Pre Easter so thats...... BCN, EMH, REM (KDNC), MWG, all away ........only AFC and Red t to go now Happy Easter egg hunting !!!SAGE
Results of Scottish Island tests ? .... ....something must be due soon ? ......Must be time to buy in advance i think : bound to be encouraging info ? ....SAGE
Catalyst miners ... Vanadium Baker Steel Resources hold these ......The 90% owned Platreef Project is on the Northern Limb of the PGM-bearing Bushveld Complex, north of the town of Mokopane and approximately 280 kilometres northeast of Johannesburg. A revised NI 43-101 compliant report by independent technical consultants AMEC, was published in March 2013. Indicated Mineral Resources were estimated at 214 million tonnes grading 4.1 grams per tonne (g/t) 4PE (platinum, palladium, gold and rhodium), 0.34% nickel and 0.17% copper, at a 2.0 g/t 4PE cut-off grade and at a cumulative, average true thickness of 24 metres. In addition, the estimate includes Inferred Mineral Resources of 415 million tonnes grading 3.5 g/t 4PE, 0.33% nickel and 0.16% copper, at an average true thickness of 18.0 metres. The combined Indicated and Inferred resources contain 75.7 million ounces of 4PE. The Mining Right was granted in November 2014.The Kipushi zinc/polymetallic mine in the DRC (68% owned) produced 60 million tonnes of ore at 11% zinc and 7% copper between 1925-1993. It also produced 12,673 tonnes of lead and approximately 278 tonnes of germanium between 1956 and 1978. Ivanhoe has dewatered the existing shaft and is undertaking a drilling programme in order to extend the known mineralisation and define the mineral resources to NI 43-101 standards.www.ivanhoemines.comGobi Coal & Energy Limited ("Gobi"Gobi is an emerging coking coal producer based in Mongolia. Gobi Coal owns 100% of three open cut coal development projects in south western Mongolia. The Company's projects contain approximately 322 million tonnes of Joint Ore Reserves Committee (JORC
resources and include more than 500,000 hectares of tenements.Gobis first project, Shinejinst, contains approximately 95 million tonnes of JORC reserves and 229 million tonnes of JORC resources and it has completed site works in anticipation of the start of production which will depend on a recovery of the price of coking coal delivered to the Mongolian/Chinese border. At full production, Shinejinst is planned to produce approximately 5 million tonnes per annum of high quality, semi-soft coking coal product.www.gobicoal.comMetals Exploration plc ("Metals Exploration"
Metals Exploration is an AIM listed company which owns the Runruno gold project in the Philippines. Work to date has defined mineral resource of 1.39 million ounces (Moz) of gold, and 25.6 million pounds (Mlb) of molybdenum with 1,050,000oz gold reporting to the Measured and Indicated categories and 900,000oz gold within the Mining Proven & Probable Reserve category. Full construction commenced in July 2013 for a mine producing approximately 100,000 ounces of gold per annum. Commissioning and first production is scheduled for mid 2015.www.metalsexploration.comGlobal Oil Shale Group plc ("GOS"
GOS is a private oil shale explorer and developer whose key assets are the Julia Creek oil shale project in Queensland Australia which has a JORC Compliant Indicated Resource of 240 million barrels published in May 2013 and an Inferred Resource of 1.9 billion barrels of shale oil and the Tarfaya project in Morocco containing JORC compliant measured resources of 308 million barrels of shale oil. GOS has undertaken a preliminary economic assessment on Tarfaya which envisages a first phase development, producing 100 barrels of oil equivalent per day and a second phase raising total production to 26,500 barrels of oil equivalent per day.www.globaloilshale.comChina Polymetallic Mining Limited (CPM
CPM is an emerging Chinese mining company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The Companys investment is via a special purpose vehicle, Five Stars B.S. Limited Partnership. CPM has a number of development projects in the Yunan province of China. The first of these, the Shizishan lead-zinc-silver mine, started production in 2011 and reached its full production rate of 2,000 tonnes per day in December 2012. The Shizishan M
This is from 2012 ! .... [link]
Re: The services of this company may be need... ..... Who knows ....... when AFC and Red t are ripe for picking , knowing the range of interests, and the mutually supporting interests that Elon Musk has ..... he might buy AFC ...... he might buy Red t It would add very nicely to the range in his portfolio .......But if that were the case, the Chinese might make a counter offer ......SAGE