nearly 3 years since [link] extract The fit-out of the office accommodation and laboratories at the site is complete. Work is continuing, as planned, on the fit-out and eventual validation and licensing of the manufacturing areas of the facility. Olav Hellebø, Chief Executive Officer of ReNeuron, said: “We are delighted to be moving ReNeuron’s existing operations to our new facility at Pencoed, South Wales. When fully complete and licensed, we believe the building will house one of the world’s most advanced commercial cell therapy manufacturing facilities and we look forward to continuing to work with the Welsh Government to bring this important project to fruition.” now i recognise gov departments seem to have a different timescale , in their world, ( actually not in real world) but this is now (ie licence) becoming a complete embarrassment - more so to us but welsh gov also mind welsh gov probably aren’t that embarrassed- lol they will just have moved on to the next short term objective - as the rest of uk legislative assemblies/gov do mol mol

mol42 19 Dec 2018

MH Interview 191218 mol

mol42 14 Dec 2018

Promises and delay as to sanbio - which mh referred to awhile ago - and their market cap [link] [link] [link] their exec seem to have serious shareholding in company we cannot say the same for our executives - though they do have their options - about time to cancel same - though i’ve noted point previously on a number of occasions ain’t going to happen and our exec will continue to receive their salaries and pension etc until they retire! mol

mol42 14 Dec 2018

Promises and delay Didn’t login to webcast but slides availble from website [link] hmm bw all i just hope this isn’t another UK company to be bought, by outside UK, on an undervalued price and presumably Sir CE hopes so too - mind he doesn’t seem to have exercised much influence on salaries etc to date , with his 600k investment (c24m shares), back in time - all those years ago now mol

mol42 14 Dec 2018

Promises and delay During October, we presented data demonstrating for the first time that our lead CTX cell line can be successfully reprogrammed to an embryonic stem cell-like state and then differentiated along a different path from the original cell line. Importantly, ReNeuron’s immortalisation technology remained functional in the reprogrammed cells. These resuls, albeit early stage, are particularly encouraging as they demonstrate that our CTX cell line could be used to produce new conditionally immortalised allogeneic (i.e. non-donor-specific) cell lines from any of the three germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. We are now working to develop further new allogeneic cell lines, including NK and -cells (the cells that can be modified to attack cancer cells), as potential therapeutic agents for out-licensing to third parties. note albeit early stage! note again debtors figure and no HMRC credit received in period - 6 mths now 4,467m due at 30/09/18 at least last six months to sep 17 received 1.89m whilst i recognise hmrc take time to process said claims - our cfo with his layer of overhead and overhead below him jees mol

mol42 14 Dec 2018

Promises and delay ah the gold dust on top - OH excerpt "Pre-clinical development work has continued during the period with ExoPr0, our first CTX-derived exosome therapeutic candidate. Exosomes are nanoparticles secreted from cells including our proprietary CTX stem cell line. Exosomes play a key role in cell-to-cell signalling and early research with ExoPr0 has demonstrated its potential as both a novel therapeutic candidate and as a drug delivery vehicle. We have recently reassessed how best to exploit our CTX cell-based exosome platform to maximise potential near-term commercial opportunities. In this regard, we intend to devote greater resource to the application of ExoPr0 as a vector for delivering biological drugs since this is where we see the greatest near-term opportunity for value-generating business development deals. We will therefore devote less internal resource to the pursuit of ExoPr0 as a therapeutic agent in its own right, preferring instead to pursue this application in collaboration with other academic and commercial third parties under existing grant-funded programmes. As a result, we do not now expect to undertake the previously planned oncology clinical trial with ExoPr0 in 2019." as the UK leading stem cell company, this to me, should spell the end of our over-inflated exec BOD salaries and the end of both OH and MH however it won’t be the end of what reneuron has achieved - just that i’m unsure it will be delivered to the shareholders of this pioneering UK company. mol

fhjhiscock 14 Dec 2018

Promises and delay [link]

Rhino1958 14 Dec 2018

Promises and delay Just confirmed in webinar they have a number of interests in a number of programmes from several companies that are quite advanced but no done deals yet.

stutes 14 Dec 2018

Promises and delay I do wonder why Rene seems to be plagued by delays to its trials. I think The top team have not delivered and should go.

fhjhiscock 24 Nov 2018

Oh 161118 Hi Mol. Apparently the Edinburgh presentation went down well. Rene trying to self raise /funding for ren001 phase 3. U S placebo/multicentre trials. Planned for next year…I’m guessing Olav’s sprinkling of gold dust may help…my guess only…why not move to LSE Ren and Valirx etc…far more exciting and easy to navigate…hope to see you there as this site is crap…ps did the same as you …reduced holdings and moved funds to Val…as they in turn dropped…expecting exciting 2019 for both stocks…so long as money doesn’t run out…

fhjhiscock 23 Nov 2018

Reneuron investors last night Non dilutive …sounds good…please read on Yes Freddie - I did see the ReNeuron presentation. While I don’t know the ins and outs of the business , the tone was upbeat looking forward to PISCES III, which it is hoped will have placebo control group unlike PISCES I and II. CTX Phase IIb (multi-centre trial in US) data expected early 2020. Noted that Woodford has 35% stake and that they are gearing to a non-dilutive route using business development for funding. Sorry - I didn’t really get too much more than that, but as with VAL, the video should be available hopefully by Tuesday

fhjhiscock 23 Nov 2018

Valirx Feedback from Dr Morris last evenings Valirx Investor presentation… Many thanks for attending and reporting back Cream. Was expecting no real news and certainly no clear timelines so a few tantalising snippets are good enough for me for tonight. Sounds promising. “Bodes well for the company”

mol42 22 Nov 2018

Oh 161118 oops meant to add omg not as a CEO! If he was under the weather (ill) then i would have expected something from him in his opening remarks re same and if under the weather (not ill) then …! perhaps though something else going on behind scenes and if so - even then - i would have expected a more professional address to audience anyway, for whatever reason, a very very poor performance mh there tonight re investor night but cannot find who is presenting at or what is being presented at undernoted [link] which has also been held at Edinburgh I fully admit though i don’t spend as much time researching reneuron - partly down to this new look BB and not as much interaction but also to a substantially reduced holding - as I’ve previously noted mol
